< 歷代志下 1 >

1 大衛的兒子所羅門國位堅固;耶和華-他的上帝與他同在,使他甚為尊大。
Therfor Salomon, the sone of Dauid, was coumfortid in his rewme, and the Lord was with hym, and magnefiede hym an hiy.
2 所羅門吩咐以色列眾人,就是千夫長、百夫長、審判官、首領與族長都來。
And Salomon comaundide to al Israel, to tribunes, and centuriouns, and to duykis, and domesmen of al Israel, and to the princes of meynees;
3 所羅門和會眾都往基遍的邱壇去,因那裏有上帝的會幕,就是耶和華僕人摩西在曠野所製造的。
and he yede with al the multitude in to the hiy place of Gabaon, where the tabernacle of boond of pees of the Lord was, which tabernacle Moyses, the seruaunt of the Lord, made in wildirnesse.
4 只是上帝的約櫃,大衛已經從基列‧耶琳搬到他所預備的地方,因他曾在耶路撒冷為約櫃支搭了帳幕,
Forsothe Dauid hadde brouyt the arke of God fro Cariathiarym in to the place which he hadde maad redy to it, and where he hadde set a tabernacle to it, that is, in to Jerusalem.
5 並且戶珥的孫子、烏利的兒子比撒列所造的銅壇也在基遍耶和華的會幕前。所羅門和會眾都就近壇前。
And the brasun auter, which Beseleel, the sone of Vri, sone of Vr, hadde maad, was there bifor the tabernacle of the Lord; whiche also Salomon and al the chirche souyte.
6 所羅門上到耶和華面前會幕的銅壇那裏,獻一千犧牲為燔祭。
And Salomon stiede to the brasun autir, bifor the tabernacle of boond of pees of the Lord, and offride in it a thousynde sacrifices.
7 當夜,上帝向所羅門顯現,對他說:「你願我賜你甚麼,你可以求。」
Lo! `forsothe in that nyyt God apperide to hym, `and seide, Axe that that thou wolt, that Y yyue to thee.
8 所羅門對上帝說:「你曾向我父大衛大施慈愛,使我接續他作王。
And Salomon seide to God, Thou hast do greet mersi with Dauid, my fadir, and hast ordeyned me kyng for hym.
9 耶和華上帝啊,現在求你成就向我父大衛所應許的話;因你立我作這民的王,他們如同地上塵沙那樣多。
Now therfor, Lord God, thi word be fillid, which thou bihiytist to Dauid, my fadir; for thou hast maad me kyng on thi greet puple, which is so vnnoumbrable as the dust of erthe.
10 求你賜我智慧聰明,我好在這民前出入;不然,誰能判斷這眾多的民呢?」
Yiue thou to me wisdom and vndurstondyng, that Y go in and go out bifor thi puple; for who may deme worthili this thi puple, which is so greet?
11 上帝對所羅門說:「我已立你作我民的王。你既有這心意,並不求資財、豐富、尊榮,也不求滅絕那恨你之人的性命,又不求大壽數,只求智慧聰明好判斷我的民;
Sotheli God seide to Salomon, For this thing pleside more thin herte, and thou axidist not richessis, and catel, and glorie, nether the lyues of them that hatiden thee, but nether ful many daies of lijf; but thou axidist wisdom and kunnyng, that thou maist deme my puple, on which Y ordeynede thee kyng,
12 我必賜你智慧聰明,也必賜你資財、豐富、尊榮。在你以前的列王都沒有這樣,在你以後也必沒有這樣的。」
wisdom and kunnyng ben youun to thee; forsothe Y schal yyue to thee richessis, and catel, and glorie, so that noon among kyngis, nether bifor thee nethir aftir thee, be lijk thee.
13 於是,所羅門從基遍邱壇會幕前回到耶路撒冷,治理以色列人。
Therfor Salomon cam fro the hiy place of Gabaon in to Jerusalem, bifor the tabernacle of boond of pees, and he regnede on Israel.
14 所羅門聚集戰車馬兵,有戰車一千四百輛,馬兵一萬二千名,安置在屯車的城邑和耶路撒冷,就是王那裏。
And he gaderide to hym chaaris and knyytis, and a thousynde and foure hundrid charis weren maad to hym, and twelue thousynde of knyytis; and he made hem to be in the citees of cartis, and with the kyng in Jerusalem.
15 王在耶路撒冷使金銀多如石頭,香柏木多如高原的桑樹。
And the kyng yaf in Jerusalem gold and siluer as stoonys, and cedris as sicomoris, that comen forth in feeldi places in greet multitude.
16 所羅門的馬是從埃及帶來的,是王的商人一群一群按着定價買來的。
Forsothe horsis weren brouyt to hym fro Egipt, and fro Choa, bi the marchauntis of the kyng, whiche yeden, and bouyten bi prijs,
17 他們從埃及買來的車,每輛價銀六百舍客勒,馬每匹一百五十舍客勒。赫人諸王和亞蘭諸王所買的車馬,也是按這價值經他們手買來的。
`a foure `horsid carte for sixe hundrid platis of siluer, and an hors for an hundrid and fifti. In lijk maner biyng was maad of alle the rewmes of citees, and of the kingis of Sirie.

< 歷代志下 1 >