< 撒母耳記上 19 >

1 掃羅對他兒子約拿單和眾臣僕說,要殺大衛;掃羅的兒子約拿單卻甚喜愛大衛。
Forsothe Saul spak to Jonathas, his sone, and to alle hise seruauntis, that thei schulden sle Dauid; certis Jonathas, the sone of Saul, louyde Dauid greetli.
2 約拿單告訴大衛說:「我父掃羅想要殺你,所以明日早晨你要小心,到一個僻靜地方藏身。
And Jonathas schewide to Dauid, and seide, Saul, my fadir, sekith to sle thee, wherfor, Y biseche, kepe `thou thee eerli; and thou schalt dwelle priueli, and thou schalt be hid.
3 我就出到你所藏的田裏,站在我父親旁邊與他談論。我看他情形怎樣,我必告訴你。」
Sotheli Y schal go out, and stonde bisidis my fadir in the feeld, where euer he schal be; and Y schal speke of thee to my fadir, and what euer thing Y shal se, Y schal telle to thee.
4 約拿單向他父親掃羅替大衛說好話,說:「王不可得罪王的僕人大衛;因為他未曾得罪你,他所行的都與你大有益處。
Therfor Jonathas spak good thingis of Dauid to Saul, his fadir, and seide to hym, Kyng, do thou not synne ayens thi seruaunt Dauid, for he `synnede not to thee, and hise werkis ben ful good to thee;
5 他拚命殺那非利士人,耶和華為以色列眾人大行拯救;那時你看見,甚是歡喜,現在為何無故要殺大衛,流無辜人的血,自己取罪呢?」
and he puttide his lijf in his hond, and he killide the Filistei. And the Lord made greet heelthe to al Israel; thou siy, and were glad; whi therfor synnest thou in giltles blood, and sleest Dauid, which is with out gilt?
6 掃羅聽了約拿單的話,就指着永生的耶和華起誓說:「我必不殺他。」
And whanne Saul hadde herd this, he was plesid with the vois of Jonathas, and swoor, `The Lord lyueth, `that is, bi the Lord lyuynge, for Dauid schal not be slayn.
7 約拿單叫大衛來,把這一切事告訴他,帶他去見掃羅。他就仍然侍立在掃羅面前。
Therfor Jonathas clepide Dauid, and schewide to hym alle these wordis. And Jonathas brouyte in Dauid to Saul, and he was bifor hym as `yistirdai and the thridde dai ago.
8 此後又有爭戰的事。大衛出去與非利士人打仗,大大殺敗他們,他們就在他面前逃跑。
Forsothe batel was moued eft; and Dauyd yede out, and fauyt ayens Filisteis, and he smoot hem with a greet wounde, and thei fledden fro his face.
9 從耶和華那裏來的惡魔又降在掃羅身上(掃羅手裏拿槍坐在屋裏),大衛就用手彈琴。
And the yuel spirit of the Lord was maad on Saul; sotheli he sat in his hows, and helde a spere; certis Dauid harpide in his hond.
10 掃羅用槍想要刺透大衛,釘在牆上,他卻躲開,掃羅的槍刺入牆內。當夜大衛逃走,躲避了。
And Saul enforside to prene with the spere Dauid in the wal; and Dauid bowide fro `the face of Saul; forsothe the spere `with voide wounde was borun in to the wal; and Dauid fledde, and was saued in that niyt.
11 掃羅打發人到大衛的房屋那裏窺探他,要等到天亮殺他。大衛的妻米甲對他說:「你今夜若不逃命,明日你要被殺。」
Therfor Saul sente hise knyytis in the nyyt in to the hows of Dauid, that thei schulden kepe hym, and that he `schulde be slayn in the morewtide. And whanne Mychol, the wijf of Dauid, hadde teld this to Dauid, and seide, If thou sauest not thee in this nyyt, thou schalt die to morew;
12 於是米甲將大衛從窗戶裏縋下去,大衛就逃走,躲避了。
sche puttide hym doun bi a wyndow. Forsothe he yede, and fledde, and was sauyd.
