< 诗篇 78 >

1 亚萨的训诲诗。 我的民哪,你们要留心听我的训诲, 侧耳听我口中的话。
Maskil to/for Asaph to listen [emph?] people my instruction my to stretch ear your to/for word lip my
2 我要开口说比喻; 我要说出古时的谜语,
to open in/on/with proverb lip my to bubble riddle from front: old
3 是我们所听见、所知道的, 也是我们的祖宗告诉我们的。
which to hear: hear and to know them and father our to recount to/for us
4 我们不将这些事向他们的子孙隐瞒, 要将耶和华的美德和他的能力, 并他奇妙的作为,述说给后代听。
not to hide from son: child their to/for generation last to recount praise LORD and strength his and to wonder his which to make: do
5 因为,他在雅各中立法度, 在以色列中设律法; 是他吩咐我们祖宗要传给子孙的,
and to arise: establish testimony in/on/with Jacob and instruction to set: appoint in/on/with Israel which to command [obj] father our to/for to know them to/for son: child their
6 使将要生的后代子孙可以晓得; 他们也要起来告诉他们的子孙,
because to know generation last son: child to beget to arise: rise and to recount to/for son: child their
7 好叫他们仰望 神, 不忘记 神的作为, 惟要守他的命令。
and to set: make in/on/with God loin their and not to forget deed God and commandment his to watch
8 不要像他们的祖宗, 是顽梗悖逆、居心不正之辈, 向着 神,心不诚实。
and not to be like/as father their generation to rebel and to rebel generation not to establish: establish heart his and not be faithful with God spirit his
9 以法莲的子孙带着兵器,拿着弓, 临阵之日转身退后。
son: descendant/people Ephraim to handle to shoot bow to overturn in/on/with day battle
10 他们不遵守 神的约, 不肯照他的律法行;
not to keep: obey covenant God and in/on/with instruction his to refuse to/for to go: walk
11 又忘记他所行的 和他显给他们奇妙的作为。
and to forget wantonness his and to wonder his which to see: see them
12 他在埃及地,在琐安田, 在他们祖宗的眼前施行奇事。
before father their to make: do wonder in/on/with land: country/planet Egypt land: country Zoan
13 他将海分裂,使他们过去, 又叫水立起如垒。
to break up/open sea and to pass: bring them and to stand water like heap
14 他白日用云彩, 终夜用火光引导他们。
and to lead them in/on/with cloud by day and all [the] night in/on/with light fire
15 他在旷野分裂磐石, 多多地给他们水喝,如从深渊而出。
to break up/open rock in/on/with wilderness and to water: drink like/as abyss many
16 他使水从磐石涌出, 叫水如江河下流。
and to come out: issue to flow from crag and to go down like/as river water
17 他们却仍旧得罪他, 在干燥之地悖逆至高者。
and to add: again still to/for to sin to/for him to/for to rebel Most High in/on/with dryness
18 他们心中试探 神, 随自己所欲的求食物,
and to test God in/on/with heart their to/for to ask food to/for soul: appetite their
19 并且妄论 神说: 神在旷野岂能摆设筵席吗?
and to speak: speak in/on/with God to say be able God to/for to arrange table in/on/with wilderness
20 他曾击打磐石,使水涌出,成了江河; 他还能赐粮食吗? 还能为他的百姓预备肉吗?
