< 撒母耳記上 2 >

1 哈拿禱告說: 我的心因耶和華快樂; 我的角因耶和華高舉。 我的口向仇敵張開; 我因耶和華的救恩歡欣。
And Anna worschipide, and seide, Myn herte fulli ioiede in the Lord, and myn horn is reisid in my God; my mouth is alargid on myn enemyes, for Y was glad in thin helthe.
2 只有耶和華為聖; 除他以外沒有可比的, 也沒有磐石像我們的上帝。
Noon is hooli as the Lord is; `for noon other is, outakun thee, and noon is strong as oure God.
3 人不要誇口說驕傲的話, 也不要出狂妄的言語; 因耶和華是大有智識的上帝, 人的行為被他衡量。
Nyle ye multiplie to speke hiye thingis, and haue glorie; elde thingis go awey fro youre mouth; for God is Lord of kunnyngis, and thouytis ben maad redi to hym.
4 勇士的弓都已折斷; 跌倒的人以力量束腰。
The bouwe of strong men is ouercomun, and sijk men ben gird with strengthe.
5 素來飽足的,反作用人求食; 飢餓的,再不飢餓。 不生育的,生了七個兒子; 多有兒女的,反倒衰微。
Men fillid bifore settiden hem silf to hire for looues, and hungri men ben fillid; while the bareyn womman childide ful manye, and sche that hadde many sones, was sijke.
6 耶和華使人死,也使人活, 使人下陰間,也使人往上升。 (Sheol h7585)
The Lord sleeth, and quikeneth; he ledith forth to hellis, and bryngith ayen. (Sheol h7585)
7 他使人貧窮,也使人富足, 使人卑微,也使人高貴。
The Lord makith pore, and makith riche; he makith low, and reisith.
8 他從灰塵裏抬舉貧寒人, 從糞堆中提拔窮乏人, 使他們與王子同坐, 得着榮耀的座位。 地的柱子屬於耶和華; 他將世界立在其上。
He reisith a nedi man fro poudur, and `he reisith a pore man fro dryt, that he sitte with princes, and holde the seete of glorie; for the endis of erthe ben of the Lord, and he hath set the world on tho.
9 他必保護聖民的腳步, 使惡人在黑暗中寂然不動; 人都不能靠力量得勝。
He schal kepe `the feet of hise seyntis, and wickid men schulen be stille to gidere in derknessis; for a man schal not be maad strong in his owne strengthe.
10 與耶和華爭競的,必被打碎; 耶和華必從天上以雷攻擊他, 必審判地極的人, 將力量賜與所立的王, 高舉受膏者的角。
Aduersaries of the Lord schulen drede hym, and in heuenes he schal thundre on hem; the Lord schal deme the endis of erthe, and he schal yyue lordschip to his kyng, and he schal enhaunse the horn, `that is, power, of his Crist.
11 以利加拿往拉瑪回家去了。那孩子在祭司以利面前事奉耶和華。
And Helcana yede in to Ramatha, in to his hows; forsothe the child was seruaunt in the siyt of the Lord bifor the face of Ely the preest.
12 以利的兩個兒子是惡人,不認識耶和華。
Forsothe the sones of Hely weren sones of Belial,
13 這二祭司待百姓是這樣的規矩:凡有人獻祭,正煮肉的時候,祭司的僕人就來,手拿三齒的叉子,
and knewen not the Lord, nether the office of preestis to the puple; but who euer hadde offrid sacrifice, the child of the preest cam, while the fleischis weren in sething, and he hadde a fleischhook with thre teeth in his hond;
14 將叉子往罐裏,或鼎裏,或釜裏,或鍋裏一插,插上來的肉,祭司都取了去。凡上到示羅的以色列人,他們都是這樣看待。
and he sente it in to the `grete vessel of stoon, ethir in to the caudrun, ethir in to the pot, ethir in to the panne; and what euer thing the fleischhook reiside, the preest took to hym silf; so thei diden to al Israel of men comynge in to Silo.
15 又在未燒脂油以前,祭司的僕人就來對獻祭的人說:「將肉給祭司,叫他烤吧。他不要煮過的,要生的。」
Yhe bifor that `the sones of Hely brenten the ynnere fatnesse, the `child of the preest cam, and seyde to the offerere, Yyue `thou fleisch to me, that Y sethe to the preest; for Y schal not take of thee sodun fleisch, but raw.
16 獻祭的人若說:「必須先燒脂油,然後你可以隨意取肉。」僕人就說:「你立時給我,不然我便搶去。」
And `the offrere seide to hym, The ynnere fatnesse be brent first to day bi the custom, and take thou to thee hou myche euer thi soule desirith. Whiche answeride, and seide to hym, Nay, for thou schalt yyue now; ellis Y schal take bi violence.
17 如此,這二少年人的罪在耶和華面前甚重了,因為他們藐視耶和華的祭物。
Therfor the synne of the children was ful greuouse bifor the Lord; for thei withdrowen men fro the `sacrifice of the Lord.
18 那時,撒母耳還是孩子,穿着細麻布的以弗得,侍立在耶和華面前。
`Forsothe Samuel, a child gird with a lynnun clooth, mynystride bifor the face of the Lord.
19 他母親每年為他做一件小外袍,同着丈夫上來獻年祭的時候帶來給他。
And his moder made to hym a litil coote, which sche brouyte in daies ordeyned, and stiede with hir hosebonde, that he schulde offre a solempne offryng, and his auow.
