< 民数记 16 >

1 利未的曾孙、哥辖的孙子、以斯哈的儿子可拉,和吕便子孙中以利押的儿子大坍、亚比兰,与比勒的儿子安,
And Korah, son of Izhar, son of Kohath, son of Levi, takes both Dathan and Abiram sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth, sons of Reuben,
2 并以色列会中的二百五十个首领,就是有名望选入会中的人,在摩西面前一同起来,
and they rise up before Moses with men of the sons of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the congregation, called of the convention, men of renown,
3 聚集攻击摩西、亚伦,说:“你们擅自专权!全会众个个既是圣洁,耶和华也在他们中间,你们为什么自高,超过耶和华的会众呢?”
and they are assembled against Moses and against Aaron, and say to them, “Enough of you! For all the congregation—all of them [are] holy, and YHWH [is] in their midst; and why do you lift yourselves up above the assembly of YHWH?”
4 摩西听见这话就俯伏在地,
And Moses hears, and falls on his face,
5 对可拉和他一党的人说:“到了早晨,耶和华必指示谁是属他的,谁是圣洁的,就叫谁亲近他;他所拣选的是谁,必叫谁亲近他。
and he speaks to Korah and to all his congregation, saying, “Indeed, [in the] morning YHWH may cause [you] to know those who are His and him who is holy, and has brought [him] near to Him; even him whom He fixes on He brings near to Him.
6 可拉啊,你们要这样行,你和你的一党要拿香炉来。
Do this: take censers for yourselves—Korah and all his company—
7 明日,在耶和华面前,把火盛在炉中,把香放在其上。耶和华拣选谁,谁就为圣洁。你们这利未的子孙擅自专权了!”
and put fire in them and put incense on them before YHWH tomorrow, and it has been, the man whom YHWH chooses, he [is] the holy one—enough of you, sons of Levi!”
8 摩西又对可拉说:“利未的子孙哪,你们听我说!
And Moses says to Korah, “Now hear, sons of Levi;
9 以色列的 神从以色列会中将你们分别出来,使你们亲近他,办耶和华帐幕的事,并站在会众面前替他们当差。
is it little to you that the God of Israel has separated you from the congregation of Israel to bring you near to Himself, to do the service of the Dwelling Place of YHWH, and to stand before the congregation to serve them?
10 耶和华又使你和你一切弟兄—利未的子孙—一同亲近他,这岂为小事?你们还要求祭司的职任吗?
Indeed, He brings you near, and all your brothers, the sons of Levi, with you—and you have also sought the priesthood!
11 你和你一党的人聚集是要攻击耶和华。亚伦算什么,你们竟向他发怨言呢?”
Therefore, you and all your congregation are meeting against YHWH; and Aaron, what [is] he, that you murmur against him?”
12 摩西打发人去召以利押的儿子大坍、亚比兰。他们说:“我们不上去!
And Moses sends to call for Dathan and for Abiram, sons of Eliab, and they say, “We do not come up!
13 你将我们从流奶与蜜之地领上来,要在旷野杀我们,这岂为小事?你还要自立为王辖管我们吗?
Is it little that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey, to put us to death in a wilderness, that you also certainly make yourself prince over us?
14 并且你没有将我们领到流奶与蜜之地,也没有把田地和葡萄园给我们为业。难道你要剜这些人的眼睛吗?我们不上去!”
Indeed, you have not brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey, nor do you give an inheritance of field and vineyard to us; do you pick out the eyes of these men? We do not come up!”
15 摩西就甚发怒,对耶和华说:“求你不要享受他们的供物。我并没有夺过他们一匹驴,也没有害过他们一个人。”
And it is very displeasing to Moses, and he says to YHWH, “Do not turn to their present; I have not taken one donkey from them, nor have I afflicted one of them.”
