< 歷代志下 35 >

1 約西亞在耶路撒冷向耶和華守逾越節。正月十四日,就宰了逾越節的羊羔。
Forsothe Josie made pask to the Lord in Jerusalem, that was offrid in the fourtenthe dai of the firste monethe;
2 王分派祭司各盡其職,又勉勵他們辦耶和華殿中的事;
and he ordeynede prestis in her offices; and he comaundide hem for to mynystre in the hows of the Lord.
3 又對那歸耶和華為聖、教訓以色列人的利未人說:「你們將聖約櫃安放在以色列王大衛兒子所羅門建造的殿裏,不必再用肩扛抬。現在要事奉耶和華-你們的上帝,服事他的民以色列。
And he spak to the dekenes, at whos techyng al Israel was halewid to the Lord, Sette ye the arke in the seyntuarie of the temple, which Salomon, kyng of Israel, the sone of Dauid, bildide; for ye schulen no more bere it. But now serue `youre Lord God and his puple Israel,
4 你們應當按着宗族,照着班次,遵以色列王大衛和他兒子所羅門所寫的,自己預備。
and make you redi bi youre housis and meynees in the departyngis of ech bi hym silf, as Dauid, king of Israel, comaundide, and Salomon, his sone, discryuede;
5 要按着你們的弟兄,這民宗族的班次,站在聖所,每班中要利未宗族的幾個人。
and serue ye in the seyntuarie bi the meynees and cumpenyes of dekenes,
6 要宰逾越節的羊羔,潔淨自己,為你們的弟兄預備了,好遵守耶和華藉摩西所吩咐的話。」
and be ye halewid, and offre ye pask; also `make redi youre britheren, that thei moun `do bi the wordis, whiche the Lord spak in the hond of Moyses.
7 約西亞從群畜中賜給在那裏所有的人民,綿羊羔和山羊羔三萬隻,牛三千隻,作逾越節的祭物;這都是出自王的產業中。
Ferthermore Josie yaf to al the puple, that was foundun there in the solempnytee of pask, lambren, and kidis of the flockis, and of residue scheep `he yaf thritti thousynde, and of oxis thre thousynde; these thingis of al the catel of the kyng.
8 約西亞的眾首領也樂意將犧牲給百姓和祭司利未人;又有管理上帝殿的希勒家、撒迦利亞、耶歇將羊羔二千六百隻,牛三百隻,給祭司作逾越節的祭物。
And hise duykis offriden tho thingis whiche thei avowiden bi fre wille, as wel to the puple as to prestis and dekenes. Forsothe Elchie, and Zacharie, and Jehiel, princes of the hows of the Lord, yauen to preestis, to make pask in comyn, two thousynde and sixe hundrid scheep, and thre hundrid oxis.
9 利未人的族長歌楠雅和他兩個兄弟示瑪雅、拿坦業,與哈沙比雅、耶利、約撒拔將羊羔五千隻,牛五百隻,給利未人作逾越節的祭物。
Forsothe Chononye, and Semei, and Nathanael and hise britheren, also Asabie, Jahiel, and Josabaz, princis of dekenes, yauen to othere dekenes, to make pask, fyue thousynde of scheep, and fyue hundrid oxis.
10 這樣,供獻的事齊備了。祭司站在自己的地方,利未人按着班次站立,都是照王所吩咐的。
And the seruyce was maad redi; and preestis stoden in her office, and dekenes in cumpenyes, bi comaundement of the kyng; and pask was offrid.
11 利未人宰了逾越節的羊羔,祭司從他們手裏接過血來灑在壇上;利未人剝皮,
And preestis spreynten her hondis with blood, and dekenes drowen of the skynnes of sacrifices, and departiden tho sacrificis,
12 將燔祭搬來,按着宗族的班次分給眾民,好照摩西書上所寫的,獻給耶和華;獻牛也是這樣。
for to yyue bi the housis and meyneis of alle men; and that tho schulden be offrid to the Lord, as it is writun in the book of Moises; and of oxis thei diden in lijk maner.
13 他們按着常例,用火烤逾越節的羊羔。別的聖物用鍋,用釜,用罐煮了,速速地送給眾民。
And thei rostiden pask on the fier, bi that that is writun in the lawe. Sotheli thei sethiden pesible sacrifices in pannes, and cawdruns, and pottis, and in haste thei deliden to al the puple;
14 然後為自己和祭司預備祭物;因為祭司亞倫的子孫獻燔祭和脂油,直到晚上。所以利未人為自己和祭司亞倫的子孫,預備祭物。
but thei maden redi aftirward to hem silf, and to prestis; for preestis weren occupied `til to nyyt in the offryng of brent sacrifices and of ynnere fatnessis. Wherfor dekenes maden redi to hem silf and to preestis, the sones of Aaron, `the laste.
