< 以赛亚书 11 >

1 从耶西的本必发一条; 从他根生的枝子必结果实。
and to come out: issue branch from stock Jesse and branch from root his be fruitful
2 耶和华的灵必住在他身上, 就是使他有智慧和聪明的灵, 谋略和能力的灵, 知识和敬畏耶和华的灵。
and to rest upon him spirit LORD spirit wisdom and understanding spirit counsel and might spirit knowledge and fear LORD
3 他必以敬畏耶和华为乐; 行审判不凭眼见, 断是非也不凭耳闻;
and to smell he in/on/with fear LORD and not to/for appearance eye his to judge and not to/for hearing ear his to rebuke
4 却要以公义审判贫穷人, 以正直判断世上的谦卑人, 以口中的杖击打世界, 以嘴里的气杀戮恶人。
and to judge in/on/with righteousness poor and to rebuke in/on/with plain to/for poor land: country/planet and to smite land: country/planet in/on/with tribe: staff lip his and in/on/with spirit: breath lips his to die wicked
5 公义必当他的腰带; 信实必当他胁下的带子。
and to be righteousness girdle loin his and [the] faithfulness girdle loin his
6 豺狼必与绵羊羔同居, 豹子与山羊羔同卧; 少壮狮子与牛犊并肥畜同群; 小孩子要牵引它们。
and to sojourn wolf with lamb and leopard with kid to stretch and calf and lion and fatling together and youth small to lead in/on/with them
7 牛必与熊同食; 牛犊必与小熊同卧; 狮子必吃草,与牛一样。
and heifer and bear to accompany together to stretch youth their and lion like/as cattle to eat straw
8 吃奶的孩子必玩耍在虺蛇的洞口; 断奶的婴儿必按手在毒蛇的穴上。
and to delight to suckle upon cavern cobra and upon hole serpent to wean hand his to stretch out
9 在我圣山的遍处, 这一切都不伤人,不害物; 因为认识耶和华的知识要充满遍地, 好像水充满洋海一般。
not be evil and not to ruin in/on/with all mountain: mount holiness my for to fill [the] land: country/planet knowledge [obj] LORD like/as water to/for sea to cover
10 到那日,耶西的根立作万民的大旗;外邦人必寻求他,他安息之所大有荣耀。
and to be in/on/with day [the] he/she/it root Jesse which to stand: stand to/for ensign people to(wards) him nation to seek and to be resting his glory
11 当那日,主必二次伸手救回自己百姓中所余剩的,就是在亚述、埃及、巴忒罗、古实、以拦、示拿、哈马,并众海岛所剩下的。
and to be in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to add Lord second hand: power his to/for to buy [obj] remnant people his which to remain from Assyria and from Egypt and from Pathros and from Cush and from Elam and from Shinar and from Hamath and from coastland [the] sea
12 他必向列国竖立大旗, 招回以色列被赶散的人, 又从地的四方聚集分散的犹大人。
and to lift: raise ensign to/for nation and to gather to banish Israel and to disperse Judah to gather from four wing [the] land: country/planet
13 以法莲的嫉妒就必消散; 扰害犹大的必被剪除。 以法莲必不嫉妒犹大, 犹大也不扰害以法莲。
and to turn aside: depart jealousy Ephraim and to vex Judah to cut: eliminate Ephraim not be jealous [obj] Judah and Judah not to vex [obj] Ephraim
14 他们要向西飞, 扑在非利士人的肩头上, 一同掳掠东方人, 伸手按住以东和摩押; 亚扪人也必顺服他们。
and to fly in/on/with shoulder Philistine sea: west [to] together to plunder [obj] son: descendant/people front: east Edom and Moab sending hand: power their and son: descendant/people Ammon guard their
15 耶和华必使埃及海汊枯干, 抡手用暴热的风使大河分为七条, 令人过去不致湿脚。
and to devote/destroy LORD [obj] tongue: bar sea (Sea of) Egypt and to wave hand his upon [the] River in/on/with heat spirit: breath his and to smite him to/for seven torrent: river and to tread in/on/with sandal
16 为主余剩的百姓, 就是从亚述剩下回来的, 必有一条大道, 如当日以色列从埃及地上来一样。
and to be highway to/for remnant people his which to remain from Assyria like/as as which to be to/for Israel in/on/with day to ascend: rise he from land: country/planet Egypt

< 以赛亚书 11 >