16 摩西对可拉说:“明天,你和你一党的人,并亚伦,都要站在耶和华面前;
And Moses says to Korah, “You and all your congregation, be [present] before YHWH—you, and they, and Aaron—tomorrow;
17 各人要拿一个香炉,共二百五十个,把香放在上面,到耶和华面前。你和亚伦也各拿自己的香炉。”
and let each take his censer and you have put incense on them, and each has brought his censer near before YHWH—two hundred and fifty censers; indeed, you and Aaron, each [with] his censer.”
18 于是他们各人拿一个香炉,盛上火,加上香,同摩西、亚伦站在会幕门前。
And they each take his censer, and put fire on them, and lay incense on them, and they stand at the opening of the Tent of Meeting with Moses and Aaron.
19 可拉招聚全会众到会幕门前,要攻击摩西、亚伦;耶和华的荣光就向全会众显现。
And Korah assembles all the congregation against them at the opening of the Tent of Meeting, and the glory of YHWH is seen by all the congregation.
20 耶和华晓谕摩西、亚伦说:
And YHWH speaks to Moses and to Aaron, saying,
21 “你们离开这会众,我好在转眼之间把他们灭绝。”
“Be separated from the midst of this congregation, and I consume them in a moment”;
22 摩西、亚伦就俯伏在地,说:“神,万人之灵的 神啊,一人犯罪,你就要向全会众发怒吗?”
and they fall on their faces, and say, “God, God of the spirits of all flesh—one man sins, and are You angry against all the congregation?”
23 耶和华晓谕摩西说:
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
24 “你吩咐会众说:‘你们离开可拉、大坍、亚比兰帐棚的四围。’”
“Speak to the congregation, saying, Go up from around the dwelling place of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.”
25 摩西起来,往大坍、亚比兰那里去;以色列的长老也随着他去。
And Moses rises, and goes to Dathan and Abiram, and [the] elderly of Israel go after him,
26 他吩咐会众说:“你们离开这恶人的帐棚吧,他们的物件,什么都不可摸,恐怕你们陷在他们的罪中,与他们一同消灭。”
and he speaks to the congregation, saying, “Now turn aside from the tents of these wicked men, and do not come against anything that they have, lest you are consumed in all their sins.”
27 于是众人离开可拉、大坍、亚比兰帐棚的四围。大坍、亚比兰带着妻子、儿女、小孩子,都出来,站在自己的帐棚门口。
And they go up from the dwelling place of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, from all around, and Dathan and Abiram have come out, standing at the opening of their tents, with their wives, and their sons, and their infants.
28 摩西说:“我行的这一切事本不是凭我自己心意行的,乃是耶和华打发我行的,必有证据使你们知道。
And Moses says, “By this you know that YHWH has sent me to do all these works, that [they are] not from my own heart;
29 这些人死若与世人无异,或是他们所遭的与世人相同,就不是耶和华打发我来的。
if these die according to the death of all men, or the charge of all men is charged on them, YHWH has not sent me;
30 倘若耶和华创作一件新事,使地开口,把他们和一切属他们的都吞下去,叫他们活活地坠落阴间,你们就明白这些人是藐视耶和华了。” (Sheol h7585)
but if YHWH does a strange thing, and the ground has opened her mouth and swallowed them and all that they have, and they have gone down alive to Sheol, then you have known that these men have despised YHWH.” (Sheol h7585)
31 摩西刚说完了这一切话,他们脚下的地就开了口,
And it comes to pass at his finishing speaking all these words, that the ground which [is] under them cleaves,
32 把他们和他们的家眷,并一切属可拉的人丁、财物,都吞下去。
and the earth opens her mouth and swallows them, and their houses, and all the men who [are] for Korah, and all the goods,
33 这样,他们和一切属他们的,都活活地坠落阴间;地口在他们上头照旧合闭,他们就从会中灭亡。 (Sheol h7585)
and they go down—they and all that they have—alive to Sheol, and the earth closes over them, and they perish from the midst of the assembly; (Sheol h7585)
34 在他们四围的以色列众人听他们呼号,就都逃跑,说:“恐怕地也把我们吞下去。”
and all Israel who [are] around them have fled at their voice, for they said, “Lest the earth swallow us”;
35 又有火从耶和华那里出来,烧灭了那献香的二百五十个人。
and fire has come out from YHWH and consumes the two hundred and fifty men bringing the incense near.
