< 哥林多前書 7 >

1 論到你們信上所提的事,我說男不近女倒好。
With reference to the subjects about which you wrote to me: It would be well for a man to remain single.
2 但要免淫亂的事,男子當各有自己的妻子;女子也當各有自己的丈夫。
But, owing to the prevalence of immorality, I advise every man to have his own wife, and every woman her husband.
3 丈夫當用合宜之分待妻子;妻子待丈夫也要如此。
A husband should give his wife her due, and a wife her husband.
4 妻子沒有權柄主張自己的身子,乃在丈夫;丈夫也沒有權柄主張自己的身子,乃在妻子。
It is not the wife, but the husband, who exercises power over her body; and so, too, it is not the husband, but the wife, who exercises power over his body.
5 夫妻不可彼此虧負,除非兩相情願,暫時分房,為要專心禱告方可;以後仍要同房,免得撒但趁着你們情不自禁,引誘你們。
Do not deprive each other of what is due — unless it is only for a time and by mutual consent, so that your minds may be free for prayer till you again live as man and wife — lest Satan should take advantage of your want of self-control and tempt you.
6 我說這話,原是准你們的,不是命你們的。
I say this, however, as a concession, not as a command.
7 我願意眾人像我一樣;只是各人領受上帝的恩賜,一個是這樣,一個是那樣。
I should wish every one to be just what I am myself. But every one has his own gift from God — one in one way, and one in another.
8 我對着沒有嫁娶的和寡婦說,若他們常像我就好。
My advice, then, to those who are not married, and to widows, is this: It would be well for them to remain as I am myself.
9 倘若自己禁止不住,就可以嫁娶。與其慾火攻心,倒不如嫁娶為妙。
But, if they cannot control themselves, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to be consumed with passion.
10 至於那已經嫁娶的,我吩咐他們;其實不是我吩咐,乃是主吩咐說:妻子不可離開丈夫,
To those who are married my direction is — yet it is not mine, but the Master’s — that a woman is not to leave her husband
11 若是離開了,不可再嫁,或是仍同丈夫和好。丈夫也不可離棄妻子。
(If she has done so, let her remain as she is, or else be reconciled to her husband) and also that a man is not to divorce his wife.
12 我對其餘的人說(不是主說):倘若某弟兄有不信的妻子,妻子也情願和他同住,他就不要離棄妻子。
To all others I say — I, not the Master — If a Brother is married to a woman, who is an unbeliever but willing to live with him, he should not divorce her;
13 妻子有不信的丈夫,丈夫也情願和她同住,她就不要離棄丈夫。
and a woman who is married to a man, who is an unbeliever but willing to live with her, should not divorce her husband.
14 因為不信的丈夫就因着妻子成了聖潔,並且不信的妻子就因着丈夫成了聖潔。不然,你們的兒女就不潔淨,但如今他們是聖潔的了。
For, through his wife, the husband who is an unbeliever has become associated with Christ’s People; and the wife who is an unbeliever has become associated with Christ’s People through our Brother whom she has married. Otherwise your children would be ‘defiled,’ but, as it is, they belong to Christ’s People.
15 倘若那不信的人要離去,就由他離去吧!無論是弟兄,是姊妹,遇着這樣的事都不必拘束。上帝召我們原是要我們和睦。
However, if the unbeliever wishes to be separated, let him be so. Under such circumstances neither the Brother nor the Sister is bound; God has called you to live in peace.
16 你這作妻子的,怎麼知道不能救你的丈夫呢?你這作丈夫的,怎麼知道不能救你的妻子呢?
How can you tell, wife, whether you may not save your husband? and how can you tell, husband, whether you may not save your wife?
17 只要照主所分給各人的,和上帝所召各人的而行。我吩咐各教會都是這樣。
In any case, a man should continue to live in the condition which the Lord has allotted to him, and in which he was when God called him. This is the rule that I lay down in every Church.
18 有人已受割禮蒙召呢,就不要廢割禮;有人未受割禮蒙召呢,就不要受割禮。
Was a man already circumcised when he was called? Then he should not efface his circumcision. Has a man been called when uncircumcised? Then he should not be circumcised.
19 受割禮算不得甚麼,不受割禮也算不得甚麼,只要守上帝的誡命就是了。
Circumcision is nothing; the want of it is nothing; but to keep the commands of God is everything.
20 各人蒙召的時候是甚麼身分,仍要守住這身分。
Let every one remain in that condition of life in which he was when the Call came to him.
21 你是作奴隸蒙召的嗎?不要因此憂慮;若能以自由,就求自由更好。
Were you a slave when you were called? Do not let that trouble you. No, even if you are able to gain your freedom, still do your best.
