< 约书亚记 5 >

1 约旦河西亚摩利人的诸王和靠海迦南人的诸王,听见耶和华在以色列人前面使约旦河的水干了,等到我们过去,他们的心因以色列人的缘故就消化了,不再有胆气。
All the kings of the people-groups to the west of the Jordan River and all the kings of the groups who were descendants of Canaan and who lived close to the [Mediterranean] Sea heard about how Yahweh had dried up the water of the Jordan [River] until all we Israeli people had crossed over. So they became very dismayed. They no longer were courageous enough to fight us.
2 那时,耶和华吩咐约书亚说:“你制造火石刀,第二次给以色列人行割礼。”
While [they were camped at Gilgal], Yahweh said to Joshua, “[The Israeli males who lived in Egypt were circumcised before they left there. Now] make knives from flint stones and circumcise all the Israeli males [who have been born since then].”
3 约书亚就制造了火石刀,在“除皮山”那里给以色列人行割礼。
So Joshua [made knives and] circumcised the Israeli males at a place that is now called ‘Circumcision Hill’.
4 约书亚行割礼的缘故,是因为从埃及出来的众民,就是一切能打仗的男丁,出了埃及以后,都死在旷野的路上。
[The reason they did that is that all the men who left Egypt], those who were old enough to be soldiers, died in the desert after they left Egypt.
5 因为出来的众民都受过割礼;惟独出埃及以后、在旷野的路上所生的众民都没有受过割礼。
They had been circumcised in Egypt, but the baby boys who had been born while their parents were camping in the desert after they left Egypt had not been circumcised.
6 以色列人在旷野走了四十年,等到国民,就是出埃及的兵丁,都消灭了,因为他们没有听从耶和华的话。耶和华曾向他们起誓,必不容他们看见耶和华向他们列祖起誓、应许赐给我们的地,就是流奶与蜜之地。
Our Israeli ancestors traveled around in the desert for 40 years, and all the men who were old enough to be soldiers had died. [The women had also died]. They had not obeyed Yahweh, so Yahweh said that they would not arrive at the land that he had promised to our ancestors that he would give to us, a land that was very fertile [MTY].
7 他们的子孙,就是耶和华所兴起来接续他们的,都没有受过割礼;因为在路上没有给他们行割礼,约书亚这才给他们行了。
The sons of those who had disobeyed Yahweh were the ones whom Joshua circumcised at Gilgal. They were circumcised because they had not been circumcised [while they were traveling in the desert].
8 国民都受完了割礼,就住在营中自己的地方,等到痊愈了。
After all the Israeli males had been circumcised, they remained in the camp and rested until their wounds were healed.
9 耶和华对约书亚说:“我今日将埃及的羞辱从你们身上滚去了。”因此,那地方名叫吉甲,直到今日。
Then Yahweh said to Joshua, “[Because your forefathers were slaves in Egypt], the Egyptians felt a revulsion toward you. But today I have removed the revulsion the Egyptians have had toward you.” Because of that, the people called the place ‘Gilgal’, [which sounds like the Hebrew word ‘removed’, ] and it still has that name.
10 以色列人在吉甲安营。正月十四日晚上,在耶利哥的平原守逾越节。
In the evening of the fourteenth day of that month, while the Israeli people were camped at Gilgal, on the plain near Jericho [city], they celebrated the Passover [Festival].
11 逾越节的次日,他们就吃了那地的出产;正当那日吃无酵饼和烘的谷。
The next day, they found some barley grain in the fields in that area. So they took that and roasted it and ate it with bread that was made without yeast.
12 他们吃了那地的出产,第二日吗哪就止住了,以色列人也不再有吗哪了。那一年,他们却吃迦南地的出产。
The next day, [God] stopped [sending] manna for the Israeli people to eat. After that, they ate food that was grown in Canaan.
13 约书亚靠近耶利哥的时候,举目观看,不料,有一个人手里有拔出来的刀,对面站立。约书亚到他那里,问他说:“你是帮助我们呢,是帮助我们敌人呢?”
One day when Joshua came near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him. The man was holding a sword in his hand. Joshua approached him and asked him, “Are you [going to fight] for us or against us?”
14 他回答说:“不是的,我来是要作耶和华军队的元帅。”约书亚就俯伏在地下拜,说:“我主有什么话吩咐仆人。”
The man replied, “I am not [planning to fight with you] or [against you]. Instead, I am the commander of Yahweh’s army [in heaven], and I have come [down from there to assure you that Yahweh will help you].” Then Joshua bowed down with his face on the ground (to show his respect for/to worship) the man, and said to him, “Tell me what [you want me to do].”
15 耶和华军队的元帅对约书亚说:“把你脚上的鞋脱下来,因为你所站的地方是圣的。”约书亚就照着行了。
The commander of Yahweh’s army replied, “Take off your sandals! [I am Yahweh, and] the ground on which you are standing is holy because I am here.” So Joshua took off his sandals.

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