< 歷代志下 32 >

1 這虔誠的事以後,亞述王西拿基立來侵入猶大,圍困一切堅固城,想要攻破佔據。
Aftir whiche thingis and sich treuthe, Senacherib, the kyng of Assiriens, cam and entride in to Juda; and he bisegide stronge citees, and wolde take tho.
2 希西家見西拿基立來,定意要攻打耶路撒冷,
And whanne Ezechie hadde herd this thing, that is, that Senacherib was comun, and that al the fersnesse of batel was turned ayens Jerusalem,
3 就與首領和勇士商議,塞住城外的泉源;他們就都幫助他。
he took counsel with the princes and strongest men, that thei schulden stoppe the heedis of wellis, that weren without the citee; and whanne the sentence of alle men demyde this,
4 於是有許多人聚集,塞了一切泉源,並通流國中的小河,說:「亞述王來,為何讓他得着許多水呢?」
he gaderide togidere a ful greet multitude, and thei stoppiden alle the wellis, and the ryuer, that flowide in the myddis of the lond; and seiden, Lest the kyngis of Assiriens comen, and fynden abundance of watris.
5 希西家力圖自強,就修築所有拆毀的城牆,高與城樓相齊;在城外又築一城,堅固大衛城的米羅,製造了許多軍器、盾牌;
Also he dide wittili, and bildide al the wal that was distride, and he bildide touris aboue, and an other wal withoutforth. And he reparilide Mello in the citee of Dauid; and made armure of al kynde, and scheldis.
6 設立軍長管理百姓,將他們招聚在城門的寬闊處,用話勉勵他們,說:
And he ordeynede princes of werriouris in the oost; and he clepide togidere alle men in the street of the yate of the citee, and spake to the herte of hem,
7 「你們當剛強壯膽,不要因亞述王和跟隨他的大軍恐懼、驚慌;因為與我們同在的,比與他們同在的更大。
and seide, Do ye manli, and be ye coumfortid; nyle ye drede, nether be ye aferd of the kyng of Assiriens, and of al the multitude which is with him; for many mo ben with vs than with him.
8 與他們同在的是肉臂,與我們同在的是耶和華-我們的上帝,他必幫助我們,為我們爭戰。」百姓就靠猶大王希西家的話,安然無懼了。
Fleischli arm is with him; `oure Lord God is with vs, which is oure helpere, and schal fiyte for vs. And the puple was coumfortid with sich wordis of Ezechie, kyng of Juda.
9 此後,亞述王西拿基立和他的全軍攻打拉吉,就差遣臣僕到耶路撒冷見猶大王希西家和一切在耶路撒冷的猶大人,說:
And aftir that these thingis weren doon, Sennacherib sente hise seruauntis to Jerusalem; for he `with al the oost bisegide Lachis. He sente to Ezechie, kyng of Juda, and to al the puple that was in the citee,
10 「亞述王西拿基立如此說:『你們倚靠甚麼,還在耶路撒冷受困呢?
and seide, Sennacherib, the kyng of Assiriens, seith these thingis, In whom han ye trist, and sitten bisegid in Jerusalem?
11 希西家對你們說「耶和華-我們的上帝必救我們脫離亞述王的手」,這不是誘惑你們,使你們受飢渴而死嗎?
Whether Ezechie disseyueth you, that he bitake you to deeth in hungur and thirst, and affermeth, that `youre Lord God schal delyuere you fro the hond of the kyng of Assyriens?
12 這希西家豈不是廢去耶和華的邱壇和祭壇,吩咐猶大與耶路撒冷的人說「你們當在一個壇前敬拜,在其上燒香」嗎?
Whether not this is Ezechie, that distriede hiy places, and auteris of hym, and comaundide to Juda and to Jerusalem, and seide, Ye schulen worschipe bifor oon auter, and therynne ye schulen brenne encense?
13 我與我列祖向列邦所行的,你們豈不知道嗎?列邦的神何嘗能救自己的國脫離我手呢?
Whether ye witen not what thingis Y haue do, and my fadir, to alle the puplis of londis? Whether the goddis of folkis and of alle londis myyten delyuere her cuntrei fro myn hond?
14 我列祖所滅的國,那些神中誰能救自己的民脫離我手呢?難道你們的神能救你們脫離我手嗎?
Who is of alle goddis of folkis, whiche my fadris distrieden, that myyte delyuere his puple fro myn hond, that also youre God may delyuere you fro this hond?
15 所以你們不要叫希西家這樣欺哄誘惑你們,也不要信他;因為沒有一國一邦的神能救自己的民脫離我手和我列祖的手,何況你們的神更不能救你們脫離我的手。』」
Therfor Ezechie disseyue not you, nether scorne bi veyn counselyng, nethir bileue ye to hym; for if no god of alle folkis and cuntreis myyte delyuere his puple fro myn hond, and fro the hond of my fadris, suyngli nether youre God schal mowe delyuere you fro this myn hond.
16 西拿基立的臣僕還有別的話毀謗耶和華上帝和他僕人希西家。
But also hise seruauntis spaken many othir thingis ayenus the Lord God, and ayens Ezechie, his seruaunte.