36 耶和华晓谕摩西说:
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
37 “你吩咐祭司亚伦的儿子以利亚撒从火中捡起那些香炉来,把火撒在别处,因为那些香炉是圣的。
“Say to Eleazar son of Aaron the priest to lift up the censers from the midst of the burning and scatter the fire away, for they have been hallowed.
38 把那些犯罪、自害己命之人的香炉,叫人锤成片子,用以包坛。那些香炉本是他们在耶和华面前献过的,所以是圣的,并且可以给以色列人作记号。”
[As for] the censers of these sinners against their own souls, indeed, they have made them [into] spread-out plates [for] a covering for the altar, for they have brought them near before YHWH, and they are hallowed; and they become a sign to the sons of Israel.”
39 于是祭司以利亚撒将被烧之人所献的铜香炉拿来,人就锤出来,用以包坛,
And Eleazar the priest takes the bronze censers which they who are burned had brought near, and they spread them out [for] a covering for the altar—
40 给以色列人作纪念,使亚伦后裔之外的人不得近前来在耶和华面前烧香,免得他遭可拉和他一党所遭的。这乃是照耶和华借着摩西所吩咐的。
a memorial to the sons of Israel, so that a stranger who is not of the seed of Aaron does not draw near to make incense before YHWH, and is not as Korah and as his congregation, as YHWH has spoken by the hand of Moses to him.
41 第二天,以色列全会众都向摩西、亚伦发怨言说:“你们杀了耶和华的百姓了。”
And on the next day all the congregation of the sons of Israel murmurs against Moses and against Aaron, saying, “You have put the people of YHWH to death.”
42 会众聚集攻击摩西、亚伦的时候,向会幕观看,不料,有云彩遮盖了,耶和华的荣光显现。
And it comes to pass, in the congregation being assembled against Moses and against Aaron, that they turn toward the Tent of Meeting, and behold, the cloud has covered it and the glory of YHWH is seen;
43 摩西、亚伦就来到会幕前。
and Moses comes—Aaron also—to the front of the Tent of Meeting.
44 耶和华吩咐摩西说:
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
45 “你们离开这会众,我好在转眼之间把他们灭绝。”他们二人就俯伏于地。
“Get up from the midst of this congregation, and I consume them in a moment”; and they fall on their faces,
46 摩西对亚伦说:“拿你的香炉,把坛上的火盛在其中,又加上香,快快带到会众那里,为他们赎罪;因为有忿怒从耶和华那里出来,瘟疫已经发作了。”
and Moses says to Aaron, “Take the censer and put fire on it from off the altar, and place incense, and go quickly to the congregation and make atonement for them, for the wrath has gone out from the presence of YHWH—the plague has begun.”
47 亚伦照着摩西所说的拿来,跑到会中,不料,瘟疫在百姓中已经发作了。他就加上香,为百姓赎罪。
And Aaron takes [it] as Moses has spoken, and runs to the midst of the assembly, and behold, the plague has begun among the people; and he gives the incense, and makes atonement for the people,
48 他站在活人死人中间,瘟疫就止住了。
and stands between the dead and the living, and the plague is restrained;
49 除了因可拉事情死的以外,遭瘟疫死的,共有一万四千七百人。
and those who die by the plague are fourteen thousand and seven hundred, apart from those who die for the matter of Korah;
50 亚伦回到会幕门口,到摩西那里,瘟疫已经止住了。
and Aaron turns back to Moses, to the opening of the Tent of Meeting, and the plague has been restrained.

< 民数记 16 >