< 歷代志下 28 >

1 亞哈斯登基的時候年二十歲,在耶路撒冷作王十六年;不像他祖大衛行耶和華眼中看為正的事,
Achaz was of twenti yeer, whanne he bigan to regne, and he regnede sixtene yeer in Jerusalem; he dide not riytfulnesse in the siyt of the Lord, as Dauid, his fadir, dide;
2 卻行以色列諸王的道,又鑄造巴力的像,
but he yede in the weies of the kyngis of Israel. Ferthermore and he yetyde ymagis to Baalym.
3 並且在欣嫩子谷燒香,用火焚燒他的兒女,行耶和華在以色列人面前所驅逐的外邦人那可憎的事;
He it is that brente encense in the valey of Beennon, and purgide hise sones bi fier bi the custom of hethene men, whiche the Lord killide in the comyng of the sones of Israel.
4 並在邱壇上、山岡上、各青翠樹下獻祭燒香。
Also he made sacrifice, and brente encense in hiy places, and in hillis, and vndur ech tree ful of bowis.
5 所以,耶和華-他的上帝將他交在亞蘭王手裏。亞蘭王打敗他,擄了他許多的民,帶到大馬士革去。上帝又將他交在以色列王手裏,以色列王向他大行殺戮。
And `his Lord God bitook hym in the hond of the kyng of Sirie, which smoot Achaz, and took a greet preie of his empire, and brouyten in to Damask. Also Achaz was bitakun to the hondis of the kyng of Israel, and was smytun with a greet wounde.
6 利瑪利的兒子比加一日殺了猶大人十二萬,都是勇士,因為他們離棄了耶和華-他們列祖的上帝。
And Facee, the sone of Romelie, killide of Juda sixe scoore thousynde in o dai, alle the men werriours; for thei hadden forsake the Lord God of her fadris.
7 有一個以法蓮中的勇士,名叫細基利,殺了王的兒子瑪西雅和管理王宮的押斯利甘,並宰相以利加拿。
In the same tyme Zechry, a myyti man of Effraym, killide Maasie, the sone of Rogloth, the kyng; and `he killide Ezrica, the duyk of his hows, and Elcana, the secounde fro the kyng.
8 以色列人擄了他們的弟兄,連婦人帶兒女共有二十萬,又掠了許多的財物,帶到撒馬利亞去了。
And the sones of Israel token of her britheren two hundrid thousynde of wymmen and of children and of damysels, and prey with out noumbre; and baren it in to Samarie.
9 但那裏有耶和華的一個先知,名叫俄德,出來迎接往撒馬利亞去的軍兵,對他們說:「因為耶和華-你們列祖的上帝惱怒猶大人,所以將他們交在你們手裏,你們竟怒氣沖天,大行殺戮。
In that tempest a profete of the Lord, Obed bi name, was there, which yede out ayens the oost comynge in to Samarie, and seide to hem, Lo! the Lord God of youre fadris was wrooth ayens Juda, and bitook hem in youre hondis; and ye han slayn hem crueli, so that youre cruelte stretchide forth in to heuene.
10 如今你們又有意強逼猶大人和耶路撒冷人作你們的奴婢,你們豈不也有得罪耶和華-你們上帝的事嗎?
Ferthermore ye wolen make suget to you the sones of Juda and of Jerusalem in to seruauntis and handmaidis; which thing is not nedeful to be doon; for ye han synned on this thing to `youre Lord God.
11 現在你們當聽我說,要將擄來的弟兄釋放回去,因為耶和華向你們已經大發烈怒。」
But here ye my councel, and lede ayen the prisounneris, whyche ye han brouyt of youre britheren; for greet veniaunce of the Lord neiyith to you.
12 於是,以法蓮人的幾個族長-就是約哈難的兒子亞撒利雅、米實利末的兒子比利家、沙龍的兒子耶希西家、哈得萊的兒子亞瑪撒-起來攔擋出兵回來的人,
Therfor men of the princes of the sones of Effraym, Azarie, the sone of Johannan, Barachie, the sone of Mosollamoth, Jesechie, the sone of Sellum, and Amasie, the sone of Adali, stoden ayens hem that camen fro the batel;
13 對他們說:「你們不可帶進這被擄的人來!你們想要使我們得罪耶和華,加增我們的罪惡過犯?因為我們的罪過甚大,已經有烈怒臨到以色列人了。」
and seiden to hem, Ye schulen not brynge in hidur the prisoneris, lest we doen synne ayens the Lord; whi wolen ye `ley to on youre synnes, and heepe elde trespassis? For it is greet synne; the ire of the strong veniaunce of the Lord neiyeth on Israel.
