< 列王紀下 11 >

1 亞哈謝的母親亞她利雅見她兒子死了,就起來剿滅王室。
Forsothe Athalie, modir of Ocozie, siy hir sone deed, and sche roos, and killide al the seed of the kyng.
2 但約蘭王的女兒,亞哈謝的妹子約示巴,將亞哈謝的兒子約阿施從那被殺的王子中偷出來,把他和他的乳母都藏在臥房裏,躲避亞她利雅,免得被殺。
Sotheli Josaba, douyter of kyng Joram, the sistir of Ocozie, took Joas, sone of Ocozie, and stal him fro the myddis of the sones of the kyng, that weren slayn; and sche took the nursche of hym fro the hows of thre stagis; and sche hidde hym fro the face of Athalie, that he were not slayn.
3 約阿施和他的乳母藏在耶和華的殿裏六年;亞她利雅篡了國位。
And he was with hir in the hows of the Lord priueli sixe yeer. Forsothe Athalia regnede on the lond sixe yeer.
4 第七年,耶何耶大打發人叫迦利人和護衛兵的眾百夫長來,領他們進了耶和華的殿,與他們立約,使他們在耶和華殿裏起誓,又將王的兒子指給他們看,
Forsothe in the seuenthe yeer Joiada sente, and took centuriouns, and knyytis, and brouyte to hym in to the temple of the Lord; and couenauntide with hem boond of pees, and he made hem to swere in the temple of the Lord, and schewide to hem the sone of the kyng.
5 吩咐他們說:「你們當這樣行:凡安息日進班的三分之一要看守王宮,
And he comaundide to hem, and seide, This is the word, which ye owen to do;
6 三分之一要在蘇珥門,三分之一要在護衛兵院的後門。這樣把守王宮,攔阻閒人。
the thridde part of you entre in the sabat, and kepe the wakyngis of the `hows of the kyng; sothely the thridde part be at the yate of Seir; and the thridde part be at the yate which is bihynde the dwellyng place of the makeris of scheeldis; and ye schulen kepe the wakyngis of the hows of Messa.
7 你們安息日所有出班的三分之二要在耶和華的殿裏護衛王;
Forsothe twei partis of you alle goynge out in the sabat, kepe ye the wakyngis of the hows of the Lord aboute the kyng.
8 各人手拿兵器,四圍護衛王。凡擅入你們班次的必當治死,王出入的時候,你們當跟隨他。」
And ye schulen cumpasse hym, and ye schulen haue armeris in youre hondis; forsothe if ony man entrith in to the closyng of the temple, be he slayn; and ye schulen be with the kyng goynge in and goynge out.
9 眾百夫長就照着祭司耶何耶大一切所吩咐的去行,各帶所管安息日進班出班的人來見祭司耶何耶大。
And the centuriouns diden bi alle thingis whiche Joiada, the preest, hadde comaundid to hem; and alle takynge her men that entriden to the sabat, with hem that yeden out fro the sabat, camen to Joiada, the preest.
10 祭司便將耶和華殿裏所藏大衛王的槍和盾牌交給百夫長。
Which yaf to hem speris, and armeris of kyng Dauid, that weren in the hows of the Lord.
11 護衛兵手中各拿兵器,在壇和殿那裏,從殿右直到殿左,站在王子的四圍。
And alle stoden hauynge armeris in her hond, fro the riyt side of the temple `til to the left side of the auter and of the hows, aboute the kyng.
12 祭司領王子出來,給他戴上冠冕,將律法書交給他,膏他作王;眾人就拍掌說:「願王萬歲!」
And he brouyte forth the sone of the kyng, and puttide on hym a diademe, and witnessyng; and thei maden hym kyng, and anoyntiden hym; and thei beeten with the hoond, and seiden, The kyng lyue!
13 亞她利雅聽見護衛兵和民的聲音,就到民那裏,進耶和華的殿,
Forsothe Athalia herde the vois of the puple rennynge, and sche entride to the cumpenyes in to the temple of the Lord,
14 看見王照例站在柱旁,百夫長和吹號的人侍立在王左右,國中的眾民歡樂吹號;亞她利雅就撕裂衣服,喊叫說:「反了!反了!」
and sche siy the kyng stondynge on the trone bi custom, and syngeris, and cumpenyes nyy hym, and al the puple of the lond beynge glad, and syngynge with trumpis. And sche to-rente hir clothis, and criede, `Swerynge togidere! swerynge togidere! ether tresoun.
15 祭司耶何耶大吩咐管轄軍兵的百夫長說:「將她趕出班外,凡跟隨她的必用刀殺死!」因為祭司說「不可在耶和華殿裏殺她」,
Forsothe Joiada comaundide to the centuriouns, that weren on the oost, and seide to hem, Lede ye hir out of the closyngis of the temple; and who euer sueth hir, be smytun with swerd. Forsothe the preest seide, Be sche not slayn in the temple of the Lord.
16 眾兵就閃開讓她去;她從馬路上王宮去,便在那裏被殺。
And thei puttiden hondis on hir, and hurliden hir bi the weie of the entryng of horsis bisidis the paleis; and sche was slayn there.
17 耶何耶大使王和民與耶和華立約,作耶和華的民;又使王與民立約。
Therfor Joiada made boond of pees bitwixe the Lord and the kyng, and bitwixe the puple, that it schulde be the puple of the Lord; and bitwixe the kyng and the puple.
18 於是國民都到巴力廟,拆毀了廟,打碎壇和像,又在壇前將巴力的祭司瑪坦殺了。祭司耶何耶大派官看守耶和華的殿,
Al the puple of the lond entride in to the temple of Baal; and thei distrieden the auteris of hym, and al tobraken strongli the ymagis; and thei killiden bifore the auter Mathan, the preest of Baal. And the preest settide kepyngis in the hows of the Lord; and he took centuriouns, and the legiouns of Cerethi and Pherethi, and al the puple of the lond.
19 又率領百夫長和迦利人與護衛兵,以及國中的眾民,請王從耶和華殿下來,由護衛兵的門進入王宮,他就坐了王位。
And thei ledden forth the kyng fro the hows of the Lord; and thei camen bi the weie of the yate of makeris of scheldis in to the paleis; and he sat on the trone of kyngis.
20 國民都歡樂,閤城都安靜。眾人已將亞她利雅在王宮那裏用刀殺了。
And al the puple of the lond was glad, and the citee restide. Forsothe Athalia was slayn bi swerd in the hows of the kyng.
21 約阿施登基的時候年方七歲。
And Joas was of seuen yeer, whanne he bigan to regne.

< 列王紀下 11 >