< 约翰福音 10 >

1 “我实实在在地告诉你们,人进羊圈,不从门进去,倒从别处爬进去,那人就是贼,就是强盗。
In truth I tell you, whoever does not go into the sheepfold through the door, but climbs up at some other place, that person is a thief and a robber;
2 从门进去的,才是羊的牧人。
but the person who goes in through the door is shepherd to the sheep.
3 看门的就给他开门;羊也听他的声音。他按着名叫自己的羊,把羊领出来。
For him the watchman opens the door; and the sheep listen to his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name, and leads them out.
4 既放出自己的羊来,就在前头走,羊也跟着他,因为认得他的声音。
When he has brought them all out, he walks in front of them, and his sheep follow him, because they know his voice.
5 羊不跟着生人;因为不认得他的声音,必要逃跑。”
They will not follow a stranger, but will run away from him; because they do not know a stranger’s voice.’
6 耶稣将这比喻告诉他们,但他们不明白所说的是什么意思。
This was the allegory that Jesus told them, but they did not understand of what he was speaking.
7 所以,耶稣又对他们说:“我实实在在地告诉你们,我就是羊的门。
So he continued, ‘In truth I tell you, I am the door for the sheep.
8 凡在我以先来的都是贼,是强盗;羊却不听他们。
All who came before me were thieves and robbers; but the sheep did not listen to them.
9 我就是门;凡从我进来的,必然得救,并且出入得草吃。
I am the door; he who goes in through me will be safe, and he will go in and out and find pasture.
10 盗贼来,无非要偷窃,杀害,毁坏;我来了,是要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛。
The thief comes only to steal, to kill, and to destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and may have it in greater fullness.
11 我是好牧人;好牧人为羊舍命。
I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep.
12 若是雇工,不是牧人,羊也不是他自己的,他看见狼来,就撇下羊逃走;狼抓住羊,赶散了羊群。
The hired man who is not a shepherd, and who does not own the sheep, when he sees a wolf coming, leaves them and runs away; then the wolf seizes them, and scatters the flock.
13 雇工逃走,因他是雇工,并不顾念羊。
He does this because he is only a hired man and does not care about the sheep.
14 我是好牧人;我认识我的羊,我的羊也认识我,
I am the good shepherd; and I know my sheep, and my sheep know me –
15 正如父认识我,我也认识父一样;并且我为羊舍命。
Just as the Father knows me and I know the Father – and I lay down my life for the sheep.
16 我另外有羊,不是这圈里的;我必须领他们来,他们也要听我的声音,并且要合成一群,归一个牧人了。
I have other sheep besides, which do not belong to this fold; I must lead them also, and they will listen to my voice; and they will become one flock under one shepherd.
17 我父爱我;因我将命舍去,好再取回来。
This is why the Father loves me, because I lay down my life – to receive it again.
18 没有人夺我的命去,是我自己舍的。我有权柄舍了,也有权柄取回来。这是我从我父所受的命令。”
No one took it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to receive it again. This is the command which I received from my Father.’
19 犹太人为这些话又起了纷争。
In consequence of these words a difference of opinion again arose among the people.
20 内中有好些人说:“他是被鬼附着,而且疯了,为什么听他呢?”
Many of them said, ‘He is possessed by a demon and is mad; why do you listen to him?’
21 又有人说:“这不是鬼附之人所说的话。鬼岂能叫瞎子的眼睛开了呢?”
Others said, ‘This is not the teaching of one who is possessed by a demon. Can a demon give sight to the blind?’
22 在耶路撒冷有修殿节,是冬天的时候。
Soon after this the Festival of the Rededication was held at Jerusalem.
23 耶稣在殿里所罗门的廊下行走。
It was winter; and Jesus was walking in the Temple Courts, in the Colonnade of Solomon,
24 犹太人围着他,说:“你叫我们犹疑不定到几时呢?你若是基督,就明明地告诉我们。”
when the people gathered round him, and said, ‘How long are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us so frankly.’
25 耶稣回答说:“我已经告诉你们,你们不信。我奉我父之名所行的事可以为我作见证;
‘I have told you so,’ replied Jesus, ‘and you do not believe me. The work that I am doing in my Father’s name bears testimony to me.
26 只是你们不信,因为你们不是我的羊。
But you do not believe me, because you are not of my flock.
27 我的羊听我的声音,我也认识他们,他们也跟着我。
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me;
28 我又赐给他们永生;他们永不灭亡,谁也不能从我手里把他们夺去。 (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
and I give them eternal life, and they will not be lost; nor will anyone snatch them out of my hands. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
29 我父把羊赐给我,他比万有都大,谁也不能从我父手里把他们夺去。
What my Father has entrusted to me is more than all else; and no one can snatch anything out of the Father’s hands.
30 我与父原为一。”
The Father and I are one.’
31 犹太人又拿起石头来要打他。
Some of the people again brought stones to throw at him;
32 耶稣对他们说:“我从父显出许多善事给你们看,你们是为哪一件拿石头打我呢?”
and seeing this, Jesus said, ‘I have done before your eyes many good actions, inspired by the Father; for which of them would you stone me?’
33 犹太人回答说:“我们不是为善事拿石头打你,是为你说僭妄的话;又为你是个人,反将自己当作 神。”
‘It is not for any good action that we would stone you,’ they answered, ‘but for blasphemy; and because you, who are only a man, make yourself out to be God.’
34 耶稣说:“你们的律法上岂不是写着‘我曾说你们是神’吗?
‘Are there not,’ replied Jesus, ‘these words in your Law – “I said, You are gods”?
35 经上的话是不能废的;若那些承受 神道的人尚且称为神,
If those to whom God’s word were addressed were said to be “gods” – and scripture cannot be set aside –
36 父所分别为圣、又差到世间来的,他自称是 神的儿子,你们还向他说‘你说僭妄的话’吗?
do you say of one whom the Father has consecrated and sent as his messenger to the world “You are blaspheming,” because I said “I am God’s Son”?
37 我若不行我父的事,你们就不必信我;
If I am not doing the work that my Father is doing, do not believe me;
38 我若行了,你们纵然不信我,也当信这些事,叫你们又知道又明白父在我里面,我也在父里面。”
if I am doing it, even though you do not believe me, believe what that work shows; so that you may understand, and understand more and more clearly, that the Father is in union with me, and I with the Father.’
39 他们又要拿他,他却逃出他们的手走了。
The authorities again sought to arrest him; but he escaped their hands.
40 耶稣又往约旦河外去,到了约翰起初施洗的地方,就住在那里。
Then Jesus again crossed the Jordan to the place where John used to baptise at first, and stayed there some time, during which many people came to see him.
41 有许多人来到他那里。他们说:“约翰一件神迹没有行过,但约翰指着这人所说的一切话都是真的。”
‘John gave no sign of his mission,’ they said. ‘But everything that he said about this man was true.’
42 在那里,信耶稣的人就多了。
And many learned to believe in Jesus there.

< 约翰福音 10 >