< 诗篇 68 >

1 大卫的诗歌,交与伶长。 愿 神兴起,使他的仇敌四散, 叫那恨他的人从他面前逃跑。
to/for to conduct to/for David melody song to arise: rise God to scatter enemy his and to flee to hate him from face: before his
2 他们被驱逐,如烟被风吹散; 恶人见 神之面而消灭,如蜡被火熔化。
like/as to drive smoke to drive like/as to melt wax from face: before fire to perish wicked from face: before God
3 惟有义人必然欢喜, 在 神面前高兴快乐。
and righteous to rejoice to rejoice to/for face: before God and to rejoice in/on/with joy
4 你们当向 神唱诗,歌颂他的名; 为那坐车行过旷野的修平大路。 他的名是耶和华, 要在他面前欢乐!
to sing to/for God to sing name his to build to/for to ride in/on/with plain in/on/with LORD name his and to exult to/for face: before his
5 神在他的圣所作孤儿的父, 作寡妇的伸冤者。
father orphan and judge widow God in/on/with habitation holiness his
6 神叫孤独的有家, 使被囚的出来享福; 惟有悖逆的住在干燥之地。
God to dwell only house: home [to] to come out: send prisoner in/on/with prosperity surely to rebel to dwell parched
7 神啊,你曾在你百姓前头出来, 在旷野行走。 (细拉)
God in/on/with to come out: come you to/for face: before people your in/on/with to march you in/on/with wilderness (Selah)
8 那时,地见 神的面而震动,天也落雨; 西奈山见以色列 神的面也震动。
land: country/planet to shake also heaven to drip/prophesy from face: before God this Sinai from face: before God God Israel
9 神啊,你降下大雨; 你产业以色列疲乏的时候,你使他坚固。
rain voluntariness to sprinkle God inheritance your and be weary you(m. s.) to establish: make her
10 你的会众住在其中; 神啊,你的恩惠是为困苦人预备的。
community your to dwell in/on/with her to establish: prepare in/on/with welfare your to/for afflicted God
11 主发命令, 传好信息的妇女成了大群。
Lord to give: give word [the] to bear tidings army many
12 统兵的君王逃跑了,逃跑了; 在家等候的妇女分受所夺的。
king Hosts to wander [emph?] to wander [emph?] and dwelling house: home to divide spoil
13 你们安卧在羊圈的时候, 好像鸽子的翅膀镀白银,翎毛镀黄金一般。
if to lie down: lay down [emph?] between: among ash heep wing dove to cover in/on/with silver: money and pinion her in/on/with greenish gold
14 全能者在境内赶散列王的时候, 势如飘雪在撒们。
in/on/with to spread Almighty king in/on/with her to snow in/on/with (Mount) Zalmon
15 巴珊山是 神的山; 巴珊山是多峰多岭的山。
mountain: mount God mountain: mount Bashan mountain: mount peak mountain: mount Bashan
16 你们多峰多岭的山哪, 为何斜看 神所愿居住的山? 耶和华必住这山,直到永远!
to/for what? to watch with envy [emph?] mountain: mount peak [the] mountain: mount to desire God to/for to dwell him also LORD to dwell to/for perpetuity
17 神的车辇累万盈千; 主在其中,好像在西奈圣山一样。
chariot God ten thousand thousand thousands Lord in/on/with them Sinai in/on/with holiness
18 你已经升上高天,掳掠仇敌; 你在人间,就是在悖逆的人间,受了供献, 叫耶和华 神可以与他们同住。
to ascend: rise to/for height to take captive captivity to take: recieve gift in/on/with man and also to rebel to/for to dwell LORD God
19 天天背负我们重担的主, 就是拯救我们的 神, 是应当称颂的! (细拉)
to bless Lord day: daily day: daily to lift to/for us [the] God salvation our (Selah)
20 神是为我们施行诸般救恩的 神; 人能脱离死亡是在乎主耶和华。
[the] God to/for us God to/for salvation and to/for YHWH/God Lord to/for death outgoing
21 但 神要打破他仇敌的头, 就是那常犯罪之人的发顶。
surely God to wound head enemy his crown hair to go: walk in/on/with guilt (offering) his
22 主说:我要使众民从巴珊而归, 使他们从深海而回,
to say Lord from Bashan to return: return to return: return from depth sea
23 使你打碎仇敌,你的脚踹在血中, 使你狗的舌头从其中得分。
because to wound foot your in/on/with blood tongue dog your from enemy portion his
24 神啊,你是我的 神,我的王; 人已经看见你行走,进入圣所。
to see: see walk your God walk God my king my in/on/with holiness
25 歌唱的行在前,作乐的随在后, 都在击鼓的童女中间。
to meet to sing (after *L(S)*) to play in/on/with midst maiden to beat
26 从以色列源头而来的, 当在各会中称颂主 神!
in/on/with assembly to bless God LORD from fountain Israel
27 在那里,有统管他们的小便雅悯, 有犹大的首领和他们的群众, 有西布伦的首领, 有拿弗他利的首领。
there Benjamin little to rule them ruler Judah crowd their ruler Zebulun ruler Naphtali
28 以色列的能力是 神所赐的; 神啊,求你坚固你为我们所成全的事!
to command God your strength your be strong [emph?] God this to work to/for us
29 因你耶路撒冷的殿, 列王必带贡物献给你。
from temple your upon Jerusalem to/for you to conduct king gift
30 求你叱喝芦苇中的野兽和群公牛, 并列邦中的牛犊。 把银块踹在脚下; 神已经赶散好争战的列邦。
to rebuke living thing branch: stem congregation mighty: ox in/on/with calf people to stamp in/on/with piece silver: money to scatter people battle to delight in
31 埃及的公侯要出来朝见 神; 古实人要急忙举手祷告。
to come ambassador from Egypt Cush to run: run hand his to/for God
32 世上的列国啊,你们要向 神歌唱; 愿你们歌颂主!
kingdom [the] land: country/planet to sing to/for God to sing Lord (Selah)
33 歌颂那自古驾行在诸天以上的主! 他发出声音,是极大的声音。
to/for to ride in/on/with heaven heaven front: old look! to give: cry out in/on/with voice his voice strength
34 你们要将能力归给 神。 他的威荣在以色列之上; 他的能力是在穹苍。
to give: give strength to/for God upon Israel pride his and strength his in/on/with cloud
35 神啊,你从圣所显为可畏; 以色列的 神是那将力量权能赐给他百姓的。 神是应当称颂的!
to fear: revere God from sanctuary your God Israel he/she/it to give: give strength and power to/for people to bless God

< 诗篇 68 >