< 歷代志下 26 >

1 猶大眾民立亞瑪謝的兒子烏西雅接續他父作王,那時他年十六歲。(
Forsothe al the puple of Juda made kyng, Ozie, his sone, `of sixtene yeer, for his fader Amasie.
2 亞瑪謝與他列祖同睡之後,烏西雅收回以祿仍歸猶大,又重新修理。)
He bildide Hailath, and restoride it to the lordschipe of Juda, after that the kyng slepte with hise fadris.
3 烏西雅登基的時候年十六歲,在耶路撒冷作王五十二年。他母親名叫耶可利雅,是耶路撒冷人。
Ozie was of sixtene yeer, whanne he bigan to regne; and he regnede two and fifti yeer in Jerusalem; the name of his modir was Hiechelia, of Jerusalem.
4 烏西雅行耶和華眼中看為正的事,效法他父亞瑪謝一切所行的;
And he dide that, that was riytful in the siyt of the Lord, bi alle thingis whiche Amasie, his fadir, hadde do.
5 通曉上帝默示,撒迦利亞在世的時候,烏西雅定意尋求上帝;他尋求耶和華,上帝就使他亨通。
And he souyte the Lord in the daies of Zacarie, vndurstondynge and seynge God; and whanne he souyte God, God reulide hym in alle thingis.
6 他出去攻擊非利士人,拆毀了迦特城、雅比尼城,和亞實突城;在非利士人中,在亞實突境內,又建築了些城。
Forsothe he yede out, and fauyt ayens Filisteis, and distriede the wal of Geth, and the wal of Jabyne, and the wal of Azotus; and he bildide stronge places in Azotus and in Filistiym.
7 上帝幫助他攻擊非利士人和住在姑珥‧巴力的阿拉伯人,並米烏尼人。
And the Lord helpide hym bothe ayens Filisteis, and ayens Arabeis that dwelliden in Garbahal, and ayenus Amonytis.
8 亞捫人給烏西雅進貢。他的名聲傳到埃及,因他甚是強盛。
Amonytis paieden yiftis to Ozie, and his name was pupplischid `til to the entryng of Egipt for ofte victories.
9 烏西雅在耶路撒冷的角門和谷門,並城牆轉彎之處,建築城樓,且甚堅固;
And Ozie bildide touris in Jerusalem ouer the yate of the corner, and ouer the yate of the valey, and othere touris in the same side of the wal; and made tho stidefast.
10 又在曠野與高原和平原,建築望樓,挖了許多井,因他的牲畜甚多;又在山地和佳美之地,有農夫和修理葡萄園的人,因為他喜悅農事。
Also he bildide touris in the wildirnesse, and he diggide ful many cisternes; for he hadde many beestis as wel in the feeldi places as in the wastnesse of deseert. Also he hadde vyneris and tiliers of vynes in the hilles, and in Carmele; for he was a man youun to erthetilthe.
11 烏西雅又有軍兵,照書記耶利和官長瑪西雅所數點的,在王的一個將軍哈拿尼雅手下,分隊出戰。
Forsothe the oost of hise werriours, that yeden forth to batels, vndur the hond of Heiel, scribe, and of Masie, techere, and vndur the hond of Ananye that was of the duykis of the kyng;
12 族長、大能勇士的總數共有二千六百人,
and al the noumbre of princes, by her meynees, was of stronge men two thousynde and sixe hundrid.
13 他們手下的軍兵共有三十萬七千五百人,都有大能,善於爭戰,幫助王攻擊仇敵。
And vndur hem was al the oost, thre hundrid thousynde and seuen thousynde and fyue hundrid, that weren able to batel, and fouyten for the king ayens aduersaries.
14 烏西雅為全軍預備盾牌、槍、盔、甲、弓,和甩石的機弦,
And Ozie made redi to hem, that is, to al the oost, scheldis, and speris, and basynetis, and haburiouns, and bouwis, and slyngis to caste stonys.
15 又在耶路撒冷使巧匠做機器,安在城樓和角樓上,用以射箭發石。烏西雅的名聲傳到遠方;因為他得了非常的幫助,甚是強盛。
And he made in Jerusalem engynes of dyuerse kynde, which he settide in touris, and in the corneris of wallis, that tho schulden caste arowis and grete stoonys; and his name yede out fer, for the Lord helpide hym, and hadde maad him strong.
16 他既強盛,就心高氣傲,以致行事邪僻,干犯耶和華-他的上帝,進耶和華的殿,要在香壇上燒香。
But whanne he was maad strong, his herte was reisid in to his perischyng; and he dispiside `his Lord God; and he entride in to the temple of the Lord, and wolde brenne encense on the auter of encense.
17 祭司亞撒利雅率領耶和華勇敢的祭司八十人,跟隨他進去。
And anoon Azarie, the preest, entride after hym, and with hym the preestis of the Lord, seuenti `men ful noble;
18 他們就阻擋烏西雅王,對他說:「烏西雅啊,給耶和華燒香不是你的事,乃是亞倫子孫承接聖職祭司的事。你出聖殿吧!因為你犯了罪。你行這事,耶和華上帝必不使你得榮耀。」
whiche ayenstoden the kyng, and seiden, Ozie, it is not of thin office, that thou brenne encense to the Lord, but of the preestis of the Lord, that is, of the sones of Aaron, that ben halewid to siche seruyce; go thou out of the seyntuarye; dispise thou not; for this thing schal not be arettid of the Lord God to thee in to glorie.
19 烏西雅就發怒,手拿香爐要燒香。他向祭司發怒的時候,在耶和華殿中香壇旁眾祭司面前,額上忽然發出大痲瘋。
And Ozie was wrooth, and he helde in the hond the censere for to offre encence, and manaasside the preestis; and anoon lepre was sprungun forth in his forheed, bifor the preestis in the hows of the Lord on the auter of encense.
20 大祭司亞撒利雅和眾祭司觀看,見他額上發出大痲瘋,就催他出殿;他自己也急速出去,因為耶和華降災與他。
And whanne Azarie, the bischop, hadde biholde hym, and alle othere preestis `hadden biholde him, thei sien lepre in his forheed, and hiyngli thei puttiden hym out; but also he was aferd, and hastide to go out; for he feelide anoon the veniaunce of the Lord.
21 烏西雅王長大痲瘋直到死日,因此住在別的宮裏,與耶和華的殿隔絕。他兒子約坦管理家事,治理國民。
Therfor kyng Ozie was leprouse `til to the dai of his deeth, and dwellide in an hows bi it silf, and he was ful of lepre; `for which he was cast out of the hows of the Lord. Forsothe Joathan, his sone, gouernyde the hows of the kyng, and demyde the puple of the lond.
22 烏西雅其餘的事,自始至終都是亞摩斯的兒子先知以賽亞所記的。
Sotheli Ysaie, the prophete, the sone of Amos, wroot the residue `of the formere and of the laste wordis of Ozie.
23 烏西雅與他列祖同睡,葬在王陵的田間他列祖的墳地裏;因為人說,他是長大痲瘋的。他兒子約坦接續他作王。
And Ozie slepte with hise fadris, and thei birieden not hym in the feeld of the kyngis sepulcris, for he was leprouse; and Joathan, his sone, regnyde for hym.

< 歷代志下 26 >