< 列王紀下 10 >

1 亞哈有七十個兒子在撒馬利亞。耶戶寫信送到撒馬利亞,通知耶斯列的首領,就是長老和教養亞哈眾子的人,說:
Forsothe seuenti sones in Samarie weren to Achab. Therfor Hieu wroot lettris, and sente in to Samarie to the beste men of the citee, and to the gretter men in birthe, and to alle the nurschis of Achab, and seide,
2 「你們那裏既有你們主人的眾子和車馬、器械、堅固城,
Anoon as ye han take these lettris, ye that han the sones of youre lord, and the charis, and horsis, and stronge citees, and armeris,
3 接了這信,就可以在你們主人的眾子中選擇一個賢能合宜的,使他坐他父親的位,你們也可以為你們主人的家爭戰。」
chese the beste, and hym that plesith to you of the sones of youre lord, and sette ye him on the trone of his fadir, and fiyte ye for the hows of youre lord.
4 他們卻甚懼怕,彼此說:「二王在他面前尚且站立不住,我們怎能站得住呢?」
And thei dredden greetli, and seiden, Lo! twei kyngis myyten not stonde bifor hym, and how schulen we mowe ayenstonde hym?
5 家宰、邑宰,和長老,並教養眾子的人,打發人去見耶戶,說:「我們是你的僕人,凡你所吩咐我們的都必遵行,我們不立誰作王,你看怎樣好就怎樣行。」
Therfor the souereyns of the hows, and the prefect of the citee, and the grettere men in birthe, and the nurchis senten to Hieu, and seiden, We ben thi seruauntis; what euer thingis thou comaundist, we schulen do, and we schulen not make a kyng to vs; do thou what euer thing plesith thee.
6 耶戶又給他們寫信說:「你們若歸順我,聽從我的話,明日這時候,要將你們主人眾子的首級帶到耶斯列來見我。」那時王的兒子七十人都住在教養他們那城中的尊貴人家裏。
Forsothe he wroot ayen to hem lettris the secunde tyme, and seide, If ye ben myne, and obeien to me, take ye the heedis of the sones of youre lord, and come ye to me in this same our to morewe in to Jezrael. Sotheli the sones of the kyng, seuenti men, weren nurschid at the beste men of the citee.
7 信一到,他們就把王的七十個兒子殺了,將首級裝在筐裏,送到在耶斯列的耶戶那裏。
And whanne the lettris hadden come to hem, thei token the sones of the kyng, and killiden seuenti men, and puttiden the heedis of hem in coffyns; and senten to hym in to Jezrael.
8 有使者來告訴耶戶說:「他們將王眾子的首級送來了。」耶戶說:「將首級在城門口堆作兩堆,擱到明日。」
Forsothe a messanger cam to hym, and schewide to hym, and seide, Thei han brouyt the heedis of the sones of the king. Which answeride, Putte ye tho heedis to tweyne hepis, bisidis the entring of the yate, til the morewtid.
9 次日早晨,耶戶出來,站着對眾民說:「你們都是公義的,我背叛我主人,將他殺了;這些人卻是誰殺的呢?
And whanne it was cleer dai, he yede out, and stood, and seide to al the puple, Ye ben iust men; if Y conspiride ayens my lord, and killide hym, who killide alle these?
10 由此可知,耶和華指着亞哈家所說的話一句沒有落空,因為耶和華藉他僕人以利亞所說的話都成就了。」
Therfor se ye now, that noon of the wordis of the Lord felde doun in to the erthe, whiche the Lord spak on the hows of Achab; and the Lord hath do that, that he spak in the hond of his seruaunt, Elie.
11 凡亞哈家在耶斯列所剩下的人和他的大臣、密友、祭司,耶戶盡都殺了,沒有留下一個。
Therfor Hieu smoot alle that weren residue of the hows of Achab in Jezrael, and alle the beste men of hym, and knowun men, and preestis, til no relikis of hym leften.
