< 耶利米书 23 >
1 耶和华说:“那些残害、赶散我草场之羊的牧人有祸了!”
What trouble is coming to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! declares the Lord.
2 耶和华—以色列的 神斥责那些牧养他百姓的牧人,如此说:“你们赶散我的羊群,并没有看顾他们;我必讨你们这行恶的罪。这是耶和华说的。
This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says about the shepherds who were meant to look after my people: You have scattered my flock. You have chased them away You didn't take care of them, so now I will take care of you for all the evil you've done, declares the Lord.
3 我要将我羊群中所余剩的,从我赶他们到的各国内招聚出来,领他们归回本圈;他们也必生养众多。
I myself will gather what's left of my flock from all the countries where I exiled them, and I will bring them back to their pasture, where they will increase in number.
4 我必设立照管他们的牧人,牧养他们。他们不再惧怕,不再惊惶,也不缺少一个;这是耶和华说的。”
I will put shepherds in charge of them who will take care of them, and they won't be afraid or discouraged anymore, and none of them will be missing, declares the Lord.
5 耶和华说:“日子将到,我要给大卫兴起一个公义的苗裔;他必掌王权,行事有智慧,在地上施行公平和公义。
Look, the time is coming, declares the Lord, when I will choose a descendant of David who does what is right. As king he will rule with wisdom and do what is just and right throughout the country.
6 在他的日子,犹大必得救,以色列也安然居住。他的名必称为‘耶和华—我们的义’。”
When he is king, Judah will be saved, and Israel will live in safety. This is the name he will be called: The Lord Who Makes Us Right.
7 耶和华说:“日子将到,人必不再指着那领以色列人从埃及地上来永生的耶和华起誓,
Look, the time is coming, declares the Lord, when people won't say anymore, “On the Lord's life, who led the Israelites out of Egypt.”
8 却要指着那领以色列家的后裔从北方和赶他们到的各国中上来、永生的耶和华起誓。他们必住在本地。”
Instead they'll say, “On the Lord's life, who led the Israelites back from the northern country and all the other countries where he had exiled them.” Then they'll live in their own country.
9 论到那些先知, 我心在我里面忧伤, 我骨头都发颤; 因耶和华和他的圣言, 我像醉酒的人, 像被酒所胜的人。
When it comes to the prophets: I'm really disturbed—I'm shaking inside! I stagger like a drunk, like someone who's had too much wine, because of what the Lord is like, because of his holy words.
10 地满了行淫的人! 因妄自赌咒,地就悲哀; 旷野的草场都枯干了。 他们所行的道乃是恶的; 他们的勇力使得不正。
For the country is full of people committing adultery so it's under a curse. The land mourns and the desert pastures have dried up. The people live evil lives, using their energy to do wrong.
11 连先知带祭司都是亵渎的, 就是在我殿中我也看见他们的恶。 这是耶和华说的。
Both prophets and priests show no respect for me. I see wickedness even in my Temple, declares the Lord.
12 因此,他们的道路必像黑暗中的滑地, 他们必被追赶,在这路中仆倒; 因为当追讨之年, 我必使灾祸临到他们。 这是耶和华说的。
That's why their path will become slippery; they will be chased away in the dark and fall down. I'm going to bring disaster on them at the time when they're punished, declares the Lord.
13 我在撒马利亚的先知中曾见愚妄; 他们借巴力说预言, 使我的百姓以色列走错了路。
I saw the prophets of Samaria doing something really offensive: They prophesied in the name of Baal and led my people Israel to sin.
14 我在耶路撒冷的先知中曾见可憎恶的事; 他们行奸淫,做事虚妄, 又坚固恶人的手, 甚至无人回头离开他的恶。 他们在我面前都像所多玛; 耶路撒冷的居民都像蛾摩拉。
But now I see the prophets of Jerusalem doing something even more disgusting: They commit adultery and their lives are a lie. They support the wicked, so no one stops sinning. To me they're all like Sodom; the people of Jerusalem are like Gomorrah.
15 所以万军之耶和华论到先知如此说: 我必将茵 给他们吃, 又将苦胆水给他们喝; 因为亵渎的事出于耶路撒冷的先知,流行遍地。
So this is what the Lord Almighty says about the prophets: I will give them wormwood to eat and poisoned water to drink, because evil has spread across the country from the prophets of Jerusalem.
16 万军之耶和华如此说:“这些先知向你们说预言,你们不要听他们的话。他们以虚空教训你们,所说的异象是出于自己的心,不是出于耶和华的口。
This is what the Lord Almighty says: Don't pay attention to what these prophets say when they prophesy to you. They're fooling you with visions they make up in their own minds. They're not from me.
17 他们常对藐视我的人说:‘耶和华说:你们必享平安’;又对一切按自己顽梗之心而行的人说:‘必没有灾祸临到你们。’”
They keep on telling people who don't respect me, “The Lord says that you'll live in peace,” and to everyone following their own stubborn attitude, “Nothing bad is going to happen to you.”
18 有谁站在耶和华的会中 得以听见并会悟他的话呢? 有谁留心听他的话呢?
But who of them has attended the Lord's council to hear and understand what he's saying? Who has paid attention to his instructions and followed them?
