< 歷代志下 4 >

1 他又製造一座銅壇,長二十肘,寬二十肘,高十肘;
Also he made a brasun auter of twenti cubitis of lengthe, and of twenti cubitis of breede, and of ten cubitis of heiythe;
2 又鑄一個銅海,樣式是圓的,高五肘,徑十肘,圍三十肘;
he made also a yotun see of ten cubitis fro brynke til to brynke, round bi cumpas; it hadde fyue cubitis of heiythe; and a coorde of thritti cubitis cumpasside the cumpas therof.
3 海周圍有野瓜的樣式,每肘十瓜,共有兩行,是鑄海的時候鑄上的;
And the licnesse of oxis was vndur it, and bi ten cubitis summe grauyngis with outforth cumpassiden the brynke of the see as with tweyne ordris; sotheli the oxis weren yotun.
4 有十二隻銅牛馱海:三隻向北,三隻向西,三隻向南,三隻向東;海在牛上,牛尾向內;
And thilke see was set on twelue oxis, of whiche oxis thre bihelden to the north, and othere thre to the west, sotheli thre othere bihelden the south, and thre `that weren residue bihelden the eest, and hadden the see set aboue; but the hyndrere partis of the oxis weren with ynne vndur the see.
5 海厚一掌,邊如杯邊,又如百合花,可容三千罷特;
Sotheli the thicknesse therof hadde the mesure of a pawm of the hond, and the brynke therof was as the brynke of a cuppe, ethir of a lilie crokid ayen, and it took thre thousynde metretis of mesure.
6 又製造十個盆:五個放在右邊,五個放在左邊,獻燔祭所用之物都洗在其內;但海是為祭司沐浴的。
Also he made ten holowe vessels, and settide fyue at the riytside, and fyue at the leftside, that thei schulden waische in tho alle thingis, whiche thei schulden offre in to brent sacrifice; sotheli the preestis weren waischun in the see.
7 他又照所定的樣式造十個金燈臺,放在殿裏:五個在右邊,五個在左邊;
Sotheli he made ten goldun candilstikis bi the licknesse which he hadde comaundid to be maad, and he settide tho in the temple, fyue at the riytside and fyue at the leftsid.
8 又造十張桌子,放在殿裏:五張在右邊,五張在左邊;又造一百個金碗;
And he made also ten boordis, and settide tho in the temple, fyue at the riytside and fyue at the leftside.
9 又建立祭司院和大院,並院門,用銅包裹門扇;
Also he made an hundrid goldun viols. `Also he made a large place of preestis, and a greet hows, and doris in the greet hows, which he hilide with bras.
10 將海安在殿門的右邊,就是南邊。
Forsothe he settide the see in the riytsyde ayens the eest at the south.
11 戶蘭又造了盆、鏟、碗。這樣,他為所羅門王做完了上帝殿的工。
Also Iram made cawdruns, and fleischokis, and viols, and he fillide al the werk of the kyng in the hows of God,
12 所造的就是:兩根柱子和柱上兩個如球的頂,並兩個蓋柱頂的網子
that is, twei pilers, and pomels, and heedis, and as summe nettis, that hiliden the heedis aboue the pomels;
13 和四百石榴,安在兩個網子上(每網兩行蓋着兩個柱上如球的頂)。
also he made fourti pumgarnadis, and twei werkis lijk nettis, so that two ordris of pumgarnadis weren ioyned to ech werk like nettis, which hiliden the pomels, and heedis of the pilers.
14 盆座和其上的盆,
He made also foundementis, and holow vessels, whiche he settide on the foundementis;
15 海和海下的十二隻牛,
he made o see, and twelue oxis vndur the see,
16 盆、鏟子、肉鍤子,與耶和華殿裏的一切器皿,都是巧匠戶蘭用光亮的銅為所羅門王造成的,
and caudruns, and fleischookis, and viols. Iram, the fadir of Salomon, made to hym alle vessels in the hows of the Lord of clennest bras.
17 是在約旦平原疏割和撒利但中間藉膠泥鑄成的。
The kyng yetide tho in the cuntrey of Jordan, in cleiy lond bitwixe Socoth and Saredata.
18 所羅門製造的這一切甚多,銅的輕重無法可查。
Forsothe the multitude of vessels was vnnoumbrable, so that the weiyte of bras was not knowun.
19 所羅門又造上帝殿裏的金壇和陳設餅的桌子,
And Salomon made alle the vessels of Goddis hows, the goldun auter, `and bordis, and loouys of settyng forth on tho;
20 並精金的燈臺和燈盞,可以照例點在內殿前。
and candilstikis of purest gold, with her lanternes, that tho schulden schyne bifor Goddis answering place bi the custom;
21 燈臺上的花和燈盞,並蠟剪都是金的,且是純金的;
and he made summe werkis lijk flouris, and lanternes, and goldun tongis; alle thingis weren maad of clennest gold;
22 又用精金製造鑷子、盤子、調羹、火鼎。至於殿門和至聖所的門扇,並殿的門扇,都是金子妝飾的。
also he made pannes for colis to brenne encense, and censeris, and viols, and morters, of pureste gold. And he grauyde doris of the ynnere temple, that is, in the hooli of hooli thingis, and the goldun doris of the temple with out forth; and so al the werk was fillid that Salomon made in the hows of the Lord.

< 歷代志下 4 >