< 约拿书 4 >
But this really upset Jonah, and he became very angry.
2 就祷告耶和华说:“耶和华啊,我在本国的时候岂不是这样说吗?我知道你是有恩典、有怜悯的 神,不轻易发怒,有丰盛的慈爱,并且后悔不降所说的灾,所以我急速逃往他施去。
He prayed to the Lord and told him, “Lord, wasn't this what I said when I was back home? That's why I ran away to Tarshish in the first place! For I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, very patient and full of kindhearted love, who relents from sending disaster.
3 耶和华啊,现在求你取我的命吧!因为我死了比活着还好。”
So just kill me now, Lord, because I'd prefer to die than to live!”
The Lord responded, “Do you have a good reason to be so angry?”
5 于是约拿出城,坐在城的东边,在那里为自己搭了一座棚,坐在棚的荫下,要看看那城究竟如何。
Jonah left the city and sat down to the east of it. There he made himself a shelter so he could sit in the shade and watch what would happen to the city.
6 耶和华 神安排一棵蓖麻,使其发生高过约拿,影儿遮盖他的头,救他脱离苦楚;约拿因这棵蓖麻大大喜乐。
The Lord God had a plant grow up and provide shade over Jonah's head to ease his discomfort. Jonah was very happy with the plant.
7 次日黎明, 神却安排一条虫子咬这蓖麻,以致枯槁。
The next day at dawn the Lord had a maggot attack the plant and it withered.
8 日头出来的时候, 神安排炎热的东风,日头曝晒约拿的头,使他发昏,他就为自己求死,说:“我死了比活着还好!”
Then as the sun came up the Lord arranged for a scorching east wind to blow, and the sun beat down on Jonah's head so that he became faint and wanted to die. “I'd rather die than live!” he said.
9 神对约拿说:“你因这棵蓖麻发怒合乎理吗?”他说:“我发怒以至于死,都合乎理!”
But the Lord asked Jonah, “Do you have a good reason to be so angry about the plant?” “Yes I do!” Jonah replied. “I'm angry enough to die!”
10 耶和华说:“这蓖麻不是你栽种的,也不是你培养的;一夜发生,一夜干死,你尚且爱惜;
Then the Lord told Jonah, “You're concerned about a plant which you did nothing about, and you didn't make it grow. It came up overnight and died overnight.
11 何况这尼尼微大城,其中不能分辨左手右手的有十二万多人,并有许多牲畜,我岂能不爱惜呢?”
Shouldn't I be concerned about the great city of Nineveh where one hundred and twenty thousand people live who don't know their right hand from their left, not to mention all the animals?”