20 以利為以利加拿和他的妻祝福,說:「願耶和華由這婦人再賜你後裔,代替你從耶和華求來的孩子。」他們就回本鄉去了。
And Heli blesside Helcana and his wijf; and Heli seide `to hym, The Lord yelde to thee seed of this womman, for the yifte which thou hast youe to the Lord. And thei yeden in to her place.
21 耶和華眷顧哈拿,她就懷孕生了三個兒子,兩個女兒。那孩子撒母耳在耶和華面前漸漸長大。
Therfor the Lord visitide Anna, and sche conseyuede, and childide thre sones and twei douytris. And the child Samuel was `magnyfied at the Lord.
22 以利年甚老邁,聽見他兩個兒子待以色列眾人的事,又聽見他們與會幕門前伺候的婦人苟合,
Forsothe Hely was ful eld, and he herde alle `thingis whiche hise sones diden in al Israel, and hou thei slepten with wymmen, that awaitiden at the dore of the tabernacle.
23 他就對他們說:「你們為何行這樣的事呢?我從這眾百姓聽見你們的惡行。
And he seide to hem, Whi doen ye siche thingis, the worste thingis whiche Y here of al the puple?
24 我兒啊,不可這樣!我聽見你們的風聲不好,你們使耶和華的百姓犯了罪。
Nyle ye, my sones; it is not good fame, which Y here, that ye make the `puple of the Lord to do trespas.
25 人若得罪人,有士師審判他;人若得罪耶和華,誰能為他祈求呢?」然而他們還是不聽父親的話,因為耶和華想要殺他們。
If a man synneth ayens a man, God may be plesid to him; forsothe if a man synneth ayens the Lord, who schal preye for hym? And thei herden not the vois of her fadir, for God wolde sle hem.
26 孩子撒母耳漸漸長大,耶和華與人越發喜愛他。
Forsothe the child Samuel profitide, and encreessyde, and pleside bothe God and men.
27 有神人來見以利,對他說:「耶和華如此說:『你祖父在埃及法老家作奴僕的時候,我不是向他們顯現嗎?
Sotheli a man of God cam to Hely, and seide to hym, The Lord seith these thingis, Whether Y was not schewid apertli to the hows of thi fadir, whanne he was in Egipt, in the hows of Farao?
28 在以色列眾支派中,我不是揀選人作我的祭司,使他燒香,在我壇上獻祭,在我面前穿以弗得,又將以色列人所獻的火祭都賜給你父家嗎?
And Y chees hym of alle lynagis of Israel `in to preest to me, that he schulde stie to myn auter, and schulde brenne encense to me, and that he schulde bere bifor me preestis cloth; and Y yaf to `the hows of thi fadir alle thingis of the sacrifices of the sones of Israel.
29 我所吩咐獻在我居所的祭物,你們為何踐踏?尊重你的兒子過於尊重我,將我民以色列所獻美好的祭物肥己呢?』
Whi hast thou cast awey with the heele my sacrifice, and my yiftis, whiche Y comaundide to be offrid in the temple; and thou onouridst more thi sones than me, that ye eeten the principal partis of ech sacrifice of `Israel, my puple?
30 因此,耶和華-以色列的上帝說:『我曾說,你和你父家必永遠行在我面前;現在我卻說,決不容你們這樣行。因為尊重我的,我必重看他;藐視我的,他必被輕視。
Therfor the Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Y spekynge spak, that thin hows and `the hows of thi fadir schulde mynystre in my siyt til in to with outen ende; `now forsothe the Lord seith, Fer be this fro me; but who euere onourith me, Y schal glorifie hym; forsothe thei that dispisen me, schulen be vnnoble.
31 日子必到,我要折斷你的膀臂和你父家的膀臂,使你家中沒有一個老年人。
Lo! daies comen, and Y schal kitte awei thin arm, and the arm of the hows of thi fadir, that an eld man be not in thin hows.
32 在上帝使以色列人享福的時候,你必看見我居所的敗落。在你家中必永遠沒有一個老年人。
And thou schalt se thin enemy in the temple, in alle prosperitees of Israel; and an eld man schal not be in thin hows in alle daies.
33 我必不從我壇前滅盡你家中的人;那未滅的必使你眼目乾癟、心中憂傷。你家中所生的人都必死在中年。
Netheles Y schal not outerli take awei of thee a man fro myn auter, but that thin iyen faile, and thi soule faile; and greet part of thin hows schal die, whanne it schal come to mannus age.
34 你的兩個兒子何弗尼、非尼哈所遭遇的事可作你的證據:他們二人必一日同死。
Forsothe this schal be signe, that schal come to thi twei sones Ophym and Fynees, bothe schulen die in o dai.
35 我要為自己立一個忠心的祭司;他必照我的心意而行。我要為他建立堅固的家;他必永遠行在我的受膏者面前。
And Y schal reise to me a feithful preest, that schal do bi myn herte and my soule; and Y schal bilde to hym a feithful hows, and he schal go bifore my Crist in alle daies.
36 你家所剩下的人都必來叩拜他,求塊銀子,求個餅,說:求你賜我祭司的職分,好叫我得點餅吃。』」
Forsothe it schal come, that who euer dwellith in thin hows, he come that `me preie for him, and that he offre a peny of siluer, and a cake of breed, and seie, Y biseche, suffre thou me to o `part of the preest, that Y ete a mussel of breed.

< 撒母耳記上 2 >