< 歷代志下 23 >

1 第七年,耶何耶大奮勇自強,將百夫長耶羅罕的兒子亞撒利雅,約哈難的兒子以實瑪利,俄備得的兒子亞撒利雅,亞大雅的兒子瑪西雅,細基利的兒子以利沙法召來,與他們立約。
Forsothe in the seuenthe yeer Joiada was coumfortid, and took centuriouns, that is, Azarie, sone of Jeroboam, and Ismael, the sone of Johannam, and Azarie, the sone of Obeth, and Maasie, the sone of Adaie, and Elisaphat, the sone of Zechri; and he made with hem a counsel and a boond of pees.
2 他們走遍猶大,從猶大各城裏招聚利未人和以色列的眾族長到耶路撒冷來。
Which cumpassiden Juda, and gaderiden togidere dekenes of alle the citees of Juda, and the princes of the meynees of Israel, and camen in to Jerusalem.
3 會眾在上帝殿裏與王立約。耶何耶大對他們說:「看哪,王的兒子必當作王,正如耶和華指着大衛子孫所應許的話」;
Therfor al the multitude made couenaunt in the hows of the Lord with the kyng. And Joiada seide to hem, Lo! the sone of the kyng schal regne, as the Lord spak on the sones of Dauid.
4 又說:「你們當這樣行:祭司和利未人凡安息日進班的,三分之一要把守各門,
Therfor this is the word, which ye schulen do.
5 三分之一要在王宮,三分之一要在基址門;眾百姓要在耶和華殿的院內。
The thridde part of you that ben comun to the sabat, of preestis, and of dekenes, and of porterys, schal be in the yatis; sotheli the thridde part schal be at the hows of the kyng; and the thridde part schal be at the yate, which is clepid of the foundement. Forsothe al the tother comyn puple be in the large places of the hows of the Lord;
6 除了祭司和供職的利未人之外,不准別人進耶和華的殿;惟獨他們可以進去,因為他們聖潔。眾百姓要遵守耶和華所吩咐的。
and noon other man entre in to the hows of the Lord, no but preestis, and thei that mynystren of the dekenes; oneli entre thei, that ben halewid, and al the tother comyn puple kepe the kepyngis of the Lord.
7 利未人要手中各拿兵器,四圍護衛王;凡擅入殿宇的,必當治死。王出入的時候,你們當跟隨他。」
Forsothe the dekenes cumpasse the kyng, and ech man haue hise armuris; and if ony othere man entrith in to the temple, be he slayn; and be thei with the kyng entrynge and goynge out.
8 利未人和猶大眾人都照着祭司耶何耶大一切所吩咐的去行,各帶所管安息日進班出班的人來,因為祭司耶何耶大不許他們下班。
Therfor the dekenes and al Juda diden bi alle thingis, which Joiada, the bischop, hadde comaundid; and alle token the men, that weren with hem, and camen bi the ordre of sabat with hem, that hadden `fillid now the sabat, and schulen go out.
9 祭司耶何耶大便將上帝殿裏所藏大衛王的槍、盾牌、擋牌交給百夫長,
For Joiada, the bischop, suffride not the cumpenyes to go awei, that weren wont to come oon after `the tother bi ech wouke. And Joiada, the preest, yaf to the centuriouns speris, and scheeldis, and bokeleris of kyng Dauid, whiche he hadde halewid in to the hows of the Lord.
10 又分派眾民手中各拿兵器,在壇和殿那裏,從殿右直到殿左,站在王子的四圍;
And he ordeynede al the puple, of hem `that helden swerdis, at the riyt side of the temple `til to the left side of the temple, bifor the auter and the temple, bi cumpas of the king.
11 於是領王子出來,給他戴上冠冕,將律法書交給他,立他作王。耶何耶大和眾子膏他,眾人說:「願王萬歲!」
And thei ledden out the sone of the kyng, and settiden a diademe on hym; and thei yauen to hym in his hond the lawe to be holdun, and thei maden hym kyng. And Joiada, the bischop, and his sones anoyntiden hym; and thei preiden hertli, and seiden, The kyng lyue!
12 亞她利雅聽見民奔走讚美王的聲音,就到民那裏,進耶和華的殿,
And whanne Athalia hadde herd this thing, that is, the vois of men rennynge and preisynge the kyng, sche entride to the puple, in to the temple of the Lord.
13 看見王站在殿門的柱旁,百夫長和吹號的人侍立在王左右,國民都歡樂吹號,又有歌唱的,用各樣的樂器領人歌唱讚美;亞她利雅就撕裂衣服,喊叫說:「反了!反了!」
And whanne sche hadde seyn the kyng stondynge on the grees in the entryng, and the princes and cumpenyes of knyytis aboute hym, and al the puple of the lond ioiynge, and sownynge with trumpis, and syngynge togidere with orguns of dyuerse kynde, and the vois of men preisynge, sche to-rente hir clothis, and seide, Tresouns! tresouns!
14 祭司耶何耶大帶管轄軍兵的百夫長出來,吩咐他們說:「將她趕到班外,凡跟隨她的必用刀殺死!」因為祭司說:「不可在耶和華殿裏殺她。」
Sotheli Joiada, the bischop, yede out to the centuriouns, and princes of the oost, and seide to hem, Lede ye hir with out the `purseyntis, ethir closyngis, of the temple, and be sche slayn with outforth bi swerd; and the preest comaundide, that sche schulde not be slayn in the hows of the Lord.
15 眾兵就閃開,讓她去;她走到王宮的馬門,便在那裏把她殺了。
And thei settiden hondis on hir nol; and whanne she hadde entrid in to the yate of the horsis, of the kyngis hows, thei killiden hir there.
16 耶何耶大與眾民和王立約,都要作耶和華的民。
Forsothe Joiada couenauntide a boond of pees bitwixe him silf and al the puple and the kyng, that it schulde be the puple of the Lord.
17 於是眾民都到巴力廟,拆毀了廟,打碎壇和像,又在壇前將巴力的祭司瑪坦殺了。
Therfor al the puple entride in to the hows of Baal, and distrieden it, and braken the auteris and symylacris therof; but thei killiden bifor the auteris Mathan, the preest of Baal.
18 耶何耶大派官看守耶和華的殿,是在祭司利未人手下。這祭司利未人是大衛分派在耶和華殿中、照摩西律法上所寫的,給耶和華獻燔祭,又按大衛所定的例,歡樂歌唱;
Forsothe Joiada ordeynede souereyns in the hows of the Lord, that vndur the hondis of preestis, and of dekenes, whiche Dauid departide in the hows of the Lord, thei schulden offre brent sacrifices to the Lord, as it is writun in the book of Moises, in ioie and songis, by the ordynaunce of Dauid.
19 且設立守門的把守耶和華殿的各門,無論為何事,不潔淨的人都不准進去。
Also he ordeynede porteris in the yatis of the hows of the Lord, that an vnclene man in ony thing schulde not entre in to it.
20 又率領百夫長和貴冑,與民間的官長,並國中的眾民,請王從耶和華殿下來,由上門進入王宮,立王坐在國位上。
And he took the centuriouns, and strongeste men, and princes of the puple, and al the comyn puple of the lond. And thei maden the kyng to go doun fro the hows of the Lord, and to entre bi the myddis of the hiyere yate in to the hows of the kyng; and thei settiden hym in the kyngis trone.
21 國民都歡樂,合城都安靜。眾人已將亞她利雅用刀殺了。
And al the puple of the lond was glad, and the citee restide; forsothe Athalia was slayn bi swerd.

< 歷代志下 23 >