< 民数记 27 >
1 属约瑟的儿子玛拿西的各族,有玛拿西的玄孙,玛吉的曾孙,基列的孙子,希弗的儿子西罗非哈的女儿,名叫玛拉、挪阿、曷拉、密迦、得撒。她们前来,
One day the five daughters of Zelophehad came [to Moses/me]. They were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.
2 站在会幕门口,在摩西和祭司以利亚撒,并众首领与全会众面前,说:
They came to the entrance of the Sacred Tent and stood in front of Eleazar, Moses/me, the tribal leaders, and many [EUP] other Israeli people.
3 “我们的父亲死在旷野。他不与可拉同党聚集攻击耶和华,是在自己罪中死的;他也没有儿子。
They said, “Our father died [during the time that we were] in the desert, and he did not have any sons. But he was not among those who supported Korah, who rebelled against Yahweh. He died just because he was a sinner [like everyone else].
4 为什么因我们的父亲没有儿子就把他的名从他族中除掉呢?求你们在我们父亲的弟兄中分给我们产业。”
(Why should the name of his clan disappear [with the result that we do not receive any land] only because our father had no sons?/It is not right that the name of his clan disappear [with the result that we do not receive any land] only because our father had no sons.) [RHQ] So give us some land like our relatives will be getting!”
So Moses/I asked Yahweh [what to do about] their request.
7 “西罗非哈的女儿说得有理。你定要在她们父亲的弟兄中,把地分给她们为业;要将她们父亲的产业归给她们。
“What the daughters of Zelophehad are requesting is right. You must give them some land, just as you are giving to their father’s relatives. Give to each of them some of the land that would have been given to their brothers [if they had any].
8 你也要晓谕以色列人说:‘人若死了没有儿子,就要把他的产业归给他的女儿。
“Also tell this to the Israeli people: ‘If a man who has no sons dies, give the things that his sons would have inherited to his daughters.
If the man has no sons or daughters, give to his brothers the things that his sons and daughters would have inherited.
10 他若没有弟兄,就要把他的产业给他父亲的弟兄。
If the man had no brothers, give to his father’s brothers the things that his sons or daughters or brothers would have inherited.
11 他父亲若没有弟兄,就要把他的产业给他族中最近的亲属,他便要得为业。’这要作以色列人的律例典章,是照耶和华吩咐摩西的。”
If the man’s father has no brothers, give to his closest relative the things that the others would have inherited.’ That will be a rule for the Israeli people, because I am giving this as a command to you, Moses, [to tell them].”
12 耶和华对摩西说:“你上这亚巴琳山,观看我所赐给以色列人的地。
One day, Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Climb to the top of the Abarim Mountains [east of the Jordan River]. Then look out over the land that I am giving to the Israeli people.
13 看了以后,你也必归到你列祖那里,像你哥哥亚伦一样。
After you have seen it, you will die [EUP] just like your [older] brother Aaron did.
14 因为你们在寻的旷野,当会众争闹的时候,违背了我的命,没有在涌水之地、会众眼前尊我为圣。”(这水就是寻的旷野加低斯米利巴水。)
The reason [that you will die and not enter that land] is that you both disobeyed my instructions/commands in the Zin Desert. When the Israeli people rebelled against me there at Meribah, near Kadesh, [I told you to speak to the rock to cause] water to flow out of it. [But because you struck the rock instead of speaking to it], you did not show the people my holy power.”
Then Moses/I said this to Yahweh:
16 “愿耶和华万人之灵的 神,立一个人治理会众,
“Yahweh, you are the God who directs the spirits of all people. So please appoint a new leader for the Israeli people.
17 可以在他们面前出入,也可以引导他们,免得耶和华的会众如同没有牧人的羊群一般。”
Appoint someone who will lead your people when they go to fight a battle, so that they will not [just wander around] like sheep that do not have a shepherd.” [SIM]
18 耶和华对摩西说:“嫩的儿子约书亚是心中有圣灵的;你将他领来,按手在他头上,
Yahweh replied, “Get Joshua, the son of Nun, who has my Spirit within him. Lay your hands on him [to appoint him].
Cause him to stand in front of Eleazar the priest, as all the people are watching, and commission/appoint him to be the new leader of the Israeli people.
20 又将你的尊荣给他几分,使以色列全会众都听从他。
Give to him some of the authority that you now have, in order that all the Israeli people will [know that they must] obey him.
21 他要站在祭司以利亚撒面前;以利亚撒要凭乌陵的判断,在耶和华面前为他求问。他和以色列全会众都要遵以利亚撒的命出入。”
When you all need me to guide you, Joshua will stand in front of Eleazar. Then by (casting lots/throwing marked stones on the ground) Eleazar will find out what they should do.”
22 于是摩西照耶和华所吩咐的将约书亚领来,使他站在祭司以利亚撒和全会众面前,
So Moses/I did what Yahweh commanded. He/I presented Joshua to Eleazar and to all the Israeli people.
23 按手在他头上,嘱咐他,是照耶和华借摩西所说的话。
Moses/I laid his/my hands on him and commissioned/appointed him to do the work that Yahweh told Moses/me to tell him to do.