12 耶戶起身往撒馬利亞去。在路上、牧人剪羊毛之處,
And he roos, and cam in to Samarie; and whanne he hadde come to the chaumbir of schepherdis in the weie,
13 遇見猶大王亞哈謝的弟兄,問他們說:「你們是誰?」回答說:「我們是亞哈謝的弟兄,現在下去要問王和太后的眾子安。」
he foond the britheren of Ocozie, kyng of Juda; and he seide to hem, Who ben ye? And thei answeriden, We ben the britheren of Ocozie, and we comen doun to grete the sones of the kyng and the sones of the queen.
14 耶戶吩咐說:「活捉他們!」跟從的人就活捉了他們,將他們殺在剪羊毛之處的坑邊,共四十二人,沒有留下一個。
Which Hieu seide, Take ye hem quyke. And whanne thei hadden take hem quyke, thei strangliden hem in the cisterne, bisidis the chaumbre, two and fourti men; and he lefte not ony of hem.
15 耶戶從那裏前行,恰遇利甲的兒子約拿達來迎接他,耶戶問他安,對他說:「你誠心待我像我誠心待你嗎?」約拿達回答說:「是。」耶戶說:「若是這樣,你向我伸手」,他就伸手;耶戶拉他上車。
And whanne he hadde go fro thennus, he foond Jonadab, the sone of Rechab, in to meetyng of hym; and he blesside hym. And Hieu seide to hym, Whether thin herte is riytful with myn herte, as myn herte is with thin herte? And Jonadab seide, It is. Hieu seide, If `it is, yyue thin hond. Which yaf his hond to hym; and he reiside hym to hym silf in to the chare.
16 耶戶說:「你和我同去,看我為耶和華怎樣熱心」;於是請他坐在車上,
And he seide to hym, Come thou with me, and se my feruent loue for the Lord.
17 到了撒馬利亞,就把撒馬利亞的亞哈家剩下的人都殺了,直到滅盡,正如耶和華對以利亞所說的。
And he ledde hym, put in hys chare, in to Samarie. And he killide alle men that weren residue of Achab in Samarie `til to oon, bi the word of the Lord, which he spak bi Elie.
18 耶戶招聚眾民,對他們說:「亞哈事奉巴力還冷淡,耶戶卻更熱心。
Therfor Hieu gaderide to gidere alle the puple, and seide to hem, Achab worschipide Baal a litil, but Y schal worschipe hym more.
19 現在我要給巴力獻大祭。應當叫巴力的眾先知和一切拜巴力的人,並巴力的眾祭司,都到我這裏來,不可缺少一個;凡不來的必不得活。」耶戶這樣行,是用詭計要殺盡拜巴力的人。
Now therfor clepe ye to me alle the prophetis of Baal, and alle hise seruauntis, and alle hise preestis; `noon be that come not, for grete sacrifice is of me to Baal; who euer schal faile, he schal not lyue. Forsothe Hieu dide this bi tresoun, that he schulde distrie alle the worschipers of Baal.
20 耶戶說:「要為巴力宣告嚴肅會!」於是宣告了。
And he seide, Halewe ye a solempne day to Baal.
21 耶戶差人走遍以色列地;凡拜巴力的人都來齊了,沒有一個不來的。他們進了巴力廟,巴力廟中從前邊直到後邊都滿了人。
And he clepide, and sente in to alle the termes of Israel; and alle the seruauntis of Baal camen, `noon was residue, and sotheli `not oon was that cam not. And thei entriden in to the temple of Baal; and the hows of Baal was fillid, fro oon ende `til to `the tothir.
22 耶戶吩咐掌管禮服的人說:「拿出禮服來,給一切拜巴力的人穿。」他就拿出禮服來給了他們。
And he seide to hem that weren souereyns ouer the clothis, Bringe ye forth clothis to alle the seruauntis of Baal; and thei brouyten forth clothis to hem.
23 耶戶和利甲的兒子約拿達進了巴力廟,對拜巴力的人說:「你們察看察看,在你們這裏不可有耶和華的僕人,只可容留拜巴力的人。」
And Hieu entride, and Jonadab, the sone of Rechab, in to the temple of Baal. And Hieu seide to the worschiperis of Baal, Enquere ye, and se, lest perauenture ony of the seruauntis of the Lord be with you; but that the seruauntis be aloone of Baal.
