< 列王紀下 25 >

1 西底家背叛巴比倫王。他作王第九年十月初十日,巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒率領全軍來攻擊耶路撒冷,對城安營,四圍築壘攻城。
Forsothe it was don in the nynthe yeer of his rewme, in the tenthe moneth, in the tenthe dai of the moneth, Nabugodonosor, kyng of Babiloyne, cam, he, and al his oost, in to Jerusalem; and thei cumpassiden it, and bildiden `stronge thingis in the cumpass therof.
2 於是城被圍困,直到西底家王十一年。
And the citee was closid, and cumpassid, `til to the eleuenthe yeer of king Sedechie,
3 四月初九日,城裏有大饑荒,甚至百姓都沒有糧食。
in the nynthe day of the monethe; and hungur `hadde maistrie in the citee, and `breed was not to the puple of the lond.
4 城被攻破,一切兵丁就在夜間從靠近王園兩城中間的門逃跑。迦勒底人正在四圍攻城,王就向亞拉巴逃走。
And the citee was brokun, and alle men werriours fledden in the niyt bi the weie of the yate, which is bitwixe the double wal, to the gardyn of the kyng; sotheli Caldeis bisegiden the citee `bi cumpas. Therfor Sedechie fledde bi the weie that ledith to the feeldi placis of the wildirnesse;
5 迦勒底的軍隊追趕王,在耶利哥的平原追上他;他的全軍都離開他四散了。
and the oost of Caldeis pursuede the king, and it took him in the pleyn of Jerico; and alle the werriours, that weren with him, weren scaterid, and leften him.
6 迦勒底人就拿住王,帶他到在利比拉的巴比倫王那裏審判他。
Therfor thei ledden the king takun to the king of Babiloyne, in to Reblatha, which spak dom with him, `that is, with Sedechie.
7 在西底家眼前殺了他的眾子,並且剜了西底家的眼睛,用銅鍊鎖着他,帶到巴比倫去。
Sotheli he killide the sones of Sedechie bifor him, and puttide out his iyen, and boond him with chaynes, and ledde him in to Babiloyne.
8 巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒十九年五月初七日,巴比倫王的臣僕、護衛長尼布撒拉旦來到耶路撒冷,
In the fifthe monethe, in the seuenthe dai of the monethe, thilke is the nyntenthe yeer of the king of Babiloyne, Nabuzardan, prince of the oost, seruaunt of the king of Babiloyne, cam in to Jerusalem;
9 用火焚燒耶和華的殿和王宮,又焚燒耶路撒冷的房屋,就是各大戶家的房屋。
and he brente the hows of the Lord, and the hows of the king, and the housis of Jerusalem, and he brente bi fier ech hows;
10 跟從護衛長迦勒底的全軍就拆毀耶路撒冷四圍的城牆。
and al the oost of Caldeis, that was with the prince of knyytis, distriede the wallis of Jerusalem `in cumpas.
11 那時護衛長尼布撒拉旦將城裏所剩下的百姓,並已經投降巴比倫王的人,以及大眾所剩下的人,都擄去了。
Forsothe Nabuzardan, prince of the chyyualrie, translatide the tother part of the puple, that dwellide in the citee, and the fleeris, that hadden fled ouer to the king of Babiloyne, and the residue comyn puple;
12 但護衛長留下些民中最窮的,使他們修理葡萄園,耕種田地。
and he lefte of the pore men of the lond vyntilieris, and erthe tilieris.
13 耶和華殿的銅柱,並耶和華殿的盆座和銅海,迦勒底人都打碎了,將那銅運到巴比倫去了,
Sotheli Caldeis braken the brasun pilers, that weren in the temple, and the foundementis, and the see of bras, that was in the hous of the Lord; and thei translatiden al the metal in to Babiloyne.
14 又帶去鍋、鏟子、蠟剪、調羹,並所用的一切銅器,
And thei token the pottis of bras, and trullis, and fleisch hokis, and cuppis, and morteris, and alle brasun vessels, in whiche thei mynystriden;
15 火鼎、碗,無論金的銀的,護衛長也都帶去了。
also and censeris, and violis. The prince of the chyualrie took tho that weren of gold, and tho that weren of siluer,
16 所羅門為耶和華殿所造的兩根銅柱、一個銅海,和幾個盆座,這一切的銅,多得無法可稱。
that is, twei pileris, o see, and the foundementis, whiche king Salomon hadde maad `in to the temple of the Lord; and no weiyte was of metal of alle the vessels.
17 這一根柱子高十八肘,柱上有銅頂,高三肘;銅頂的周圍有網子和石榴,都是銅的。那一根柱子,照此一樣,也有網子。
O piler hadde eiyten cubitis of hiyte, and a brasun pomel on it of the heiyte of thre cubitis, and a werk lijk a net, and pomgarnadis on the pomel of the piler, alle thingis of bras; and the secounde piler hadde lijk ournyng.
