< 歷代志上 10 >

1 非利士人與以色列人爭戰,以色列人在非利士人面前逃跑,在基利波山有被殺仆倒的。
Forsothe Filisteis fouyten ayens Israel, and the sones of Israel fledden Palestyns, and felden doun woundid in the hil of Gelboe.
2 非利士人緊追掃羅和他兒子們,就殺了掃羅的兒子約拿單、亞比拿達、麥基舒亞。
And whanne Filisteis hadde neiyed pursuynge Saul and hise sones, thei killiden Jonathan, and Abynadab, and Melchisue, the sones of Saul.
3 勢派甚大,掃羅被弓箭手追上,射傷甚重,
And the batel was agreggid ayens Saul; and men archeris foundun hym, and woundiden hym with dartis.
4 就吩咐拿他兵器的人說:「你拔出刀來,將我刺死,免得那些未受割禮的人來凌辱我。」但拿兵器的人甚懼怕,不肯刺他;
And Saul seide to his squiere, Drawe out thi swerd, and sle me, leste these vncircumcidid men come, and scorne me. Sothli his squyer was aferd bi drede, and nolde do this; therfor Saul took a swerd, and felde on it.
5 掃羅就自己伏在刀上死了。拿兵器的人見掃羅已死,也伏在刀上死了。
And whanne his squyer hadde seyn this, that is, that Saul was deed, he felde also on his swerd, and was deed.
6 這樣,掃羅和他三個兒子,並他的全家都一同死亡。
Therfor Saul perischide, and hise thre sones, and al his hows felde doun togidere.
7 住平原的以色列眾人見以色列軍兵逃跑,掃羅和他兒子都死了,也就棄城逃跑,非利士人便來住在其中。
And whanne the men of Israel, that dwelliden in feeldi places, hadden seyn this, thei fledden; and whanne Saul and hise sones weren deed, thei forsoken her citees, and weren scaterid hidur and thidur; and Filisteis camen, and dwelliden in tho.
8 次日,非利士人來剝那被殺之人的衣服,看見掃羅和他兒子仆倒在基利波山,
Therfor in the tother day Filisteis drowen awei the spuylis of slayn men, and founden Saul and hise sones liggynge in the hil of Gelboe.
9 就剝了他的軍裝,割下他的首級,打發人到 非利士地的四境報信與他們的偶像和眾民,
And whanne thei hadden spuylid hym, and hadden gird of the heed, and hadden maad hym nakid of armeris, thei senten in to her lond, that it schulde be borun aboute, and schulde be schewid in the templis of idols and to puplis;
10 又將掃羅的軍裝放在他們神的廟裏,將他的首級釘在大袞廟中。
forsothe thei halewiden his armeris in the temple of her god, and thei settiden the heed in the temple of Dagon.
11 基列‧雅比人聽見非利士人向掃羅所行的一切事,
Whanne men of Jabes of Galad hadden herd this, that is, alle thingis whiche the Filisteis diden on Saul,
12 他們中間所有的勇士就起身前去,將掃羅和他兒子的屍身送到雅比,將他們的屍骨葬在雅比的橡樹下,就禁食七日。
alle stronge men risiden togidere, and took the deed bodies of Saul and of hise sones, and brouyten tho in to Jabes; and thei birieden the boonus of hem vndur an ook, that was in Jabes; and thei fastiden seuene daies.
13 這樣,掃羅死了。因為他干犯耶和華,沒有遵守耶和華的命;又因他求問交鬼的婦人,
Therfor Saul was deed for hise wickidnessis, for he brak the comaundement of the Lord, whiche he comaundide, and kepte not it, but ferthirmore also he took counsel at a womman hauynge a feend spekynge in the wombe, and he hopide not in the Lord;
14 沒有求問耶和華,所以耶和華使他被殺,把國歸於耶西的兒子大衛。
for which thing both the Lord killide hym, and translatide his rewme to Dauid, sone of Ysay.

< 歷代志上 10 >