14 於是帶兵器的人將擄來的人口和掠來的財物都留在眾首領和會眾的面前。
And the men werriouris leften the prey, and alle thingis whiche thei hadden take, bifor the princes and al the multitude.
15 以上提名的那些人就站起,使被擄的人前來;其中有赤身的,就從所掠的財物中拿出衣服和鞋來,給他們穿,又給他們吃喝,用膏抹他們;其中有軟弱的,就使他們騎驢,送到棕樹城耶利哥他們弟兄那裏;隨後就回撒馬利亞去了。
And the men stoden, whiche we remembriden bifore, and thei token the prisounneris, and clothiden of the spuylis alle that weren nakid; and whanne thei hadden clothid hem, and hadden schod, and hadden refreschid with mete and drynke, and hadden anoyntid for trauel, and hadden youe cure, `ether medecyn, to hem; `thei puttiden hem on horsis, whiche euere `myyten not go, and weren feble `of bodi, and brouyten to Jerico, a citee of palmes, to `the britheren of hem; and thei turneden ayen in to Samarie.
16 那時,亞哈斯王差遣人去見亞述諸王,求他們幫助;
In that tyme kyng Achaz sente to the kyng of Assiriens, and axide help.
17 因為以東人又來攻擊猶大,擄掠子民。
And Ydumeis camen, and killiden many men of Juda, and token greet prey.
18 非利士人也來侵佔高原和猶大南方的城邑,取了伯‧示麥、亞雅崙、基低羅,梭哥和屬梭哥的鄉村,亭納和屬亭納的鄉村,瑾鎖和屬瑾鎖的鄉村,就住在那裏。
Also Filisteis weren spred abrood bi citees of the feeldis, and at the south of Juda; and thei token Bethsames, and Hailon, and Gaderoth, and Socoth, and Thannan, and Zamro, with her villagis; and dwelliden in tho.
19 因為以色列王亞哈斯在猶大放肆,大大干犯耶和華,所以耶和華使猶大卑微。
For the Lord made low Juda for Achaz, the kyng of Juda; for he hadde maad him nakid of help, and hadde dispisid the Lord.
20 亞述王提革拉‧毗列色上來,卻沒有幫助他,反倒欺凌他。
And the Lord brouyte ayens him Teglat Phalasar, kyng of Assiriens, that turmentide hym, and waastide hym, while no man ayenstood.
21 亞哈斯從耶和華殿裏和王宮中,並首領家內所取的財寶給了亞述王,這也無濟於事。
Therfor Achaz, after that he hadde spuylid the hows of the Lord, and the hows of the kyng and of princes, yaf yiftis to the kyng of Assiriens, and netheles it profitide `no thing to hym.
22 這亞哈斯王在急難的時候,越發得罪耶和華。
Ferthermore also in the tyme of his angwisch he encreesside dispit ayens God; thilke kyng Achaz bi
23 他祭祀攻擊他的大馬士革之神,說:「因為亞蘭王的神幫助他們,我也獻祭與他,他好幫助我。」但那些神使他和以色列眾人敗亡了。
hym silf offride sacrifices to the goddis of Damask, hise smyteris, and seide, The goddis of the kyngis of Sirie helpen hem, whiche goddis Y schal plese bi sacrifices, and thei schulen help me; whanne ayenward thei weren fallyng to hym, and to al Israel.
24 亞哈斯將上帝殿裏的器皿都聚了來,毀壞了,且封鎖耶和華殿的門;在耶路撒冷各處的拐角建築祭壇,
Therfor aftir that Achaz hadde take awei, and broke alle the vessels of the hows of God, he closide the yatis of Goddis temple, and made auteris to hym silf in alle the corneris of Jerusalem.
25 又在猶大各城建立邱壇,與別神燒香,惹動耶和華-他列祖上帝的怒氣。
And in alle citees of Juda he bildide auteris to brenne encence, and he stiride the Lord God of hise fadris to wrathfulnesse.
26 亞哈斯其餘的事和他的行為,自始至終都寫在猶大和以色列諸王記上。
Sotheli the residue of hise wordis and of alle hise werkis, the formere and the laste, ben writun in the book of kyngis of Juda and of Israel.
27 亞哈斯與他列祖同睡,葬在耶路撒冷城裏,沒有送入以色列諸王的墳墓中。他兒子希西家接續他作王。
And Achaz slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden hym in the citee of Jerusalem; for thei resseyueden not hym in the sepulcris of the kyngis of Israel; and Ezechie, his sone, regnede for hym.

< 歷代志下 28 >