< 以赛亚书 34 >
1 列国啊,要近前来听! 众民哪,要侧耳而听! 地和其上所充满的, 世界和其中一切所出的都应当听!
O nations and peoples: draw near, and listen, and pay attention! Let the earth and its fullness hear, the entire world and all its offspring.
2 因为耶和华向万国发忿恨, 向他们的全军发烈怒, 将他们灭尽,交出他们受杀戮。
For the indignation of the Lord is over all the nations, and his fury is over all their armies. He has put them to death, and he has given them over to slaughter.
3 被杀的必然抛弃, 尸首臭气上腾; 诸山被他们的血融化。
Their slain will be cast out, and from their carcasses a foul odor will rise up. The mountains will languish because of their blood.
4 天上的万象都要消没; 天被卷起,好像书卷。 其上的万象要残败, 像葡萄树的叶子残败, 又像无花果树的叶子残败一样。
And the entire army of the heavens will languish, and the heavens will be folded like a book. And their entire army will fall away, as a leaf falls from the vine or from the fig tree.
5 因为我的刀在天上已经喝足; 这刀必临到以东和我所咒诅的民, 要施行审判。
“For my sword in heaven has been inebriated. Behold, it will descend upon Idumea, and upon the people of my slaughter, unto judgment.”
6 耶和华的刀满了血, 用脂油和羊羔、公山羊的血, 并公绵羊腰子的脂油滋润的; 因为耶和华在波斯拉有献祭的事, 在以东地大行杀戮。
The sword of the Lord has been filled with blood. It has been thickened by the blood of lambs and he-goats, by the innermost blood of rams. For the victim of the Lord is in Bozrah, and a great slaughter is in the land of Edom.
7 野牛、牛犊,和公牛要一同下来。 他们的地喝醉了血; 他们的尘土因脂油肥润。
And the single-horned beasts will descend with them, and the bulls along with the mighty. Their land will be inebriated by blood, and their ground by the fat of their lazy ones.
8 因耶和华有报仇之日, 为锡安的争辩有报应之年。
For this is the day of the vengeance of the Lord, the year of retribution for the judgment of Zion.
9 以东的河水要变为石油, 尘埃要变为硫磺; 地土成为烧着的石油,
And its torrents will be turned into tar, and its soil into sulfur. And its land will become burning tar.
10 昼夜总不熄灭, 烟气永远上腾, 必世世代代成为荒废, 永永远远无人经过。
Night and day, it will not be extinguished; its smoke will rise up without ceasing. From generation to generation it will remain desolate. No one will pass through it, forever and ever.
11 鹈鹕、箭猪却要得为业; 猫头鹰、乌鸦要住在其间。 耶和华必将空虚的准绳, 混沌的线铊,拉在其上。
The pelican and the hedgehog will possess it. And the ibis and the raven will live in it. And a measuring line will be extended over it, so that it may be reduced to nothing, and a plumb line, unto desolation.
12 以东人要召贵胄来治国; 那里却无一个, 首领也都归于无有。
Its nobles will not be in that place. Instead, they will call upon the king, and all its leaders will be as nothing.
13 以东的宫殿要长荆棘; 保障要长蒺藜和刺草; 要作野狗的住处, 鸵鸟的居所。
And thorns and nettles will rise up in its houses, and the thistle in its fortified places. And it will be the lair of serpents and the pasture of ostriches.
14 旷野的走兽要和豺狼相遇; 野山羊要与伴偶对叫。 夜间的怪物必在那里栖身, 自找安歇之处。
And demons and monsters will meet, and the hairy ones will cry out to one another. There, the ogress has lain down and found rest for herself.
15 箭蛇要在那里做窝, 下蛋,抱蛋,生子, 聚子在其影下; 鹞鹰各与伴偶聚集在那里。
In that place, the hedgehog has kept its den, and has raised its young, and has dug around them, and has kept them warm in its shadow. In that place, the birds of prey have joined together, one to another.
16 你们要查考宣读耶和华的书。 这都无一缺少, 无一没有伴偶; 因为我的口已经吩咐, 他的灵将它们聚集。
Search and read diligently in the book of the Lord. Not one of them was lacking; not one has sought for the other. For what has proceeded from my mouth, he has commanded, and his very Spirit has gathered them.
17 他也为它们拈阄, 又亲手用准绳给它们分地; 它们必永得为业, 世世代代住在其间。
And he has cast lots over them. And his hand has distributed this to them by measure. They will possess it, even unto eternity. From generation to generation, they will dwell in it.