13 米甲把家中的神像放在床上,頭枕在山羊毛裝的枕頭上,用被遮蓋。
Sotheli Mychol took an ymage, and puttide it on the bed, and puttide `an heeri skyn of geet at the heed therof, and hilide it with clothis.
14 掃羅打發人去捉拿大衛,米甲說:「他病了。」
Forsothe Saul sente sergeauntis, `that schulden rauysche Dauid, and it was answeride, that he was sijk.
15 掃羅又打發人去看大衛,說:「當連床將他抬來,我好殺他。」
And eft Saul sente messangeris, that thei schulden se Dauid, and he seide, Brynge ye hym to me in the bed, that he be slayn.
16 使者進去,看見床上有神像,頭枕在山羊毛裝的枕頭上。
And whanne the messangeris hadden come, `a symylacre was foundun on the bed, and `skynnes of geet at the heed therof.
17 掃羅對米甲說:「你為甚麼這樣欺哄我,放我仇敵逃走呢?」米甲回答說:「他對我說:『你放我走,不然我要殺你。』」
And Saul seide to Mychol, Whi scornedist thou me so, and `delyueredist myn enemy, that he fledde? And Mychol answeride to Saul, For he spak to me, and seide, Delyuere thou me, ellis Y schal slee thee.
18 大衛逃避,來到拉瑪見撒母耳,將掃羅向他所行的事述說了一遍。他和撒母耳就往拿約去居住。
Forsothe Dauid fledde, and was sauyd; and he cam to Samuel in to Ramatha, and telde to hym alle thingis which Saul hadde do to hym; and he and Samuel yeden, and dwelliden in Naioth.
19 有人告訴掃羅,說大衛在拉瑪的拿約。
Forsothe it was teld to Saul of men, seiynge, Lo! Dauid is in Naioth in Ramatha.
20 掃羅打發人去捉拿大衛。去的人見有一班先知都受感說話,撒母耳站在其中監管他們;打發去的人也受上帝的靈感動說話。
Therfor Saul sente sleeris, that thei schulden rauysche Dauid; and whanne thei hadden seyn the cumpeny of profetis profeciynge, and Samuel stondynge ouer hem, the Spirit of the Lord, `that is, the spirit of deuocioun, was maad in hem, and thei also bigunnen to prophecie.
21 有人將這事告訴掃羅,他又打發人去,他們也受感說話。掃羅第三次打發人去,他們也受感說話。
And whanne this was teld to Saul, he sente also othere messangeris; `sotheli and thei profesieden. And eft Saul sente the thridde messangeris, and thei prophecieden. And Saul was wrooth `with irefulnesse;
22 然後掃羅自己往拉瑪去,到了西沽的大井,問人說:「撒母耳和大衛在哪裏呢?」有人說:「在拉瑪的拿約。」
and he also yede in to Ramatha, and he cam `til to the greet cisterne, which is in Socoth, and he axide, and seide, In what place ben Samuel and Dauid? And it was seid to hym, Lo! thei ben in Naioth in Ramatha.
23 他就往拉瑪的拿約去。上帝的靈也感動他,一面走一面說話,直到拉瑪的拿約。
And he yede in `to Naioth in Ramatha; and the Spirit of the Lord was maad also on him; and he `yede, and entride, and propheciede, `til the while he cam `in to Naioth in Ramatha.
24 他就脫了衣服,在撒母耳面前受感說話,一晝一夜露體躺臥。因此有句俗語說:「掃羅也列在先知中嗎?」
And `he also dispuylide him silf of hise clothis, and propheciede with othere men bifor Samuel, and he profeciede nakid in al that dai and nyyt. Wherfor `a prouerbe, that is, a comyn word, yede out, Whether and Saul among prophetis?

< 撒母耳記上 19 >