< 耶利米书 37 >

1 约西亚的儿子西底家代替约雅敬的儿子哥尼雅为王,是巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒立在犹大地作王的。
and to reign king Zedekiah son: child Josiah underneath: instead Coniah son: child Jehoiakim which to reign Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon in/on/with land: country/planet Judah
2 但西底家和他的臣仆,并国中的百姓,都不听从耶和华借先知耶利米所说的话。
and not to hear: hear he/she/it and servant/slave his and people [the] land: country/planet to(wards) word LORD which to speak: speak in/on/with hand: by Jeremiah [the] prophet
3 西底家王打发示利米雅的儿子犹甲和祭司玛西雅的儿子西番雅去见先知耶利米,说:“求你为我们祷告耶和华—我们的 神。”
and to send: depart [the] king Zedekiah [obj] Jehucal son: child Shelemiah and [obj] Zephaniah son: child Maaseiah [the] priest to(wards) Jeremiah [the] prophet to/for to say to pray please about/through/for us to(wards) LORD God our
4 那时耶利米在民中出入,因为他们还没有把他囚在监里。
and Jeremiah to come (in): come and to come out: come in/on/with midst [the] people and not to give: put [obj] him house: home ([the] prison *Q(K)*)
5 法老的军队已经从埃及出来,那围困耶路撒冷的迦勒底人听见他们的风声,就拔营离开耶路撒冷去了。
and strength: soldiers Pharaoh to come out: come from Egypt and to hear: hear [the] Chaldea [the] to confine upon Jerusalem [obj] report their and to ascend: rise from upon Jerusalem
6 耶和华的话临到先知耶利米说:
and to be word LORD to(wards) Jeremiah [the] prophet to/for to say
7 “耶和华—以色列的 神如此说:犹大王打发你们来求问我,你们要如此对他说:‘那出来帮助你们法老的军队必回埃及本国去。
thus to say LORD God Israel thus to say to(wards) king Judah [the] to send: depart [obj] you to(wards) me to/for to seek me behold strength: soldiers Pharaoh [the] to come out: come to/for you to/for help to return: return to/for land: country/planet his Egypt
8 迦勒底人必再来攻打这城,并要攻取,用火焚烧。
and to return: return [the] Chaldea and to fight upon [the] city [the] this and to capture her and to burn her in/on/with fire
9 耶和华如此说:你们不要自欺说“迦勒底人必定离开我们”,因为他们必不离开。
thus to say LORD not to deceive soul: myself your to/for to say to go: went to go: went from upon us [the] Chaldea for not to go: went
10 你们即便杀败了与你们争战的迦勒底全军,但剩下受伤的人也必各人从帐棚里起来,用火焚烧这城。’”
that if: except if: except to smite all strength: soldiers Chaldea [the] to fight with you and to remain in/on/with them human to pierce man: anyone in/on/with tent his to arise: rise and to burn [obj] [the] city [the] this in/on/with fire
11 迦勒底的军队因怕法老的军队,拔营离开耶路撒冷的时候,
and to be in/on/with to ascend: rise strength: soldiers [the] Chaldea from upon Jerusalem from face: because strength: soldiers Pharaoh
12 耶利米就杂在民中出离耶路撒冷,要往便雅悯地去,在那里得自己的地业。
and to come out: come Jeremiah from Jerusalem to/for to go: went land: country/planet Benjamin to/for to divide from there in/on/with midst [the] people
13 他到了便雅悯门那里,有守门官名叫伊利雅,是哈拿尼亚的孙子、示利米雅的儿子,他就拿住先知耶利米,说:“你是投降迦勒底人哪!”
and to be he/she/it in/on/with gate Benjamin (Gate) and there master: [master of] oversight and name his Irijah son: child Shelemiah son: child Hananiah and to capture [obj] Jeremiah [the] prophet to/for to say to(wards) [the] Chaldea you(m. s.) to fall: deserting
14 耶利米说:“你这是谎话,我并不是投降迦勒底人。”伊利雅不听他的话,就拿住他,解到首领那里。
and to say Jeremiah deception nothing I to fall: deserting upon [the] Chaldea and not to hear: hear to(wards) him and to capture Irijah in/on/with Jeremiah and to come (in): bring him to(wards) [the] ruler
15 首领恼怒耶利米,就打了他,将他囚在文士约拿单的房屋中,因为他们以这房屋当作监牢。
and be angry [the] ruler upon Jeremiah and to smite [obj] him and to give: throw [obj] him house: home [the] bond house: household Jonathan [the] secretary for [obj] him to make to/for house: home [the] prison
16 耶利米来到狱中,进入牢房,在那里囚了多日。
for to come (in): come Jeremiah to(wards) house: home [the] pit and to(wards) [the] vault and to dwell there Jeremiah day many
17 西底家王打发人提出他来,在自己的宫内私下问他说:“从耶和华有什么话临到没有?”耶利米说:“有!”又说:“你必交在巴比伦王手中。”
and to send: depart [the] king Zedekiah and to take: recieve him and to ask him [the] king in/on/with house: palace his in/on/with secrecy and to say there word from with LORD and to say Jeremiah there and to say in/on/with hand: power king Babylon to give: give
18 耶利米又对西底家王说:“我在什么事上得罪你,或你的臣仆,或这百姓,你竟将我囚在监里呢?
and to say Jeremiah to(wards) [the] king Zedekiah what? to sin to/for you and to/for servant/slave your and to/for people [the] this for to give: put [obj] me to(wards) house: home [the] prison
19 对你们预言巴比伦王必不来攻击你们和这地的先知,现今在哪里呢?
(and where? *Q(K)*) prophet your which to prophesy to/for you to/for to say not to come (in): come king Babylon upon you and upon [the] land: country/planet [the] this
20 主—我的王啊,求你现在垂听,准我在你面前的恳求:不要使我回到文士约拿单的房屋中,免得我死在那里。”
and now to hear: hear please lord my [the] king to fall: fall please supplication my to/for face: before your and not to return: return me house: household Jonathan [the] secretary and not to die there
21 于是,西底家王下令,他们就把耶利米交在护卫兵的院中,每天从饼铺街取一个饼给他,直到城中的饼用尽了。这样,耶利米仍在护卫兵的院中。
and to command [the] king Zedekiah and to reckon: overseer [obj] Jeremiah in/on/with court [the] guardhouse and to give: give to/for him talent food: bread to/for day: daily from outside [the] to bake till to finish all [the] food: bread from [the] city and to dwell Jeremiah in/on/with court [the] guardhouse

< 耶利米书 37 >