< 何西阿书 2 >

1 你们要称你们的弟兄为阿米,称你们的姊妹为路哈玛。
to say to/for brother: compatriot your people my and to/for sister your to have compassion
2 你们要与你们的母亲大大争辩; 因为她不是我的妻子, 我也不是她的丈夫。 叫她除掉脸上的淫像 和胸间的淫态,
to contend in/on/with mother your to contend for he/she/it not woman: wife my and I not man: husband her and to turn aside: remove fornication her from face her and adultery her from between breast her
3 免得我剥她的衣服, 使她赤体,与才生的时候一样, 使她如旷野,如干旱之地, 因渴而死。
lest to strip her naked and to set her like/as day to beget she and to set: make her like/as wilderness and to set: make her like/as land: country/planet dryness and to die her in/on/with thirst
4 我必不怜悯她的儿女, 因为他们是从淫乱而生的。
and [obj] son: child her not to have compassion for son: child fornication they(masc.)
5 他们的母亲行了淫乱, 怀他们的母做了可羞耻的事, 因为她说:我要随从所爱的; 我的饼、水、羊毛、麻、油、酒 都是他们给的。
for to fornicate mother their be ashamed to conceive them for to say to go: went after to love: lover me to give: give food: bread my and water my wool my and flax my oil my and drink my
6 因此,我必用荆棘堵塞她的道, 筑墙挡住她, 使她找不着路。
to/for so look! I to hedge [obj] way: journey your in/on/with thorn and to wall up/off [obj] wall her and path her not to find
7 她必追随所爱的,却追不上; 她必寻找他们,却寻不见, 便说:我要归回前夫, 因我那时的光景比如今还好。
and to pursue [obj] to love: lover her and not to overtake [obj] them and to seek them and not to find and to say to go: went and to return: return to(wards) man: husband my [the] first for be pleasing to/for me then from now
8 她不知道是我给她五谷、新酒,和油, 又加增她的金银; 她却以此供奉巴力。
and he/she/it not to know for I to give: give to/for her [the] grain and [the] new wine and [the] oil and silver: money to multiply to/for her and gold to make: offer to/for Baal
9 因此到了收割的日子, 出酒的时候, 我必将我的五谷、新酒收回, 也必将她应当遮体的羊毛和麻夺回来。
to/for so to return: return and to take: take grain my in/on/with time his and new wine my in/on/with meeting: time appointed his and to rescue wool my and flax my to/for to cover [obj] nakedness her
10 如今我必在她所爱的眼前显露她的丑态; 必无人能救她脱离我的手。
and now to reveal: uncover [obj] lewdness her to/for eye: seeing to love: lover her and man: anyone not to rescue her from hand: power my
11 我也必使她的宴乐、节期、月朔、安息日, 并她的一切大会都止息了。
and to cease all rejoicing her feast her month: new moon her and Sabbath her and all meeting: festival her
12 我也必毁坏她的葡萄树和无花果树, 就是她说“这是我所爱的给我为赏赐”的。 我必使这些树变为荒林, 为田野的走兽所吃。
and be desolate: destroyed vine her and fig her which to say wages they(masc.) to/for me which to give: pay to/for me to love: lover me and to set: make them to/for wood and to eat them living thing [the] land: country
13 我必追讨她素日给诸巴力烧香的罪; 那时她佩带耳环和别样妆饰, 随从她所爱的,却忘记我。 这是耶和华说的。
and to reckon: punish upon her [obj] day [the] Baal which to offer: offer to/for them and to adorn ring her and jewelry her and to go: follow after to love: lover her and [obj] me to forget utterance LORD
14 后来我必劝导她,领她到旷野, 对她说安慰的话。
to/for so behold I to entice her and to go: take her [the] wilderness and to speak: speak (upon *L(abh)*) heart her
15 她从那里出来,我必赐她葡萄园, 又赐她亚割谷作为指望的门。 她必在那里应声, 与幼年的日子一样, 与从埃及地上来的时候相同。
and to give: give to/for her [obj] vineyard her from there and [obj] Valley (of Achor) (Valley of) Achor to/for entrance hope and to answer there [to] like/as day youth her and like/as day to ascend: rise she from land: country/planet Egypt
16 耶和华说:“那日你必称呼我伊施,不再称呼我巴力;
and to be in/on/with day [the] he/she/it utterance LORD to call: call by man: husband my and not to call: call by to/for me still Baal my
17 因为我必从我民的口中除掉诸巴力的名号,这名号不再提起。
and to turn aside: remove [obj] name [the] Baal from lip her and not to remember still in/on/with name their
18 当那日,我必为我的民,与田野的走兽和空中的飞鸟,并地上的昆虫立约;又必在国中折断弓刀,止息争战,使他们安然躺卧。
and to cut: make(covenant) to/for them covenant in/on/with day [the] he/she/it with living thing [the] land: country and with bird [the] heaven and creeping [the] land: soil and bow and sword and battle to break from [the] land: country/planet and to lie down: lay down them to/for security
19 我必聘你永远归我为妻,以仁义、公平、慈爱、怜悯聘你归我;
and to betroth you to/for me to/for forever: enduring and to betroth you to/for me in/on/with righteousness and in/on/with justice and in/on/with kindness and in/on/with compassion
20 也以诚实聘你归我,你就必认识我—耶和华。
and to betroth you to/for me in/on/with faithfulness and to know [obj] LORD
21 耶和华说:那日我必应允, 我必应允天,天必应允地;
and to be in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to answer utterance LORD to answer [obj] [the] heaven and they(masc.) to answer [obj] [the] land: country/planet
22 地必应允五谷、新酒,和油, 这些必应允耶斯列民。
and [the] land: country/planet to answer [obj] [the] grain and [obj] [the] new wine and [obj] [the] oil and they(masc.) to answer [obj] Jezreel
23 我必将她种在这地。 素不蒙怜悯的,我必怜悯; 本非我民的,我必对他说: 你是我的民; 他必说:你是我的 神。”
and to sow her to/for me in/on/with land: country/planet and to have compassion [obj] not to have compassion and to say to/for not people my people my you(m. s.) and he/she/it to say God my

< 何西阿书 2 >