< 尼希米记 4 >

1 参巴拉听见我们修造城墙就发怒,大大恼恨,嗤笑犹大人,
and to be like/as as which to hear: hear Sanballat for we to build [obj] [the] wall and to be incensed to/for him and to provoke to multiply and to mock upon [the] Jew
2 对他弟兄和撒马利亚的军兵说:“这些软弱的犹大人做什么呢?要保护自己吗?要献祭吗?要一日成功吗?要从土堆里拿出火烧的石头再立墙吗?”
and to say to/for face brother: compatriot his and strength: soldiers Samaria and to say what? [the] Jew [the] weak to make: do to leave: release to/for them to sacrifice to end: finish in/on/with day to live [obj] [the] stone from heap [the] dust and they(masc.) to burn
3 亚扪人多比雅站在旁边,说:“他们所修造的石墙,就是狐狸上去也必跐倒。”
and Tobiah [the] Ammon beside him and to say also which they(masc.) to build if to ascend: rise fox and to break through wall stone their
4 我们的 神啊,求你垂听,因为我们被藐视。求你使他们的毁谤归于他们的头上,使他们在掳到之地作为掠物。
to hear: hear God our for to be contempt and to return: return reproach their to(wards) head their and to give: give them to/for plunder in/on/with land: country/planet captive
5 不要遮掩他们的罪孽,不要使他们的罪恶从你面前涂抹,因为他们在修造的人眼前惹动你的怒气。
and not to cover upon iniquity: guilt their and sin their from to/for face: before your not to wipe for to provoke to/for before [the] to build
6 这样,我们修造城墙,城墙就都连络,高至一半,因为百姓专心做工。
and to build [obj] [the] wall and to conspire all [the] wall till half her and to be heart to/for people to/for to make: do
7 参巴拉、多比雅、阿拉伯人、亚扪人、亚实突人听见修造耶路撒冷城墙,着手进行堵塞破裂的地方,就甚发怒。
and to be like/as as which to hear: hear Sanballat and Tobiah and [the] Arabian and [the] Ammon and [the] Ashdod for to ascend: rise health to/for wall Jerusalem for to profane/begin: begin [the] to break through to/for to close and to be incensed to/for them much
8 大家同谋要来攻击耶路撒冷,使城内扰乱。
and to conspire all their together to/for to come (in): come to/for to fight in/on/with Jerusalem and to/for to make: do to/for him error
9 然而,我们祷告我们的 神,又因他们的缘故,就派人看守,昼夜防备。
and to pray to(wards) God our and to stand: stand custody upon them by day and night from face: because their
10 犹大人说:“灰土尚多,扛抬的人力气已经衰败,所以我们不能建造城墙。”
and to say Judah to stumble strength [the] burden and [the] dust to multiply and we not be able to/for to build in/on/with wall
11 我们的敌人且说:“趁他们不知不见,我们进入他们中间,杀他们,使工作止住。”
and to say enemy our not to know and not to see: see till which to come (in): come to(wards) midst their and to kill them and to cease [obj] [the] work
12 那靠近敌人居住的犹大人十次从各处来见我们,说:“你们必要回到我们那里。”
and to be like/as as which to come (in): come [the] Jew [the] to dwell beside them and to say to/for us ten beat from all [the] place which to return: return upon us
13 所以我使百姓各按宗族拿刀、拿枪、拿弓站在城墙后边低洼的空处。
and to stand: put from lower to/for place from after to/for wall (in/on/with bare *Q(K)*) and to stand: put [obj] [the] people to/for family with sword their spear their and bow their
14 我察看了,就起来对贵胄、官长,和其余的人说:“不要怕他们!当记念主是大而可畏的。你们要为弟兄、儿女、妻子、家产争战。”
and to see: see and to arise: rise and to say to(wards) [the] noble and to(wards) [the] ruler and to(wards) remainder [the] people not to fear from face of their [obj] Lord [the] great: large and [the] to fear: revere to remember and to fight upon brother: compatriot your son: child your and daughter your woman: wife your and house: home your
15 仇敌听见我们知道他们的心意,见 神也破坏他们的计谋,就不来了。我们都回到城墙那里,各做各的工。
and to be like/as as which to hear: hear enemy our for to know to/for us and to break [the] God [obj] counsel their (and to return: return *Q(k)*) all our to(wards) [the] wall man: anyone to(wards) work his
16 从那日起,我的仆人一半做工,一半拿枪、拿盾牌、拿弓、穿铠甲,官长都站在犹大众人的后边。
and to be from [the] day [the] he/she/it half youth my to make: do in/on/with work and half their to strengthen: hold and [the] spear [the] shield and [the] bow and [the] armor and [the] ruler after all house: household Judah
17 修造城墙的,扛抬材料的,都一手做工一手拿兵器。
[the] to build in/on/with wall and [the] to lift: bear in/on/with burden to lift in/on/with one hand his to make: do in/on/with work and one to strengthen: hold [the] missile
18 修造的人都腰间佩刀修造,吹角的人在我旁边。
and [the] to build man: anyone sword his to bind upon loin his and to build and [the] to blow in/on/with trumpet beside me
19 我对贵胄、官长,和其余的人说:“这工程浩大,我们在城墙上相离甚远;
and to say to(wards) [the] noble and to(wards) [the] ruler and to(wards) remainder [the] people [the] work to multiply and broad: wide and we to separate upon [the] wall distant man: anyone from brother: compatriot his
20 你们听见角声在哪里,就聚集到我们那里去。我们的 神必为我们争战。”
in/on/with place which to hear: hear [obj] voice: sound [the] trumpet there [to] to gather to(wards) us God our to fight to/for us
21 于是,我们做工,一半拿兵器,从天亮直到星宿出现的时候。
and we to make: do in/on/with work and half their to strengthen: hold in/on/with spear from to ascend: dawn [the] dawn till to come out: come [the] star
22 那时,我又对百姓说:“各人和他的仆人当在耶路撒冷住宿,好在夜间保守我们,白昼做工。”
also in/on/with time [the] he/she/it to say to/for people man: anyone and youth his to lodge in/on/with midst Jerusalem and to be to/for us [the] night custody and [the] day work
23 这样,我和弟兄仆人,并跟从我的护兵都不脱衣服,出去打水也带兵器。
and nothing I and brother: compatriot my and youth my and human [the] custody which after me nothing we to strip garment our man: anyone missile his [the] water

< 尼希米记 4 >