15 歌唱的亞薩之子孫,照着大衛、亞薩、希幔,和王的先見耶杜頓所吩咐的,站在自己的地位上。守門的看守各門,不用離開他們的職事,因為他們的弟兄利未人給他們預備祭物。
Forsothe syngeris, the sones of Asaph, stoden in her ordre, bi the comaundement of Dauid, and of Asaph, and of Eman, and of Yditum, the profetis of the kyng; but the porteris kepten bi ech yate, so that thei yeden not awei fro the seruice, sotheli in a poynt; wherfor and dekenes, her britheren, maden redi metis to hem.
16 當日,供奉耶和華的事齊備了,就照約西亞王的吩咐守逾越節,獻燔祭在耶和華的壇上。
Therfor al the religioun of the Lord was fillid riytfuli in that day, that thei maden pask, and offriden brent sacrifices on the auter of the Lord, bi the comaundement of kyng Josie.
17 當時在耶路撒冷的以色列人守逾越節,又守除酵節七日。
And the sones of Israel, that weren foundun there, maden pask in that tyme, and the solempnite of therf looues seuene daies.
18 自從先知撒母耳以來,在以色列中沒有守過這樣的逾越節,以色列諸王也沒有守過,像約西亞、祭司、利未人、在那裏的猶大人,和以色列人,以及耶路撒冷居民所守的逾越節。
No pask was lijk this in Israel, fro the daies of Samuel, the prophete; but nethir ony of the kyngis of Israel made pask as Josie dide, to preestis and dekenes, and to al Juda and Israel, that was foundun, and to the dwelleris of Jerusalem.
19 這逾越節是約西亞作王十八年守的。
This pask was halewid in the eiytenthe yeer of `the rewme of Josie.
20 這事以後,約西亞修完了殿,有埃及王尼哥上來,要攻擊靠近幼發拉底河的迦基米施;約西亞出去抵擋他。
Aftir that Josie hadde reparelid the temple, Nechao, the kyng of Egipt, stiede to fiyte in Carcamys bisidis Eufrates; and Josie yede forth in to his metyng.
21 他差遣使者來見約西亞,說:「猶大王啊,我與你何干?我今日來不是要攻擊你,乃是要攻擊與我爭戰之家,並且上帝吩咐我速行,你不要干預上帝的事,免得他毀滅你,因為上帝是與我同在。」
And he seide bi messangeris sent to hym, Kyng of Juda, what is to me and to thee? Y come not ayens thee to dai, but Y fiyte ayens another hows, to which God bad me go in haste; ceesse thou to do ayens God, which is with me, lest he sle thee.
22 約西亞卻不肯轉去離開他,改裝要與他打仗,不聽從上帝藉尼哥之口所說的話,便來到米吉多平原爭戰。
Josie nolde turne ayen, but made redi batel ayens hym; and he assentide not to the wordis of Nechao, bi Goddis mouth, but he yede for to fiyte in the feeld of Magedo.
23 弓箭手射中約西亞王。王對他的臣僕說:「我受了重傷,你拉我出陣吧!」
And there he was woundide of archeris, and seide to hise children, `Lede ye me out of the batel, for Y am woundid greetli.
24 他的臣僕扶他下了戰車,上了次車,送他到耶路撒冷,他就死了,葬在他列祖的墳墓裏。猶大人和耶路撒冷人都為他悲哀。
Whiche baren hym ouer fro the chare in to an other chare, that suede hym, bi custom of the kyng, and `baren out hym in to Jerusalem; and he diede, and was biried in the sepulcre of hise fadris. And al Juda and Jerusalem biweiliden hym,
25 耶利米為約西亞作哀歌。所有歌唱的男女也唱哀歌,追悼約西亞,直到今日;而且在以色列中成了定例。這歌載在哀歌書上。
Jeremye moost, of whom alle syngeris and syngeressis `til in to present dai rehersen `lamentaciouns, ether weilyngis, on Josie; and it cam forth as a lawe in Israel, Lo! it is seid writun in Lamentaciouns.
26 約西亞其餘的事和他遵着耶和華律法上所記而行的善事,
Forsothe the residue of wordis of Josie, and of hise mercies, that ben comaundid in the lawe of the Lord,
27 並他自始至終所行的,都寫在以色列和猶大列王記上。
and hise werkis, `the firste and the laste, ben wryten in the book of kyngis of Israel and of Juda.

< 歷代志下 35 >