22 因為作奴僕蒙召於主的,就是主所釋放的人;作自由之人蒙召的,就是基督的奴僕。
For the man who was a slave when he was called to the master’s service is the Master’s freed-man; so, too, the man who was free when called is Christ’s slave.
23 你們是重價買來的,不要作人的奴僕。
You were bought, and the price was paid. Do not let yourselves become slaves to men.
24 弟兄們,你們各人蒙召的時候是甚麼身分,仍要在上帝面前守住這身分。
Brothers, let every one remain in the condition in which he was when he was called, in close communion with God.
25 論到童身的人,我沒有主的命令,但我既蒙主憐恤能作忠心的人,就把自己的意見告訴你們。
With regard to unmarried women, I have no command from the Master to give you, but I tell you my opinion, and it is that of a man whom the Master in his mercy has made worthy to be trusted.
26 因現今的艱難,據我看來,人不如守素安常才好。
I think, then, that, in view of the time of suffering that has now come upon us, what I have already said is best — that a man should remain as he is.
27 你有妻子纏着呢,就不要求脫離;你沒有妻子纏着呢,就不要求妻子。
Are you married to a wife? Then do not seek to be separated. Are you separated from a wife? Then do not seek for a wife.
28 你若娶妻,並不是犯罪;處女若出嫁,也不是犯罪。然而這等人肉身必受苦難,我卻願意你們免這苦難。
still, if you should marry, that is not wrong; nor, if a young woman marries, is that wrong. But those who marry will have much trouble to bear, and my wish is to spare you.
29 弟兄們,我對你們說:時候減少了。從此以後,那有妻子的,要像沒有妻子;
What I mean, Brothers, is this — the time is short. Meanwhile, let those who have wives live as if they had none,
30 哀哭的,要像不哀哭;快樂的,要像不快樂;置買的,要像無有所得;
those who are weeping as if not weeping, those who are rejoicing as if not rejoicing, those who buy as if not possessing,
31 用世物的,要像不用世物,因為這世界的樣子將要過去了。
and those who use the good things of the world as using them sparingly; for this world as we see it is passing away.
32 我願你們無所掛慮。沒有娶妻的,是為主的事掛慮,想怎樣叫主喜悅。
I want you to be free from anxiety. The unmarried man is anxious about the Master’s Cause, desiring to please him;
33 娶了妻的,是為世上的事掛慮,想怎樣叫妻子喜悅。
while the married man is anxious about worldly matters, desiring to please his wife;
34 婦人和處女也有分別。沒有出嫁的,是為主的事掛慮,要身體、靈魂都聖潔;已經出嫁的,是為世上的事掛慮,想怎樣叫丈夫喜悅。
and so his interests are divided. Again, the unmarried woman, whether she is old or young, is anxious about the Master’s Cause, striving to be pure both in body and in spirit, while the married woman is anxious about worldly matters, desiring to please her husband.
35 我說這話是為你們的益處,不是要牢籠你們,乃是要叫你們行合宜的事,得以殷勤服事主,沒有分心的事。
I say this for your own benefit, not with any intention of putting a halter round your necks, but in order to secure for the Master seemly and constant devotion, free from all distraction.
36 若有人以為自己待他的女兒不合宜,女兒也過了年歲,事又當行,他就可隨意辦理,不算有罪,叫二人成親就是了。
If, however, a father thinks that he is not acting fairly by his unmarried daughter, when she is past her youth, and if under these circumstances her marriage ought to take place, let him act as he thinks right. He is doing nothing wrong — let the marriage take place.
37 倘若人心裏堅定,沒有不得已的事,並且由得自己作主,心裏又決定了留下女兒不出嫁,如此行也好。
On the other hand, a father, who has definitely made up his mind, and is under no compulsion, but is free to carry out his own wishes, and who has come to the decision, in his own mind, to keep his unmarried daughter at home will be doing right.
38 這樣看來,叫自己的女兒出嫁是好,不叫她出嫁更是好。
In short, the one who consents to his daughter’s marriage is doing right, and yet the other will be doing better.
39 丈夫活着的時候,妻子是被約束的;丈夫若死了,妻子就可以自由,隨意再嫁,只是要嫁這在主裏面的人。
A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives; but, if the husband should pass to his rest, the widow is free to marry any one she wishes, provided he is a believer.
40 然而按我的意見,若常守節更有福氣。我也想自己是被上帝的靈感動了。
Yet she will be happier if she remains as she is — in my opinion, for I think that I also have the Spirit of God.

< 哥林多前書 7 >