look! to smite rock and to flow: flowing water and torrent: river to overflow also food: bread be able to give: give if: surely no to establish: prepare flesh to/for people his
21 所以,耶和华听见就发怒; 有烈火向雅各烧起; 有怒气向以色列上腾;
to/for so to hear: hear LORD and be angry and fire to kindle in/on/with Jacob and also face: anger to ascend: rise in/on/with Israel
22 因为他们不信服 神, 不倚赖他的救恩。
for not be faithful in/on/with God and not to trust in/on/with salvation his
23 他却吩咐天空, 又敞开天上的门,
and to command cloud from above and door heaven to open
24 降吗哪,像雨给他们吃, 将天上的粮食赐给他们。
and to rain upon them manna to/for to eat and grain heaven to give: give to/for them
25 各人吃大能者的食物; 他赐下粮食,使他们饱足。
food: bread mighty: angel to eat man: anyone provision to send: depart to/for them to/for satiety
26 他领东风起在天空, 又用能力引了南风来。
to set out east in/on/with heaven and to lead in/on/with strength his south
27 他降肉,像雨在他们当中,多如尘土, 又降飞鸟,多如海沙,
and to rain upon them like/as dust flesh and like/as sand sea bird wing
28 落在他们的营中, 在他们住处的四面。
and to fall: fall in/on/with entrails: among camp his around to/for tabernacle his
29 他们吃了,而且饱足; 这样就随了他们所欲的。
and to eat and to satisfy much and desire their to come (in): bring to/for them
30 他们贪而无厌, 食物还在他们口中的时候,
not be a stranger from desire their still food their in/on/with lip their
31 神的怒气就向他们上腾, 杀了他们内中的肥壮人, 打倒以色列的少年人。
and face: anger God to ascend: rise in/on/with them and to kill in/on/with fatness their and youth Israel to bow
32 虽是这样,他们仍旧犯罪, 不信他奇妙的作为。
in/on/with all this to sin still and not be faithful in/on/with to wonder his
33 因此,他叫他们的日子全归虚空, 叫他们的年岁尽属惊恐。
and to end: expend in/on/with vanity day their and year their in/on/with dismay
34 他杀他们的时候,他们才求问他, 回心转意,切切地寻求 神。
if to kill them and to seek him and to return: repent and to seek God
35 他们也追念 神是他们的磐石, 至高的 神是他们的救赎主。
and to remember for God rock their and El (Most High) (LORD) Most High to redeem: redeem their
36 他们却用口谄媚他, 用舌向他说谎。
and to entice him in/on/with lip their and in/on/with tongue their to lie to/for him
37 因他们的心向他不正, 在他的约上也不忠心。
and heart their not to establish: establish with him and not be faithful in/on/with covenant his
38 但他有怜悯, 赦免他们的罪孽, 不灭绝他们, 而且屡次消他的怒气, 不发尽他的忿怒。
and he/she/it compassionate to atone iniquity: crime and not to ruin and to multiply to/for to return: repent face: anger his and not to rouse all rage his
39 他想到他们不过是血气, 是一阵去而不返的风。
and to remember for flesh they(masc.) spirit: breath to go: walk and not to return: return
40 他们在旷野悖逆他, 在荒地叫他担忧,何其多呢!
like/as what? to rebel him in/on/with wilderness to hurt him in/on/with wilderness
41 他们再三试探 神, 惹动以色列的圣者。
and to return: again and to test God and holy Israel to wound
42 他们不追念他的能力 和赎他们脱离敌人的日子;
not to remember [obj] hand: power his day which to ransom them from enemy
43 他怎样在埃及地显神迹, 在琐安田显奇事,
which to set: put in/on/with Egypt sign: miraculous his and wonder his in/on/with land: country Zoan
44 把他们的江河并河汊的水都变为血, 使他们不能喝。
and to overturn to/for blood stream their and to flow their not to drink [emph?]
