< 约伯记 39 >
1 山岩间的野山羊几时生产,你知道吗? 母鹿下犊之期,你能察定吗?
Do you know when the wild goats give birth? Have you watched the birth-pains of the deer?
2 它们怀胎的月数,你能数算吗? 它们几时生产,你能晓得吗?
Do you know how many months they carry their young? Do you know the time when they give birth?
They crouch down in labor to deliver their offspring.
Their young grow strong in the open countryside; they leave and never return.
Who gave the wild donkey its freedom? Who set it free from its bonds?
I have given it the wilderness as its home, the salt plains as a place to live.
It despises the noise of the city; it doesn't need to listen to the shouts of a driver.
It hunts in the mountains for pastureland, searching for all kinds of green plants to eat.
Is the wild ox willing to serve you? Will it spend the night at your manger?
10 你岂能用套绳将野牛笼在犁沟之间? 它岂肯随你耙山谷之地?
Can you tie a wild ox to a plow? Can you make it till your fields for you?
11 岂可因它的力大就倚靠它? 岂可把你的工交给它做吗?
Because it's so powerful can you trust it? Can you depend on it to do your heavy work for you?
12 岂可信靠它把你的粮食运到家, 又收聚你禾场上的谷吗?
Are you sure it will gather your grain and bring it to your threshing floor?
13 鸵鸟的翅膀欢然搧展, 岂是显慈爱的翎毛和羽毛吗?
The ostrich proudly flaps her wings, but they are nothing like the flight feathers of the stork.
The ostrich abandons her eggs on the ground, leaving them to be warmed in the dust.
She doesn't think that they can be crushed underfoot, trampled by a wild animal.
16 它忍心待雏,似乎不是自己的; 虽然徒受劳苦,也不为雏惧怕;
She is tough towards her young, acting as if they didn't belong to her. She doesn't care that all her work was for nothing.
For I, God, made her forget wisdom—she didn't get her share of intelligence.
But when she needs to, she can jump up and run, mocking a horse and its rider with her speed.
19 马的大力是你所赐的吗? 它颈项上挓挲的鬃是你给它披上的吗?
Did you give the horse its strength? Did you place a mane upon its neck?
20 是你叫它跳跃像蝗虫吗? 它喷气之威使人惊惶。
Did you make it able to jump like a locust? Its loud snorting is terrifying!
21 它在谷中刨地,自喜其力; 它出去迎接佩带兵器的人。
It paws at the ground, rearing up with power as it charges into battle.
It laughs at fear; it is not frightened at all.
The quiver full of arrows rattles against it; the spear and the javelin flash in the sunlight.
24 它发猛烈的怒气将地吞下; 一听角声就不耐站立。
Shaking with rage it gallops across the ground; it cannot remain still when the trumpet sounds.
25 角每发声,它说呵哈; 它从远处闻着战气, 又听见军长大发雷声和兵丁呐喊。
Whenever the trumpet calls, it is ready; he senses the sound of battle from far away, he hears the commanders shouting.
26 鹰雀飞翔,展开翅膀一直向南, 岂是借你的智慧吗?
Is it through your wisdom that the hawk soars, spreading its wings towards the south?
Do you command the eagle to fly high and make its nest in the summits of the mountains?
It lives among the cliffs, and roosts on a remote rocky crag.
From there it spies its prey from far away, fixing its gaze on its victim. Its chicks eagerly swallow blood.
30 它的雏也咂血; 被杀的人在哪里,它也在那里。
Where the carcasses are, that's where birds of prey are found.”