< 耶利米书 26 >
1 犹大王约西亚的儿子约雅敬登基的时候,有这话从耶和华临到耶利米说:
Soon after Jehoiakim became the king of Judah, Yahweh gave [me] this message:
2 “耶和华如此说:你站在耶和华殿的院内,对犹大众城邑的人,就是到耶和华殿来礼拜的,说我所吩咐你的一切话,一字不可删减。
“This is what [I], Yahweh, am telling you: Stand in the courtyard [in front] of my temple, and speak to all [the people from] the various towns in Judah who come there to worship me. Tell them everything that I tell you; do not omit anything.
3 或者他们肯听从,各人回头离开恶道,使我后悔不将我因他们所行的恶,想要施行的灾祸降与他们。
[If you do tell them everything], perhaps they will pay attention, and each one of them will turn away from his evil behavior. Then I will change my mind, and not cause them to experience the disaster that I was planning to cause them to experience because of the evil things that they have done.
4 你要对他们说,耶和华如此说:‘你们若不听从我,不遵行我设立在你们面前的律法,
Say to them, ‘This is what Yahweh says: I sent to you the prophets who serve me, to tell you what you should do. I sent them to you many times, but you have not paid attention to what they said. If you will not pay attention to what I say and do not obey the message that I have given to you, and if you do not pay attention to what the prophets say,
5 不听我从早起来差遣到你们那里去我仆人众先知的话(你们还是没有听从),
6 我就必使这殿如示罗,使这城为地上万国所咒诅的。’”
I will destroy this temple like I destroyed Shiloh, [the place where the Sacred Tent was put]. And I will cause Jerusalem to be a place whose name [people in] every nation on the earth will say when they curse someone.’”
7 耶利米在耶和华殿中说的这些话,祭司、先知与众民都听见了。
[When I did what Yahweh told me to do, ] the priests, the [false] prophets, and many [other] people listened to me as I told them that message outside the temple.
8 耶利米说完了耶和华所吩咐他对众人说的一切话,祭司、先知与众民都来抓住他,说:“你必要死!
But as soon as I finished telling them everything that Yahweh had commanded me to say, they all seized me and said, “You must be executed!
9 你为何托耶和华的名预言,说这殿必如示罗,这城必变为荒场无人居住呢?”于是众民都在耶和华的殿中聚集到耶利米那里。
Why [RHQ] are you prophesying that this temple will be [destroyed] like Shiloh [was destroyed]? Why are you saying that this city will be destroyed, and that no one will live here [any more]? (OR, You should not be prophesying) [RHQ]” All the people surrounded me [as I stood] in [front of] the temple.
10 犹大的首领听见这事,就从王宫上到耶和华的殿,坐在耶和华殿的新门口。
When the officials of Judah heard about all this [that was happening], they rushed from the palace and sat down at the gate of the temple named The New Gate, [to judge my case].
11 祭司、先知对首领和众民说:“这人是该死的;因为他说预言攻击这城,正如你们亲耳所听见的。”
The priests and the [false] told the officials and the other people [who were there], “This man should be executed, because he has prophesied that this city [will be destroyed], and you yourselves [MTY] have heard him say that!”
12 耶利米就对众首领和众民说:“耶和华差遣我预言,攻击这殿和这城,说你们所听见的这一切话。
Then I replied to the officials and the other people, saying, “Yahweh sent me to prophesy all the things that you heard me say about [what will happen to] this temple and this city.
13 现在要改正你们的行动作为,听从耶和华—你们 神的话,他就必后悔,不将所说的灾祸降与你们。
But if you change your behavior and stop sinning, and [start to] obey Yahweh our God, he will change his mind, and not cause you to experience the disasters that he said that he would send.
14 至于我,我在你们手中,你们眼看何为善,何为正,就那样待我吧!
As for me, I am not able to free myself from your grasp. [So you can] do to me whatever you want to do.
15 但你们要确实地知道,若把我治死,就使无辜人的血归到你们和这城,并其中的居民了;因为耶和华实在差遣我到你们这里来,将这一切话传与你们耳中。”
[But you need to] know that if you kill me, you will be killing a man [SYN] who (is innocent/has not done anything wrong). And you and everyone else in this city will be guilty, because the truth is that it was Yahweh who sent me to speak every word that you have heard me say.”
16 首领和众民就对祭司、先知说:“这人是不该死的,因为他是奉耶和华—我们 神的名向我们说话。”
Then the officials and the other people said to the priests and the [false] prophets, “This man does not deserve to be executed, because he has spoken to us the message [MTY] that Yahweh gave him!”
Then some of the elders stood up and spoke to all the people who were gathered [there].
18 “当犹大王希西家的日子,有摩利沙人弥迦对犹大众人预言说: 万军之耶和华如此说: 锡安必被耕种像一块田; 耶路撒冷必变为乱堆; 这殿的山必像丛林的高处。
They said, “([Remember/Think about) what] Micah, [the prophet] from Moresheth [town], prophesied during the years that Hezekiah was the King of Judah. He told the people of Judah this: ‘This is what the Commander of the armies of angels says: [Some day] Zion [Hill] will be plowed like fields [are plowed]; Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins. There will be a large clump/group of trees on top of the hill where the temple is now.’
19 犹大王希西家和犹大众人岂是把他治死呢?希西家岂不是敬畏耶和华、恳求他的恩吗?耶和华就后悔,不把自己所说的灾祸降与他们。若治死这人,我们就作了大恶,自害己命。” (
But did [RHQ] King Hezekiah or anyone else in Judah kill Micah [for saying that]? No! Instead, Hezekiah revered Yahweh, and pleaded that he would (act mercifully toward/not destroy) them. So, Yahweh changed his mind about causing them to experience the terrible disaster that he said he would send. And now [if we kill Jeremiah], we are going to cause ourselves to experience a terrible disaster!”
20 又有一个人奉耶和华的名说预言,是基列·耶琳人示玛雅的儿子乌利亚,他照耶利米的一切话说预言,攻击这城和这地。
[At that time, ] the son of Shemaiah from Kiriath-Jearim [city] was also prophesying/proclaiming messages [MTY] from Yahweh. He was predicting that the city and the rest of the land would experience the same disasters that I was predicting.
21 约雅敬王和他众勇士、众首领听见了乌利亚的话,王就想要把他治死。乌利亚听见就惧怕,逃往埃及去了。
When King Jehoiakim and his army officers and officials heard what Uriah was saying, the king sent someone to kill Uriah. But Uriah heard about it, and became [very] afraid, and he (escaped/ran away) to Egypt.
22 约雅敬王便打发亚革波的儿子以利拿单,带领几个人往埃及去。
Then King Jehoiakim sent Elnathan the son of Acbor along with several other men to Egypt.
23 他们就从埃及将乌利亚带出来,送到约雅敬王那里;王用刀杀了他,把他的尸首抛在平民的坟地中。)
They captured Uriah and took him [back to Jerusalem] to King Jehoiakim. The king then [had a soldier] kill Uriah with a sword. Then they buried his corpse in a place where poor people are buried.
24 然而,沙番的儿子亚希甘保护耶利米,不交在百姓的手中治死他。
However, Ahikam the son of Shaphan defended me, and persuaded the officials not to allow [MTY] the mob to murder me.