< 歷代志下 31 >

1 這事既都完畢,在那裏的以色列眾人就到猶大的城邑,打碎柱像,砍斷木偶,又在猶大、便雅憫、以法蓮、瑪拿西遍地將邱壇和祭壇拆毀淨盡。於是以色列眾人各回各城,各歸各地。
And whanne these thingis weren doon riytfuli, al Israel yede out, that was foundun in the citees of Juda; and thei braken simylacris, and kittiden doun woodis, and wastiden hiy places, and distrieden auteris, not oneli of al Juda and Beniamyn, but also and of Effraym and Manasses, til thei distrieden outirli. And alle the sones of Israel turneden ayen in to her possessiouns and citees.
2 希西家派定祭司利未人的班次,各按各職獻燔祭和平安祭,又在耶和華殿門內事奉,稱謝頌讚耶和華。
Forsothe Ezechie ordeynede cumpenyes of preestis and of dekenes bi her departyngis, ech man in his owne office, that is, as wel of preestis as of dekenes, to brent sacrifices and pesible sacrifices, that thei schulden mynystre, and knowleche, and synge in the yatis of the castels of the Lord.
3 王又從自己的產業中定出分來為燔祭,就是早晚的燔祭和安息日、月朔,並節期的燔祭,都是按耶和華律法上所載的;
Sotheli the part of the kyng was, that of his owne catel brent sacrifice schulde be offrid euere in the morewtid and euentide, also in sabatis, and calendis, and othere solempnytees, as it is writun in the lawe of Moises.
4 又吩咐住耶路撒冷的百姓將祭司、利未人所應得的分給他們,使他們專心遵守耶和華的律法。
Also he comaundide to the puple of hem that dwelliden in Jerusalem, to yyue partis to the preestis and dekenes, that thei myyten yyue tent to the lawe of the Lord.
5 諭旨一出,以色列人就把初熟的五穀、新酒、油、蜜,和田地的出產多多送來,又把各物的十分之一送來的極多。
And whanne this was knowun in the eeris of the multitude, the sones of Israel offriden ful many firste fruytis of wheete, of wyn, of oyle, and of hony; and of alle thingis whiche the erthe bringith forth, thei offriden tithis.
6 住猶大各城的以色列人和猶大人也將牛羊的十分之一,並分別為聖歸耶和華-他們上帝之物,就是十分取一之物,盡都送來,積成堆壘;
But also the sones of Israel and of Juda, that dwelliden in the citees of Juda, offriden tithis of oxis and of scheep, and the tithis of holi thingis, whiche thei avowiden to `her Lord God, and thei brouyten alle thingis, and maden ful many heepis.
7 從三月積起,到七月才完。
In the thridde monethe thei bigunnen to leie the foundementis of the heepis, and in the seuenthe monethe thei filliden tho heepis.
8 希西家和眾首領來,看見堆壘,就稱頌耶和華,又為耶和華的民以色列人祝福。
And whanne Ezechie and hise princes hadden entrid, thei siyen the heepis, and blessiden the Lord, and the puple of Israel.
9 希西家向祭司、利未人查問這堆壘。
And Ezechie axide the preestis and dekenes, whi the heepis laien so.
10 撒督家的大祭司亞撒利雅回答說:「自從民將供物送到耶和華殿以來,我們不但吃飽,且剩下的甚多;因為耶和華賜福給他的民,所剩下的才這樣豐盛。」
Azarie, the firste preest of the generacioun of Sadoch, answeride to hym, and seide, Sithen the firste fruytis bigunnen to be offrid in the hows of the Lord, we han ete and ben fillid, and ful many thingis ben left; for the Lord hath blessid his puple; sotheli this plentee, which thou seest, is of the relifs.
11 希西家吩咐在耶和華殿裏預備倉房,他們就預備了。
Therfor Ezechie comaundide, that thei schulden make redi bernes in the hows of the Lord; and whanne thei hadden do this thing,
12 他們誠心將供物和十分取一之物,並分別為聖之物,都搬入倉內。利未人歌楠雅掌管這事,他兄弟示每為副管。
thei brouyten in feithfuly bothe the firste fruytis, and tithis, and what euere thingis thei hadden avowid. Forsothe Chonenye, the dekene, was the souereyn of tho; and Semei his brother was the secounde;
13 耶歇、亞撒細雅、拿哈、亞撒黑、耶利末、約撒拔、以列、伊斯瑪基雅、瑪哈、比拿雅都是督理,在歌楠雅和他兄弟示每的手下,是希西家王和管理上帝殿的亞撒利雅所派的。
aftir whom Jehiel, and Azarie, and Nabath, and Asahel, and Jerimoth, `and Jozabad, and Helyel, and Jesmahie, and Maath, and Banaie, weren souereyns vndur the hondis of Chonenye and Semei, his brother, bi the comaundement of `Ezechie the kyng, and of Azarie, the bischop of the hows of the Lord, to whiche alle thingis perteyneden.
14 守東門的利未人音拿的兒子可利,掌管樂意獻與上帝的禮物,發放獻與耶和華的供物和至聖的物。
But Chore, the sone of Jemnya, dekene and portere of the eest yate, was souereyn of tho thingis that weren offrid bi fre wille to the Lord, and of the firste fruytis, and of thingis halewid in to hooli thingis of the noumbre of hooli thingis;
15 在他手下有伊甸、詿雅詿、耶書亞、示瑪雅、亞瑪利雅、示迦尼雅,在祭司的各城裏供緊要的職任,無論弟兄大小,都按着班次分給他們。
and vndur his cure weren Eden, and Beniamyn, Jesue, and Semeye, and Amarie, and Sechenye, in the citees of preestis, that thei schulden departe feithfuli to her britheren the partis, to the lesse and the grettere,
16 按家譜,三歲以外的男丁,凡每日進耶和華殿、按班次供職的,也分給他;
outakun malis fro three yeer and aboue, these thingis to alle that entriden in to the temple of the Lord, and what euer thing bi ech dai was hirid in the seruyce and obseruaunces bi her departyngis.
17 又按宗族家譜分給祭司,按班次職任分給二十歲以外的利未人,
To preestis bi meynees, and to dekenes fro `the twentithe yeer and aboue bi her ordris and cumpenyes, and to alle the multitude,
18 又按家譜計算,分給他們會中的妻子、兒女;因他們身供要職,自潔成聖。
bothe to the wyues and fre children of hem of euer either kynde, metis weren youun feithfuli of these thingis that weren halewid.
19 按名派定的人要把應得的分給亞倫子孫,住在各城郊野、祭司所有的男丁和一切載入家譜的利未人。
But also men of the sones of Aaron weren ordeyned bi the feeldis and subarbis of alle citees, whyche men schulden dele partis to al the male kynde of preestis and dekenes.
20 希西家在猶大遍地這樣辦理,行耶和華-他上帝眼中看為善為正為忠的事。
Therfor Ezechie dide alle thingis, whiche we seiden, in al Juda, and he wrouyte that, that was riytful and good and trewe bifor `his Lord God,
21 凡他所行的,無論是辦上帝殿的事,是遵律法守誡命,是尋求他的上帝,都是盡心去行,無不亨通。
in al the religioun of the seruyce of the hows of the Lord, bi the lawe and cerymonyes; and he wolde seke his Lord God in al his herte, and he dide, and hadde prosperite.

< 歷代志下 31 >