< 民数记 7 >

1 摩西立完了帐幕,就把帐幕用膏抹了,使它成圣,又把其中的器具和坛,并坛上的器具,都抹了,使它成圣。
and to be in/on/with day to end: finish Moses to/for to arise: raise [obj] [the] tabernacle and to anoint [obj] him and to consecrate: consecate [obj] him and [obj] all article/utensil his and [obj] [the] altar and [obj] all article/utensil his and to anoint them and to consecrate: consecate [obj] them
2 当天,以色列的众首领,就是各族的族长,都来奉献。他们是各支派的首领,管理那些被数的人。
and to present: come leader Israel head: leader house: household father their they(masc.) leader [the] tribe they(masc.) [the] to stand: appoint upon [the] to reckon: list
3 他们把自己的供物送到耶和华面前,就是六辆篷子车和十二只公牛。每两个首领奉献一辆车,每首领奉献一只牛。他们把这些都奉到帐幕前。
and to come (in): bring [obj] offering their to/for face: before LORD six cart litter and two ten cattle cart upon two [the] leader and cattle to/for one and to present: bring [obj] them to/for face: before [the] tabernacle
4 耶和华晓谕摩西说:
and to say LORD to(wards) Moses to/for to say
5 “你要收下这些,好作会幕的使用,都要照利未人所办的事交给他们。”
to take: recieve from with them and to be to/for to serve: minister [obj] service: ministry tent meeting and to give: give [obj] them to(wards) [the] Levi man: anyone like/as lip: according service: ministry his
6 于是摩西收了车和牛,交给利未人,
and to take: take Moses [obj] [the] cart and [obj] [the] cattle and to give: give [obj] them to(wards) [the] Levi
7 把两辆车,四只牛,照革顺子孙所办的事交给他们,
[obj] two [the] cart and [obj] four [the] cattle to give: give to/for son: child Gershon like/as lip: according service: ministry their
8 又把四辆车,八只牛,照米拉利子孙所办的事交给他们;他们都在祭司亚伦的儿子以他玛手下。
and [obj] four [the] cart and [obj] eight [the] cattle to give: give to/for son: child Merari like/as lip: according service: ministry their in/on/with hand: power Ithamar son: child Aaron [the] priest
9 但车与牛都没有交给哥辖子孙;因为他们办的是圣所的事,在肩头上抬圣物。
and to/for son: child Kohath not to give: give for service: ministry [the] holiness upon them in/on/with shoulder to lift: bear
10 用膏抹坛的日子,首领都来行奉献坛的礼,众首领就在坛前献供物。
and to present: bring [the] leader [obj] dedication [the] altar in/on/with day to anoint [obj] him and to present: bring [the] leader [obj] offering their to/for face: before [the] altar
11 耶和华对摩西说:“众首领为行奉献坛的礼,要每天一个首领来献供物。”
and to say LORD to(wards) Moses leader one to/for day: daily leader one to/for day: daily to present: bring [obj] offering their to/for dedication [the] altar
12 头一日献供物的是犹大支派的亚米拿达的儿子拿顺。
and to be [the] to present: bring in/on/with day [the] first [obj] offering his Nahshon son: child Amminadab to/for tribe Judah
13 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
and offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
14 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
15 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: aged year his to/for burnt offering
16 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
17 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是亚米拿达儿子拿顺的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Nahshon son: child Amminadab
18 第二日来献的是以萨迦子孙的首领、苏押的儿子拿坦业。
in/on/with day [the] second to present: bring Nethanel son: child Zuar leader Issachar
19 他献为供物的是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
to present: bring [obj] offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
20 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
21 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: aged year his to/for burnt offering
22 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
23 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是苏押儿子拿坦业的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Nethanel son: child Zuar
24 第三日来献的是西布伦子孙的首领、希伦的儿子以利押。
in/on/with day [the] third leader to/for son: child Zebulun Eliab son: descendant/people Helon
25 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
26 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
27 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: young animal year his to/for burnt offering
28 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
29 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是希伦儿子以利押的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Eliab son: child Helon
30 第四日来献的是吕便子孙的首领、示丢珥的儿子以利蓿。
in/on/with day [the] fourth leader to/for son: child Reuben Elizur son: descendant/people Shedeur
31 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
32 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
33 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: young animal year his to/for burnt offering
34 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
35 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是示丢珥的儿子以利蓿的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Elizur son: child Shedeur
36 第五日来献的是西缅子孙的首领、苏利沙代的儿子示路蔑。
in/on/with day [the] fifth leader to/for son: child Simeon Shelumiel son: descendant/people Zurishaddai
37 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
38 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
39 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: aged year his to/for burnt offering
40 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
41 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是苏利沙代儿子示路蔑的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Shelumiel son: child Zurishaddai
42 第六日来献的是迦得子孙的首领、丢珥的儿子以利雅萨。
in/on/with day [the] sixth leader to/for son: child Gad Eliasaph son: descendant/people Deuel
43 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