45 他叫苍蝇成群落在他们当中,嘬尽他们, 又叫青蛙灭了他们,
to send: depart in/on/with them swarm and to eat them and frog and to ruin them
46 把他们的土产交给蚂蚱, 把他们辛苦得来的交给蝗虫。
and to give: give to/for locust crops their and toil their to/for locust
47 他降冰雹打坏他们的葡萄树, 下严霜打坏他们的桑树,
to kill in/on/with hail vine their and sycamore their in/on/with frost
48 又把他们的牲畜交给冰雹, 把他们的群畜交给闪电。
and to shut to/for hail cattle their and livestock their to/for flash
49 他使猛烈的怒气和忿怒、恼恨、苦难 成了一群降灾的使者,临到他们。
to send: let go in/on/with them burning anger face: anger his fury and indignation and distress deputation messenger: angel bad: harmful
50 他为自己的怒气修平了路, 将他们交给瘟疫, 使他们死亡,
to envy path to/for face: anger his not to withhold from death soul: myself their and living thing their to/for pestilence to shut
51 在埃及击杀一切长子, 在含的帐棚中击杀他们强壮时头生的。
and to smite all firstborn in/on/with Egypt first: beginning strength in/on/with tent Ham
52 他却领出自己的民如羊, 在旷野引他们如羊群。
and to set out like/as flock people his and to lead them like/as flock in/on/with wilderness
53 他领他们稳稳妥妥地,使他们不致害怕; 海却淹没他们的仇敌。
and to lead them to/for security and not to dread and [obj] enemy their to cover [the] sea
54 他带他们到自己圣地的边界, 到他右手所得的这山地。
and to come (in): bring them to(wards) border: boundary holiness his mountain: mount this to buy right his
55 他在他们面前赶出外邦人, 用绳子将外邦的地量给他们为业, 叫以色列支派的人住在他们的帐棚里。
and to drive out: drive out from face: before their nation and to fall: allot them in/on/with cord inheritance and to dwell in/on/with tent their tribe Israel
56 他们仍旧试探、悖逆至高的 神, 不守他的法度,
and to test and to rebel [obj] God Most High and testimony his not to keep: obey
57 反倒退后,行诡诈,像他们的祖宗一样; 他们改变,如同翻背的弓。
and to turn and to act treacherously like/as father their to overturn like/as bow deceit
58 因他们的邱坛惹了他的怒气; 因他们雕刻的偶像触动他的愤恨。
and to provoke him in/on/with high place their and in/on/with idol their be jealous him
59 神听见就发怒, 极其憎恶以色列人。
to hear: hear God and be angry and to reject much in/on/with Israel
60 甚至他离弃示罗的帐幕, 就是他在人间所搭的帐棚;
and to leave tabernacle Shiloh tent to dwell in/on/with man
61 又将他的约柜交与人掳去, 将他的荣耀交在敌人手中;
and to give: give to/for captivity strength his and beauty his in/on/with hand: power enemy
62 并将他的百姓交与刀剑, 向他的产业发怒。
and to shut to/for sword people his and in/on/with inheritance his be angry
63 少年人被火烧灭; 处女也无喜歌。
youth his to eat fire and virgin his not to boast: praise
64 祭司倒在刀下, 寡妇却不哀哭。
priest his in/on/with sword to fall: kill and widow his not to weep
65 那时,主像世人睡醒, 像勇士饮酒呼喊。
and to awake like/as sleeping Lord like/as mighty man to overcome from wine
66 他就打退了他的敌人, 叫他们永蒙羞辱;
and to smite enemy his back reproach forever: enduring to give: put to/for them
67 并且他弃掉约瑟的帐棚, 不拣选以法莲支派,
and to reject in/on/with tent Joseph and in/on/with tribe Ephraim not to choose
68 却拣选犹大支派—他所喜爱的锡安山;
and to choose [obj] tribe Judah [obj] mountain: mount Zion which to love: lover
69 盖造他的圣所,好像高峰, 又像他建立永存之地;
and to build like to exalt sanctuary his like/as land: country/planet to found her to/for forever: enduring
70 又拣选他的仆人大卫, 从羊圈中将他召来,
and to choose in/on/with David servant/slave his and to take: take him from fold flock
71 叫他不再跟从那些带奶的母羊, 为要牧养自己的百姓雅各 和自己的产业以色列。
from after to nurse to come (in): bring him to/for to pasture in/on/with Jacob people his and in/on/with Israel inheritance his
72 于是,他按心中的纯正牧养他们, 用手中的巧妙引导他们。
and to pasture them like/as integrity heart his and in/on/with understanding palm his to lead them

< 诗篇 78 >