< 士师记 20 >
1 于是以色列从但到别是巴,以及住基列地的众人都出来,如同一人,聚集在米斯巴耶和华面前。
Then all the Israelites from Dan to Beersheba and from the land of Gilead came out, and the congregation assembled as one man before the LORD at Mizpah.
2 以色列民的首领,就是各支派的军长,都站在 神百姓的会中;拿刀的步兵共有四十万。
The leaders of all the people and all the tribes of Israel presented themselves in the assembly of God’s people: 400,000 men on foot, armed with swords.
3 以色列人上到米斯巴,便雅悯人都听见了。以色列人说:“请你将这件恶事的情由对我们说明。”
(Meanwhile the Benjamites heard that the Israelites had gone up to Mizpah.) And the Israelites asked, “Tell us, how did this wicked thing happen?”
4 那利未人,就是被害之妇人的丈夫,回答说:“我和我的妾到了便雅悯的基比亚住宿。
So the Levite, the husband of the murdered woman, answered: “I and my concubine came to Gibeah in Benjamin to spend the night.
5 基比亚人夜间起来,围了我住的房子,想要杀我,又将我的妾强奸致死。
And during the night, the men of Gibeah rose up against me and surrounded the house. They intended to kill me, but they abused my concubine, and she died.
6 我就把我妾的尸身切成块子,使人拿着传送以色列得为业的全地,因为基比亚人在以色列中行了凶淫丑恶的事。
Then I took my concubine, cut her into pieces, and sent her throughout the land of Israel’s inheritance, because they had committed a lewd and disgraceful act in Israel.
Behold, all you Israelites, give your advice and verdict here and now.”
8 众民都起来如同一人,说:“我们连一人都不回自己帐棚、自己房屋去。
Then all the people stood as one man and said, “Not one of us will return to his tent or to his house.
9 我们向基比亚人必这样行,照所掣的签去攻击他们。
Now this is what we will do to Gibeah: We will go against it as the lot dictates.
10 我们要在以色列各支派中,一百人挑取十人,一千人挑取百人,一万人挑取千人,为民运粮,等大众到了便雅悯的基比亚,就照基比亚人在以色列中所行的丑事征伐他们。”
We will take ten men out of every hundred from all the tribes of Israel, and a hundred out of every thousand, and a thousand out of every ten thousand, to supply provisions for the army when they go to Gibeah in Benjamin to punish them for the atrocity they have committed in Israel.”
11 于是以色列众人彼此连合如同一人,聚集攻击那城。
So all the men of Israel gathered as one man, united against the city.
12 以色列众支派打发人去,问便雅悯支派的各家说:“你们中间怎么做了这样的恶事呢?
And the tribes of Israel sent men throughout the tribe of Benjamin, saying, “What is this wickedness that has occurred among you?
13 现在你们要将基比亚的那些匪徒交出来,我们好治死他们,从以色列中除掉这恶。”便雅悯人却不肯听从他们弟兄以色列人的话。
Hand over the wicked men of Gibeah so we can put them to death and purge Israel of this evil.” But the Benjamites refused to heed the voice of their fellow Israelites.
14 便雅悯人从他们的各城里出来,聚集到了基比亚,要与以色列人打仗。
And from their cities they came together at Gibeah to go out and fight against the Israelites.
15 那时便雅悯人从各城里点出拿刀的,共有二万六千;另外还有基比亚人点出七百精兵。
On that day the Benjamites mobilized 26,000 swordsmen from their cities, in addition to the 700 select men of Gibeah.
16 在众军之中有拣选的七百精兵,都是左手便利的,能用机弦甩石打人,毫发不差。
Among all these soldiers there were 700 select left-handers, each of whom could sling a stone at a hair without missing.
17 便雅悯人之外,点出以色列人拿刀的,共有四十万,都是战士。
The Israelites, apart from Benjamin, mobilized 400,000 swordsmen, each one an experienced warrior.
18 以色列人就起来,到伯特利去求问 神说:“我们中间谁当首先上去与便雅悯人争战呢?”耶和华说:“犹大当先上去。”
The Israelites set out, went up to Bethel, and inquired of God, “Who of us shall go up first to fight against the Benjamites?” “Judah will be first,” the LORD replied.
The next morning the Israelites set out and camped near Gibeah.
20 以色列人出来,要与便雅悯人打仗,就在基比亚前摆阵。
And the men of Israel went out to fight against Benjamin and took up their battle positions at Gibeah.
21 便雅悯人就从基比亚出来,当日杀死以色列人二万二千。
And the Benjamites came out of Gibeah and cut down 22,000 Israelites on the battlefield that day.
22 以色列人彼此奋勇,仍在头一日摆阵的地方又摆阵。
But the Israelite army took courage and again took their battle positions in the same place where they had arrayed themselves on the first day.
23 未摆阵之先,以色列人上去,在耶和华面前哭号,直到晚上,求问耶和华说:“我们再去与我们弟兄便雅悯人打仗可以不可以?”耶和华说:“可以上去攻击他们。”
They went up and wept before the LORD until evening, inquiring of Him, “Should we again draw near for battle against our brothers the Benjamites?” And the LORD answered, “Go up against them.”
On the second day the Israelites advanced against the Benjamites.
25 便雅悯人也在这日从基比亚出来,与以色列人接战,又杀死他们一万八千,都是拿刀的。
That same day the Benjamites came out against them from Gibeah and cut down another 18,000 Israelites, all of them armed with swords.