18 護衛長拿住大祭司西萊雅、副祭司西番亞,和三個把門的,
Also the prince of the chyualrie took Saraie, the firste preest, and Sophony, the secunde prest,
19 又從城中拿住一個管理兵丁的官,並在城裏所遇常見王面的五個人和檢點國民軍長的書記,以及城裏遇見的國民六十個人。
and thre porteris, and oon onest seruaunt of the citee, that was a souereyn ouer men werriours, and fyue men `of hem that stoden bifor the king, whiche he foond in the citee; and he took Sopher, the prince of the oost, that preuide yonge knyytis, `ether men able to batel, of the puple of the lond, and sixe men of the comyns, that weren foundyn in the citee;
20 護衛長尼布撒拉旦將這些人帶到在利比拉的巴比倫王那裏。
whiche Nabuzardan, prince of the chyualrie, took, and ledde to the king of Babiloyne, in to Reblatha.
21 巴比倫王就把他們擊殺在哈馬地的利比拉。這樣,猶大人被擄去離開本地。
And the kyng of Babiloyne smoot hem, and killide hem in Reblatha, in the lond of Emath; and Juda was translatid fro his lond.
22 至於猶大國剩下的民,就是巴比倫王尼布甲尼撒所剩下的,巴比倫王立了沙番的孫子、亞希甘的兒子基大利作他們的省長。
Sotheli he made souereyn Godolie, sone of Aicham, sone of Saphan, to the puple that was left in the lond of Juda; which puple Nabugodonosor, king of Babiloyne, hadde left.
23 眾軍長和屬他們的人聽見巴比倫王立了基大利作省長,於是軍長尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利、加利亞的兒子約哈難、尼陀法人單戶蔑的兒子西萊雅、瑪迦人的兒子雅撒尼亞,和屬他們的人都到米斯巴見基大利。
And whanne alle the duykis of knyytis hadde herd these thingis, thei, and the men that weren with hem, that is, that the king of Babiloyne hadde ordeyned Godolie, thei camen `to Godolie, in Maspha, Ismael, sone of Nathanye, and Johannan, sone of Charee, and Saraie, sone of Thenameth of Nechophat, and Jeconye, sone of Machati, thei, and Machat, and the felowis of hem.
24 基大利向他們和屬他們的人起誓說:「你們不必懼怕迦勒底臣僕,只管住在這地服事巴比倫王,就可以得福。」
And Godolie swoor to hem, and to the felowis of hem, and seide, Nyle ye drede to serue the Caldeis; dwelle ye in the lond, and serue ye the king of Babiloyne, and it schal be wel to you.
25 七月間,宗室以利沙瑪的孫子、尼探雅的兒子以實瑪利帶着十個人來,殺了基大利和同他在米斯巴的猶大人與迦勒底人。
Forsothe it was don in the seuenthe monethe, `that is, sithen Godolie was maad souereyn, Hismael, the sone of Nathanye, sone of Elysama, of the `kyngis seed, cam, and ten men with hym, and thei smytiden Godolie, which diede; but also thei smytiden Jewis and Caldeis, that weren with hym in Maspha.
26 於是眾民,無論大小,連眾軍長;因為懼怕迦勒底人,都起身往埃及去了。
And al the puple roos fro litil `til to greet, and the prynces of knyytis, and camen in to Egipt, and dredden Caldeis.
27 猶大王約雅斤被擄後三十七年,巴比倫王以未‧米羅達元年十二月二十七日,使猶大王約雅斤抬頭,提他出監;
Therfor it was doon in the seuenthe and threttithe yeer of transmigracioun, `ether passyng ouer, of Joakyn, kyng of Juda, in the tweluethe monethe, in the seuene and twentithe dai of the monethe, Euylmeradach, kyng of Babiloyne, in the yeer in which he bigan to regne, reiside the heed of Joakyn, kyng of Juda,
28 又對他說恩言,使他的位高過與他一同在巴比倫眾王的位,
fro prisoun, and spak to hym benygneli; and he settide the trone of Joakyn aboue the trone of kyngis, that weren with hym in Babilonye.
29 給他脫了囚服。他終身常在巴比倫王面前吃飯。
And he chaungide `hise clothis, whiche he hadde in prisoun; and he eet breed euer in the siyt of Euylmeradach, in alle the daies of his lijf.
30 王賜他所需用的食物,日日賜他一分,終身都是這樣。
Also Euylmeradach ordeynede sustenaunce `to hym with out ceessyng; which sustenaunce also was youun of the kyng to hym bi alle daies, and in alle the daies of his lijf.

< 列王紀下 25 >