19 看哪!耶和华的忿怒 好像暴风,已经发出; 是暴烈的旋风, 必转到恶人的头上。
Watch out! The Lord has sent out a furious storm, a tornado swirling around the heads of the wicked.
20 耶和华的怒气必不转消, 直到他心中所拟定的成就了。 末后的日子你们要全然明白。
The Lord's anger won't fade until he's finished doing everything he wants. Only then will you really understand.
21 我没有打发那些先知, 他们竟自奔跑; 我没有对他们说话, 他们竟自预言。
I didn't send these prophets, but they run to deliver their messages. I didn't tell them to say anything, but they still go on prophesying.
22 他们若是站在我的会中, 就必使我的百姓听我的话, 又使他们回头离开恶道和他们所行的恶。
Now if they had attended my council, they would have delivered my instructions to my people and brought them back from their evil way of life, from their evil actions.
23 耶和华说:“我岂为近处的 神呢?不也为远处的 神吗?”
Am I only a local God and not a God who operates widely? asks the Lord.
24 耶和华说:“人岂能在隐密处藏身,使我看不见他呢?”耶和华说:“我岂不充满天地吗?
Can people hide in secret places where I can't see them? asks the Lord. Don't I operate everywhere in heaven and on earth? asks the Lord.
25 我已听见那些先知所说的,就是托我名说的假预言,他们说:‘我做了梦!我做了梦!’
I've listened to the prophets who prophesy lies in my name. They say, “I've had a dream! I've had a dream!”
26 说假预言的先知,就是预言本心诡诈的先知,他们这样存心要到几时呢?
How long will this continue? How long will these prophets go on prophesying these lies which are just the product of their own deluded minds?
27 他们各人将所做的梦对邻舍述说,想要使我的百姓忘记我的名,正如他们列祖因巴力忘记我的名一样。
They think the dreams that they repeat to one another will lead my people to forget me, just like their forefathers forgot me by worshiping Baal.
28 得梦的先知可以述说那梦;得我话的人可以诚实讲说我的话。糠秕怎能与麦子比较呢?这是耶和华说的。”
A prophet who has a dream should say it's just a dream, but anyone I've spoken to should deliver my message faithfully. What is straw in comparison to grain? asks the Lord.
29 耶和华说:“我的话岂不像火,又像能打碎磐石的大锤吗?”
Doesn't my word burn like fire? asks the Lord. Isn't it like a hammer smashing a rock?
30 耶和华说:“那些先知各从邻舍偷窃我的言语,因此我必与他们反对。”
Pay attention to this, declares the Lord. I'm opposed to those prophets who steal words from one another and then say it's a message from me.
31 耶和华说:“那些先知用舌头,说是耶和华说的;我必与他们反对。”
Pay attention to this declares the Lord. I'm opposed to those prophets who make up their own stories and then announce, “This is what the Lord says.”
32 耶和华说:“那些以幻梦为预言,又述说这梦,以谎言和矜夸使我百姓走错了路的,我必与他们反对。我没有打发他们,也没有吩咐他们。他们与这百姓毫无益处。这是耶和华说的。”
Pay attention to this declares the Lord, I'm opposed to those who prophesy fictional dreams. They tell them in order to lead my people into sin with their wild lies. I didn't send them or give them any instructions, and they don't do anybody any good, declares the Lord.
33 “无论是百姓,是先知,是祭司,问你说:‘耶和华有什么默示呢?’你就对他们说:‘什么默示啊?耶和华说:我要撇弃你们。’
So when a prophet or priest or anyone else comes and asks you, “What is ‘the burden of the Lord?’” tell them, I'm not giving you a burden. I'm giving up on you, declares the Lord.
34 无论是先知,是祭司,是百姓,说‘耶和华的默示’,我必刑罚那人和他的家。
If a prophet or priest or anyone else claims, “This is the burden of the Lord,” I will punish that person and their family.
35 你们各人要对邻舍,各人要对弟兄如此说:‘耶和华回答什么?’‘耶和华说了什么呢?’
This is what everybody should say to their friends and relatives: “What answer has the Lord given?” or, “What has the Lord said?”
36 ‘耶和华的默示’你们不可再提,各人所说的话必作自己的重担,因为你们谬用永生 神、万军之耶和华—我们 神的言语。
Don't talk about “the burden of the Lord” anymore, because everybody has different ideas about this “burden,” perverting the words of the living God, the Lord Almighty, our God.
37 你们要对先知如此说:‘耶和华回答你什么?’‘耶和华说了什么呢?’
This is what you are to say ask any prophet: “What message has the Lord given you?” and “What has the Lord told you?”
38 你们若说‘耶和华的默示’,耶和华就如此说:‘因你们说“耶和华的默示”这句话,我也打发人到你们那里去,告诉你们不可说“耶和华的默示”。’
If they say, “This is the burden of the Lord,” then this is the Lord's response: Because you said, “This is the burden of the Lord,” and I warned you not to,
39 所以我必全然忘记你们,将你们和我所赐给你们并你们列祖的城撇弃了;
now I'm going to pick you up like a burden and throw you away, you and the city that I gave to you and your forefathers.
40 又必使永远的凌辱和长久的羞耻临到你们,是不能忘记的。”
I will disgrace you forever, you shame will never be forgotten.