26 以色列众人就上到伯特利,坐在耶和华面前哭号,当日禁食直到晚上;又在耶和华面前献燔祭和平安祭。
Then the Israelites, all the people, went up to Bethel, where they sat weeping before the LORD. That day they fasted until evening and presented burnt offerings and peace offerings to the LORD.
27 那时, 神的约柜在那里;亚伦的孙子、以利亚撒的儿子非尼哈侍立在约柜前。以色列人问耶和华说:“我们当再出去与我们弟兄便雅悯人打仗呢?还是罢兵呢?”耶和华说:“你们当上去,因为明日我必将他们交在你们手中。”
And the Israelites inquired of the LORD. (In those days the ark of the covenant of God was there,
and Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, served before it.) The Israelites asked, “Should we again go out to battle against our brothers the Benjamites, or should we stop?” The LORD answered, “Fight, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hand.”
So Israel set up an ambush around Gibeah.
30 第三日,以色列人又上去攻击便雅悯人,在基比亚前摆阵,与前两次一样。
On the third day the Israelites went up against the Benjamites and arrayed themselves against Gibeah as they had done before.
31 便雅悯人也出来迎敌,就被引诱离城;在田间两条路上,一通伯特利,一通基比亚,像前两次,动手杀死以色列人约有三十个。
The Benjamites came out against them and were drawn away from the city. They began to attack the people as before, killing about thirty men of Israel in the fields and on the roads, one of which led up to Bethel and the other to Gibeah.
32 便雅悯人说:“他们仍旧败在我们面前。”但以色列人说:“我们不如逃跑,引诱他们离开城到路上来。”
“We are defeating them as before,” said the Benjamites. But the Israelites said, “Let us retreat and draw them away from the city onto the roads.”
33 以色列众人都起来,在巴力·他玛摆阵,以色列的伏兵从马利·迦巴埋伏的地方冲上前去。
So all the men of Israel got up from their places and arrayed themselves at Baal-tamar, and the Israelites in ambush charged from their positions west of Gibeah.
34 有以色列人中的一万精兵,来到基比亚前接战,势派甚是凶猛;便雅悯人却不知道灾祸临近了。
Then 10,000 select men from all Israel made a frontal assault against Gibeah, and the battle was fierce. But the Benjamites did not realize that disaster was upon them.
35 耶和华使以色列人杀败便雅悯人。那日,以色列人杀死便雅悯人二万五千一百,都是拿刀的。
The LORD defeated Benjamin in the presence of Israel, and on that day the Israelites slaughtered 25,100 Benjamites, all armed with swords.
36 于是便雅悯人知道自己败了。先是以色列人;因为靠着在基比亚前所设的伏兵,就在便雅悯人面前诈败。
Then the Benjamites realized they had been defeated. Now the men of Israel had retreated before Benjamin because they were relying on the ambush they had set against Gibeah.
The men in ambush rushed suddenly against Gibeah; they advanced and put the whole city to the sword.
38 以色列人预先同伏兵约定在城内放火,以烟气上腾为号。
The men of Israel had arranged a signal with the men in ambush: When they sent up a great cloud of smoke from the city,
39 以色列人临退阵的时候,便雅悯人动手杀死以色列人,约有三十个,就说:“他们仍像前次被我们杀败了。”
the men of Israel would turn in the battle. When the Benjamites had begun to strike them down, killing about thirty men of Israel, they said, “They are defeated before us as in the first battle.”
40 当烟气如柱从城中上腾的时候,便雅悯人回头观看,见全城的烟气冲天。
But when the column of smoke began to go up from the city, the Benjamites looked behind them and saw the whole city going up in smoke.
41 以色列人又转身回来,便雅悯人就甚惊惶,因为看见灾祸临到自己了。
Then the men of Israel turned back on them, and the men of Benjamin were terrified when they realized that disaster had come upon them.
42 他们在以色列人面前转身往旷野逃跑;以色列人在后面追杀。那从各城里出来的,也都夹攻杀灭他们。
So they fled before the men of Israel toward the wilderness, but the battle overtook them, and the men coming out of the cities struck them down there.
43 以色列人围绕便雅悯人,追赶他们,在他们歇脚之处、对着日出之地的基比亚践踏他们。
They surrounded the Benjamites, pursued them, and easily overtook them in the vicinity of Gibeah on the east.
And 18,000 Benjamites fell, all men of valor.
45 其余的人转身向旷野逃跑,往临门磐去。以色列人在道路上杀了他们五千人,如拾取遗穗一样,追到基顿又杀了他们二千人。
Then the Benjamites turned and fled toward the wilderness to the rock of Rimmon, and Israel cut down 5,000 men on the roads. And they overtook them at Gidom and struck down 2,000 more.
46 那日便雅悯死了的共有二万五千人,都是拿刀的勇士。
That day 25,000 Benjamite swordsmen fell, all men of valor.
47 只剩下六百人,转身向旷野逃跑,到了临门磐,就在那里住了四个月。
But 600 men turned and fled into the wilderness to the rock of Rimmon, where they stayed four months.
48 以色列人又转到便雅悯地,将各城的人和牲畜,并一切所遇见的,都用刀杀尽,又放火烧了一切城邑。
And the men of Israel turned back against the other Benjamites and put to the sword all the cities, including the animals and everything else they found. And they burned down all the cities in their path.