17 西拿基立也寫信毀謗耶和華-以色列的上帝說:「列邦的神既不能救他的民脫離我手,希西家的神也不能救他的民脫離我手了。」
Also he wroot epistlis ful of blasfemye ayens the Lord God of Israel, and he spak ayens God, As the goddis of othere folkis myyten not delyuere her puple fro myn hond, so and the God of Ezechie may not delyuere his puple fro myn hond.
18 亞述王的臣僕用猶大言語向耶路撒冷城上的民大聲呼叫,要驚嚇他們,擾亂他們,以便取城。
Ferthermore and with greet cry in the langage of Jewis he sownede ayens the puple, that sat on the wallis of Jerusalem, to make hem aferd, and to take the citee.
19 他們論耶路撒冷的上帝,如同論世上人手所造的神一樣。
And he spake ayens God of Israel, as ayens the goddis of the puplis of erthe, the werkis of mennus hondis.
20 希西家王和亞摩斯的兒子先知以賽亞因此禱告,向天呼求。
Therfor Ezechie, the kyng, and Ysaie, the profete, the sone of Amos, preieden ayens this blasfemye, and crieden til in to heuene.
21 耶和華就差遣一個使者進入亞述王營中,把所有大能的勇士和官長、將帥盡都滅了。亞述王滿面含羞地回到本國,進了他神的廟中,有他親生的兒子在那裏用刀殺了他。
And the Lord sente his aungel, that killide ech strong man and werriour, and the prince of the oost of the kyng of Assiriens; and he turnede ayen with schenship `in to his lond. And whanne he hadde entrid in to the hows of his god, the sones, that yeden out of his wombe, killiden hym with swerd.
22 這樣,耶和華救希西家和耶路撒冷的居民脫離亞述王西拿基立的手,也脫離一切仇敵的手,又賜他們四境平安。
And the Lord sauyde Ezechie, and the dwelleris of Jerusalem, fro the hond of Senacherib, kyng of Assiriens, and fro the hond of alle men; and yaf to hem reste bi cumpas.
23 有許多人到耶路撒冷,將供物獻與耶和華,又將寶物送給猶大王希西家。此後,希西家在列邦人的眼中看為尊大。
Also many men brouyten offryngis and sacrifices to the Lord in to Jerusalem, and yiftis to Ezechie, kyng of Juda; which was enhaunsid aftir these thingis bifor alle folkis.
24 那時希西家病得要死,就禱告耶和華,耶和華應允他,賜他一個兆頭。
In tho daies Ezechie was sijk `til to the deth, and he preiede the Lord; and he herde hym, and yaf to hym a signe;
25 希西家卻沒有照他所蒙的恩報答耶和華;因他心裏驕傲,所以忿怒要臨到他和猶大並耶路撒冷。
but he yeldide not bi the benefices whiche he hadde take, for his herte was reisid; and ire was maad ayens hym, and ayens Juda, and ayens Jerusalem.
26 但希西家和耶路撒冷的居民覺得心裏驕傲,就一同自卑,以致耶和華的忿怒在希西家的日子沒有臨到他們。
And he was mekid aftirward, for his herte was reisid; bothe he was mekid, and the dwelleris of Jerusalem; and therfor the ire of the Lord cam not on hem in the daies of Ezechie.
27 希西家大有尊榮資財,建造府庫,收藏金銀、寶石、香料、盾牌,和各樣的寶器,
Forsothe Ezechie was riche, and ful noble, and gaderide to hym silf ful many tresours of siluer, of gold, and of preciouse stoon, of swete smellynge spices, and of armuris of al kynde, and of vessels of greet prijs.
28 又建造倉房,收藏五穀、新酒,和油,又為各類牲畜蓋棚立圈;
Also he bildide large housis of wheete, of wyn, and of oile, and cratchis of alle beestis,
29 並且建立城邑,還有許多的羊群牛群,因為上帝賜他極多的財產。
and fooldis to scheep, and sixe citees. For he hadde vnnoumbrable flockis of scheep and of grete beestis; for the Lord hadde youe to hym ful myche catel.
30 這希西家也塞住基訓的上源,引水直下,流在大衛城的西邊。希西家所行的事盡都亨通。
Thilke is Ezechie, that stoppide the hiyere welle of the watris of Gion, and turnede tho awei vndur the erthe at the west of the citee of Dauid; in alle hise werkis he dide `bi prosperite, what euer thing he wolde.
31 惟有一件事,就是巴比倫王差遣使者來見希西家,訪問國中所現的奇事;這件事上帝離開他,要試驗他,好知道他心內如何。
Netheles in the message of the princes of Babiloyne, that weren sent to hym for to axe of the grete wondir, that bifelde on the lond, God forsook hym, that he were temptid, and that alle thingis weren knowun that weren in his herte.
32 希西家其餘的事和他的善行都寫在亞摩斯的兒子先知以賽亞的默示書上和猶大、以色列的諸王記上。
Sotheli the residue of wordis of Ezechie, and of hise mercies, ben writun in the profesie of Ysaie, the profete, sone of Amos, and in the book of kyngis of Juda and of Israel.
33 希西家與他列祖同睡,葬在大衛子孫的高陵上。他死的時候,猶大人和耶路撒冷的居民都尊敬他。他兒子瑪拿西接續他作王。
And Ezechie slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden hym aboue the sepulcris of the sones of Dauid. And al Juda and alle the dwelleris of Jerusalem maden solempne the seruyces of his biriyng; and Manasses, his sone, regnide for him.

< 歷代志下 32 >