< 耶利米书 10 >
Hear you the word of the Lord, which he has spoken to you, O house of Israel.
2 耶和华如此说: 你们不要效法列国的行为, 也不要为天象惊惶, 因列国为此事惊惶。
Thus says the Lord, Learn you not the ways of the heathen, and be not alarmed at the signs of the sky; for they are alarmed at them, [falling] on their faces.
3 众民的风俗是虚空的; 他们在树林中用斧子砍伐一棵树, 匠人用手工造成偶像。
For the customs of the nations are vain; it is a tree cut out of the forest, the work of the carpenter, or a molten image.
4 他们用金银妆饰它, 用钉子和锤子钉稳, 使它不动摇。
[They are] beautified with silver and gold, they fix them with hammers and nails;
5 它好像棕树,是旋成的, 不能说话,不能行走, 必须有人抬着。 你们不要怕它; 它不能降祸, 也无力降福。
they will set them up that they may not move; it is wrought silver, they will not walk, it is forged silver They must certainly be borne, for they can’t ride [of themselves]. Fear them not; for they can’t do any evil, and there is no good in them.
6 耶和华啊,没有能比你的! 你本为大,有大能大力的名。
7 万国的王啊,谁不敬畏你? 敬畏你本是合宜的; 因为在列国的智慧人中, 虽有政权的尊荣, 也不能比你。
8 他们尽都是畜类,是愚昧的。 偶像的训诲算什么呢? 偶像不过是木头。
9 有银子打成片,是从他施带来的, 并有从乌法来的金子, 都是匠人和银匠的手工, 又有蓝色紫色料的衣服, 都是巧匠的工作。
10 惟耶和华是真 神, 是活 神,是永远的王。 他一发怒,大地震动; 他一恼恨,列国都担当不起。 (
11 你们要对他们如此说:不是那创造天地的神,必从地上从天下被除灭!)
Thus shall you say to them, Let the gods which have not made heaven and earth perish from off the earth, and from under this sky.
12 耶和华用能力创造大地, 用智慧建立世界, 用聪明铺张穹苍。
It is the Lord that made the earth by his strength, who set up the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the sky,
13 他一发声,空中便有多水激动; 他使云雾从地极上腾; 他造电随雨而闪, 从他府库中带出风来。
and set abundance of waters in the sky, and brought up clouds from the ends of the earth; he made lightnings for the rain, and brought forth light out of his treasures.
14 各人都成了畜类,毫无知识; 各银匠都因他雕刻的偶像羞愧。 他所铸的偶像本是虚假的, 其中并无气息,
Every man is deprived of knowledge, every goldsmith is confounded because of his graven images; for he has cast false gods, there is no breath in them.
15 都是虚无的, 是迷惑人的工作; 到追讨的时候必被除灭。
They are vain works, wrought in mockery; in the time of their visitation they shall perish.
16 雅各的分不像这些, 因他是造作万有的主。 以色列也是他产业的支派, 万军之耶和华是他的名。
Such is not the portion of Jacob; for he that formed all things, he is his inheritance; the Lord is his name.
17 受围困的人哪,当收拾你的财物, 从国中带出去。
He has gathered your substance from without the lodged in choice [vessels].
18 因为耶和华如此说: 这时候,我必将此地的居民, 好像用机弦甩出去, 又必加害在他们身上, 使他们觉悟。
For thus says the Lord, Behold, I [will] overthrow the inhabitants of this land with affliction, that your plague may be discovered.
19 民说:祸哉!我受损伤; 我的伤痕极其重大。 我却说:这真是我的痛苦, 必须忍受。
Alas for your ruin! your plague is grievous: and I said, Surely this is your wound, and it has overtaken you.
20 我的帐棚毁坏; 我的绳索折断。 我的儿女离我出去,没有了。 无人再支搭我的帐棚,挂起我的幔子。
Your tabernacle is in a ruinous state, it has perished; and all your curtains have been torn asunder: my children and my cattle are no more: there is no more any place for my tabernacle, [nor] place for my curtains.
21 因为牧人都成为畜类, 没有求问耶和华, 所以不得顺利; 他们的羊群也都分散。
For the shepherds have become foolish, and have not sought the Lord; therefore the whole pasture has failed, and [the sheep] have been scattered.
22 有风声!看哪,敌人来了! 有大扰乱从北方出来, 要使犹大城邑变为荒凉, 成为野狗的住处。
Behold, there comes a sound of a noise, and a great earthquake from the land of the north, to make the cities of Juda a desolation, and a resting-place for ostriches.
23 耶和华啊,我晓得人的道路不由自己, 行路的人也不能定自己的脚步。
I know, O Lord, that man's way is not his own; neither shall a man go, and direct his going.
24 耶和华啊,求你从宽惩治我, 不要在你的怒中惩治我, 恐怕使我归于无有。
Chasten us, O Lord, but with judgement; and not in wrath, lest you make us few.
25 愿你将忿怒倾在不认识你的列国中, 和不求告你名的各族上; 因为他们吞了雅各,不但吞了,而且灭绝, 把他的住处变为荒场。
Pour out your wrath upon the nations that have not known you, and upon the families that have not called upon your name: for they have devoured Jacob, and consumed him, and have made his pasture desolate.