< 歷代志下 17 >

1 亞撒的兒子約沙法接續他作王,奮勇自強,防備以色列人,
Forsothe Josaphat, his sone, regnyde for hym; and he hadde the maistrye ayens Israel.
2 安置軍兵在猶大一切堅固城裏,又安置防兵在猶大地和他父亞撒所得以法蓮的城邑中。
And he settide noumbris of knyytis in alle the citees of Juda, that weren cumpassid with wallis, and he disposide strong holdis in the lond of Juda, and in the citees of Effraym, whiche Asa, his fadir, hadde take.
3 耶和華與約沙法同在;因為他行他祖大衛初行的道,不尋求巴力,
And the Lord was with Josaphat, whiche yede in the firste weies of Dauid, his fadir; he hopide not in Baalym,
4 只尋求他父親的上帝,遵行他的誡命,不效法以色列人的行為。
but in the Lord God of Dauid, his fadir, and he yede in the comaundementis of God, and not bi the synnes of Israel.
5 所以耶和華堅定他的國,猶大眾人給他進貢;約沙法大有尊榮資財。
And the Lord confermyde the rewme in his hond; and al Juda yaf yiftis to Josaphat, and ritchessis with outen noumbre, and myche glorie weren maad to hym.
6 他高興遵行耶和華的道,並且從猶大除掉一切邱壇和木偶。
And whanne his herte hadde take hardynesse for the weies of the Lord, he took awei also hiy placis and wodis fro Juda.
7 他作王第三年,就差遣臣子便‧亥伊勒、俄巴底、撒迦利雅、拿坦業、米該亞往猶大各城去教訓百姓。
Forsothe in the thridde yeer of his rewme he sente of hise princes Benail, and Abdie, and Zacarie, and Nathanael, and Mychee, that thei schulden teche in the citees of Juda;
8 同着他們有利未人示瑪雅、尼探雅、西巴第雅、亞撒黑、示米拉末、約拿單、亞多尼雅、多比雅、駝‧巴多尼雅,又有祭司以利沙瑪、約蘭同着他們。
and with hem he sente dekenes Semeye, and Nathanye, and Zabadie, and Azahel, and Semyramoth, and Jonathan, and Adonye, and Thobie, and Abadonye, dekenes; and with hem `he sente Elisama and Joram, preestis;
9 他們帶着耶和華的律法書,走遍猶大各城教訓百姓。
and thei tauyten the puple in Juda, and hadden the book of the lawe of the Lord; and thei cumpassiden alle the citees of Juda, and tauyten al the puple.
10 耶和華使猶大四圍的列國都甚恐懼,不敢與約沙法爭戰。
Therfor the drede of the Lord was maad on al the rewmes of londis, that weren `bi cumpas of Juda; and tho dursten not fiyte ayens Josaphat.
11 有些非利士人與約沙法送禮物,納貢銀。阿拉伯人也送他公綿羊七千七百隻,公山羊七千七百隻。
But also Filisteis brouyten yiftis to Josaphat, and tol of siluer; and men of Arabie brouyten scheep seuene thousynde, and seuene hundrid of wetheris, and so many buckis of geet.
12 約沙法日漸強大,在猶大建造營寨和積貨城。
Therfor Josaphat encreesside, and was magnified `til in to an hiy; and he bildide in Juda housis at the licnesse of touris, and stronge citees;
13 他在猶大城邑中有許多工程,又在耶路撒冷有戰士,就是大能的勇士。
and he made redi many werkis in the citees of Juda. Also men werriouris and stronge men weren in Jerusalem;
14 他們的數目,按着宗族,記在下面:猶大族的千夫長押拿為首率領大能的勇士-三十萬;
of whiche this is the noumbre, `bi the housis and meynees of alle in Juda. Duyk Eduas was prince of the oost, and with hym weren thre hundrid thousynde ful stronge men.
15 其次是,千夫長約哈難率領大能的勇士-二十八萬;
Aftir hym was Johannan prince, and with hym weren two hundrid thousynde and foure scoore thousynde.
16 其次是,細基利的兒子亞瑪斯雅(他為耶和華犧牲自己)率領大能的勇士-二十萬。
After this also Amasye, the sone of Zechri, was halewid to the Lord, and with hym weren two hundrid thousynde of stronge men.
17 便雅憫族,是大能的勇士以利雅大率領拿弓箭和盾牌的-二十萬;
Eliada myyti to batels suede this Amasie, and with hym weren two hundrid thousynde of men holdynge bouwe and scheeld.
18 其次是,約薩拔率領預備打仗的-十八萬。
Aftir this was also Josaphat, and with hym weren an hundrid thousynde and foure scoore thousynde of redi knyytis.
19 這都是伺候王的,還有王在猶大全地堅固城所安置的不在其內。
Alle these weren at the hond of the kyng, outakun othere, whiche he hadde put in wallid cytees and in al Juda.

< 歷代志下 17 >