24 耶戶和約拿達進去,獻平安祭和燔祭。 耶戶先安派八十人在廟外,吩咐說:「我將這些人交在你們手中,若有一人脫逃,誰放的必叫他償命!」
Therfor thei entriden, to make slayn sacrifices, and brent sacrifices. Sotheli Hieu hadde maad redi to hym with outforth foure scoore men, and hadde seid to hem, Who euer schal fle of alle these, whiche Y schal brynge in to youre hondis, the lijf of hym schal be for the lijf of hym that ascapith.
25 耶戶獻完了燔祭,就出來吩咐護衛兵和眾軍長說:「你們進去殺他們,不容一人出來!」護衛兵和軍長就用刀殺他們,將屍首拋出去,便到巴力廟的城去了,
Forsothe it was don, whanne the brent sacrifice was fillid, Hieu comaundide to hise knyytis and duykis, Entre ye, and sle hem, that noon ascape. And the knyytis and duykis smytiden `hem bi the scharpnesse of swerd, and castiden forth. And `thei yeden into the citee of the temple of Baal,
26 將巴力廟中的柱像都拿出來燒了;
and thei brouyten forth the ymage fro the temple of Baal,
27 毀壞了巴力柱像,拆毀了巴力廟作為廁所,直到今日。
and brenten it, and al to braken it. Also thei destrieden the hows of Baal, and maden priuyes for it `til in to this dai.
28 這樣,耶戶在以色列中滅了巴力。
Therfor Hieu dide awei Baal fro Israel;
29 只是耶戶不離開尼八的兒子耶羅波安使以色列人陷在罪裏的那罪,就是拜伯特利和但的金牛犢。
netheles he yede not awei fro the synnes of Jeroboam, sone of Nabath, that made Israel to do synne, nether he forsook the goldun caluys, that weren in Bethel and in Dan.
30 耶和華對耶戶說:「因你辦好我眼中看為正的事,照我的心意待亞哈家,你的子孫必接續你坐以色列的國位,直到四代。」
Forsothe the Lord seide to Hieu, For thou didist bisili that that was riytful, and pleside in myn yyen, and hast do ayens the hows of Achab alle thingis that weren in myn herte, thi sones `til to the fourthe generacioun schulen sitte on the trone of Israel.
31 只是耶戶不盡心遵守耶和華-以色列上帝的律法,不離開耶羅波安使以色列人陷在罪裏的那罪。
Forsothe Hieu kepte not, that he yede in the lawe of the Lord God of Israel in al his herte; for he yede not awei fro the synnes of Jeroboam, that made Israel to do synne.
32 在那些日子,耶和華才割裂以色列國,使哈薛攻擊以色列的境界,
In tho daies the Lord bigan to be anoyed on Israel; and Asahel smoot hem in alle the coostis of Israel,
33 乃是約旦河東、基列全地,從靠近亞嫩谷邊的亞羅珥起,就是基列和巴珊的迦得人、呂便人、瑪拿西人之地。
fro Jordan ayens the eest coost, al the lond of Galaad, and of Gad, and of Ruben, and of Manasses, fro Aroer which is on the stronde of Arnon, and Galaad, and Baasan.
34 耶戶其餘的事,凡他所行的和他的勇力都寫在以色列諸王記上。
Forsothe the residue of wordis of Hieu, and alle thingis whiche he dide, and his strengthe, whether these ben not writun in the book of wordis of daies of the kyngis of Israel?
35 耶戶與他列祖同睡,葬在撒馬利亞;他兒子約哈斯接續他作王。
And Hieu slepte with hise fadris; and thei birieden hym in Samarie; and Joachaz, his sone, regnyde for hym.
36 耶戶在撒馬利亞作以色列王二十八年。
Forsothe the daies, in whiche Hieu regnede on Israel in Samarie, ben eiyte and twenti yeer.

< 列王紀下 10 >