< 约伯记 40 >
And the Lord God answered Job, and said,
2 强辩的岂可与全能者争论吗? 与 神辩驳的可以回答这些吧!
Will [any one] pervert judgment with the Mighty One? and he that reproves God, let him return it for answer.
And Job answered and said to the Lord,
4 我是卑贱的!我用什么回答你呢? 只好用手捂口。
Why do I yet plead? being rebuked even while reproving the Lord: hearing such things, whereas I am nothing: and what shall I answer to these [arguments]? I will lay my hand upon my mouth.
I have spoken once; but I will not do so a second time.
And the Lord yet again answered and spoke to Job out of the cloud, [saying],
Nay, gird up now thy loins like a man; and I will ask thee, and do thou answer me.
8 你岂可废弃我所拟定的? 岂可定我有罪,好显自己为义吗?
Do not set aside my judgment: and dost thou think that I have dealt with thee in any other way, than that thou mightest appear to be righteous?
Hast thou an arm like the Lord's? or dost thou thunder with a voice like his?
Assume now a lofty bearing and power; and clothe thyself with glory and honour.
11 要发出你满溢的怒气, 见一切骄傲的人,使他降卑;
And send forth messengers with wrath; and lay low every haughty one.
12 见一切骄傲的人,将他制伏, 把恶人践踏在本处;
Bring down also the proud man; and consume at once the ungodly.
13 将他们一同隐藏在尘土中, 把他们的脸蒙蔽在隐密处;
And hide them together in the earth; and fill their faces with shame.
[Then] will I confess that thy right hand can save [thee].
15 你且观看河马; 我造你也造它。 它吃草与牛一样;
But now look at the wild beasts with thee; they eat grass like oxen.
Behold now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.
He sets up his tail like a cypress; and his nerves are wrapped together.
His sides are sides of brass; and his backbone is [as] cast iron.
19 它在 神所造的物中为首; 创造它的给它刀剑。
This is the chief of the creation of the Lord; made to be played with by his angels.
And when he has gone up to a steep mountain, he causes joy to the quadrupeds in the deep.
21 它伏在莲叶之下, 卧在芦苇隐密处和水洼子里。
He lies under trees of every kind, by the papyrus, and reed, and bulrush.
And the great trees make a shadow over him with their branches, and [so do] the bushes of the field.
23 河水泛滥,它不发战; 就是约旦河的水涨到它口边,也是安然。
If there should be a flood, he will not perceive it; he trust that Jordan will rush up into his mouth.
24 在它防备的时候,谁能捉拿它? 谁能牢笼它穿它的鼻子呢?
[Yet one] shall take him in his sight; [one] shall catch [him] with a cord, and pierce his nose.