44 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
45 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: aged year his to/for burnt offering
46 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
47 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是丢珥的儿子以利雅萨的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Eliasaph son: child Deuel
48 第七日来献的是以法莲子孙的首领、亚米忽的儿子以利沙玛。
in/on/with day [the] seventh leader to/for son: child Ephraim Elishama son: descendant/people Ammihud
49 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
50 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
51 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: aged year his to/for burnt offering
52 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
53 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是亚米忽儿子以利沙玛的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Elishama son: child Ammihud
54 第八日来献的是玛拿西子孙的首领、比大蓿的儿子迦玛列。
in/on/with day [the] eighth leader to/for son: child Manasseh Gamaliel son: descendant/people Pedahzur Pedahzur
55 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
56 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
57 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: aged year his to/for burnt offering
58 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
59 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是比大蓿儿子迦玛列的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Gamaliel son: child (Pedahzur Pedahzur *L(AH+B)*)
60 第九日来献的是便雅悯子孙的首领、基多尼的儿子亚比但。
in/on/with day [the] ninth leader to/for son: child Benjamin Abidan son: descendant/people Gideoni
61 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
62 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
63 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: aged year his to/for burnt offering
64 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
65 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是基多尼儿子亚比但的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Abidan son: child Gideoni
66 第十日来献的是但子孙的首领、亚米沙代的儿子亚希以谢。
in/on/with day [the] tenth leader to/for son: child Dan Ahiezer son: descendant/people Ammishaddai
67 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
68 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
69 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: aged year his to/for burnt offering
70 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
71 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是亚米沙代儿子亚希以谢的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Ahiezer son: child Ammishaddai
72 第十一日来献的是亚设子孙的首领、俄兰的儿子帕结。
in/on/with day eleven ten day leader to/for son: child Asher Pagiel son: descendant/people Ochran
73 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
74 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
75 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: aged year his to/for burnt offering
76 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
77 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是俄兰儿子帕结的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Pagiel son: child Ochran
78 第十二日来献的是拿弗他利子孙的首领、以南儿子亚希拉。
in/on/with day two ten day leader to/for son: child Naphtali Ahira son: descendant/people Enan
79 他的供物是:一个银盘子,重一百三十舍客勒,一个银碗,重七十舍客勒,都是按圣所的平,也都盛满了调油的细面作素祭;
offering his dish silver: money one thirty and hundred weight her bowl one silver: money seventy shekel in/on/with shekel [the] holiness two their full fine flour to mix in/on/with oil to/for offering
80 一个金盂,重十舍客勒,盛满了香;
palm: dish one ten gold full incense
81 一只公牛犊,一只公绵羊,一只一岁的公羊羔作燔祭;
bullock one son: young animal cattle ram one lamb one son: aged year his to/for burnt offering
82 一只公山羊作赎罪祭;
he-goat goat one to/for sin: sin offering
83 两只公牛,五只公绵羊,五只公山羊,五只一岁的公羊羔作平安祭。这是以南儿子亚希拉的供物。
and to/for sacrifice [the] peace offering cattle two ram five goat five lamb son: young animal year five this offering Ahira son: child Enan
84 用膏抹坛的日子,以色列的众首领为行献坛之礼所献的是:银盘子十二个,银碗十二个,金盂十二个;
this dedication [the] altar in/on/with day to anoint [obj] him from with leader Israel dish silver: money two ten bowl silver: money two ten palm: dish gold two ten
85 每盘子重一百三十舍客勒,每碗重七十舍客勒。一切器皿的银子,按圣所的平,共有二千四百舍客勒。
thirty and hundred [the] dish [the] one silver: money and seventy [the] bowl [the] one all silver: money [the] article/utensil thousand and four hundred in/on/with shekel [the] holiness
86 十二个金盂盛满了香,按圣所的平,每盂重十舍客勒,所有的金子共一百二十舍客勒。
palm: dish gold two ten full incense ten ten [the] palm: dish in/on/with shekel [the] holiness all gold [the] palm: dish twenty and hundred
87 作燔祭的,共有公牛十二只,公羊十二只,一岁的公羊羔十二只,并同献的素祭作赎罪祭的公山羊十二只;
all [the] cattle to/for burnt offering two ten bullock ram two ten lamb son: young animal year two ten and offering their and he-goat goat two ten to/for sin: sin offering
88 作平安祭的,共有公牛二十四只,公绵羊六十只,公山羊六十只,一岁的公羊羔六十只。这就是用膏抹坛之后,为行奉献坛之礼所献的。
and all cattle sacrifice [the] peace offering twenty and four bullock ram sixty goat sixty lamb son: young animal year sixty this dedication [the] altar after to anoint [obj] him
89 摩西进会幕要与耶和华说话的时候,听见法柜的施恩座以上、二基路伯中间有与他说话的声音,就是耶和华与他说话。
and in/on/with to come (in): come Moses to(wards) tent meeting to/for to speak: speak with him and to hear: hear [obj] [the] voice to speak: speak to(wards) him from upon [the] mercy seat which upon ark [the] testimony from between two [the] cherub and to speak: speak to(wards) him

< 民数记 7 >