< 创世记 15 >

1 这事以后,耶和华在异象中有话对亚伯兰说:“亚伯兰,你不要惧怕!我是你的盾牌,必大大地赏赐你。”
Some time later, Abram had a vision in which Yahweh spoke to him and said, “Do not be afraid of (anything/your enemies). I will protect you [MTY], and I will give a great reward.”
2 亚伯兰说:“主耶和华啊,我既无子,你还赐我什么呢?并且要承受我家业的是大马士革人以利以谢。”
But Abram replied, “Yahweh God, how can you give me what I truly want, because I have no children, and the one who will be like a son and inherit all my possessions is my servant Eliezer from Damascus!”
3 亚伯兰又说:“你没有给我儿子;那生在我家中的人就是我的后嗣。”
Abram added, “You have not given me any children, so think about this: A servant in my household will inherit all I own!”
4 耶和华又有话对他说:“这人必不成为你的后嗣;你本身所生的才成为你的后嗣。”
Yahweh replied, “No! He will not be the one who will inherit it. Instead, you yourself will be the father of the one who will inherit everything you own.”
5 于是领他走到外边,说:“你向天观看,数算众星,能数得过来吗?”又对他说:“你的后裔将要如此。”
Then Yahweh took Abram outside [of his tent] and said, “Look up at the sky! Can you count the stars? No, you cannot count them because there are so many of them, and your descendants will be as numerous as the stars.”
6 亚伯兰信耶和华,耶和华就以此为他的义。
Abram believed that what Yahweh said would happen. And because of that, Yahweh considered that Abram was righteous.
7 耶和华又对他说:“我是耶和华,曾领你出了迦勒底的吾珥,为要将这地赐你为业。”
Yahweh also said to him, “I am Yahweh. I am the one who brought you from Ur in Chaldea land. I brought you here to give you this land to possess.”
8 亚伯兰说:“主耶和华啊,我怎能知道必得这地为业呢?”
But Abram replied, “Yahweh God, how can I know for sure that this land will belong to me?”
9 他说:“你为我取一只三年的母牛,一只三年的母山羊,一只三年的公绵羊,一只斑鸠,一只雏鸽。”
God said to him, “Bring a three-year-old heifer and a three-year-old goat to me, and a dove and a pigeon.”
10 亚伯兰就取了这些来,每样劈开,分成两半,一半对着一半地摆列,只有鸟没有劈开。
So Abram brought all of them and killed them and cut each of the animals in half. He arranged the halves of each one, side by side. But he did not cut the pigeon and dove in half.
11 有鸷鸟下来,落在那死畜的肉上,亚伯兰就把它吓飞了。
Birds that eat dead flesh came down to eat the carcasses, but Abram shooed them away.
12 日头正落的时候,亚伯兰沉沉地睡了;忽然有惊人的大黑暗落在他身上。
As the sun was going down, Abram fell sound asleep, and suddenly everything around him became dark and frightening.
13 耶和华对亚伯兰说:“你要的确知道,你的后裔必寄居别人的地,又服事那地的人;那地的人要苦待他们四百年。
Then God said to Abram, “I want you to know that your descendants will become foreigners living in a land that does not belong to them. They will become slaves of the owners of that land. The owners of the land will mistreat them for 400 years.
14 并且他们所要服事的那国,我要惩罚,后来他们必带着许多财物从那里出来。
But then I will punish the people of that country that made them become slaves, and then your descendants will leave that country, taking many possessions with them.
15 但你要享大寿数,平平安安地归到你列祖那里,被人埋葬。
But as for you, you will die [EUP] peacefully when you are very old.
16 到了第四代,他们必回到此地,因为亚摩利人的罪孽还没有满盈。”
After your descendants have been slaves for 400 years, they will return here, and take control of this land and defeat the Amor people-group. Those people will, because those people have not yet sinned enough to deserve to be punished now.”
17 日落天黑,不料有冒烟的炉并烧着的火把从那些肉块中经过。
When the sun had set and it had become dark, [unexpectedly] a blazing torch and a clay pot containing burning coals from which smoke was rising appeared and went between the halves of the animals.
18 当那日,耶和华与亚伯兰立约,说:“我已赐给你的后裔,从埃及河直到幼发拉底大河之地,
And on that day Yahweh made an agreement with Abram. Yahweh told him, “I will give to your descendants all the land between the river that is on the eastern border of Egypt to the south, and north to the huge Euphrates River.
19 就是基尼人、基尼洗人、甲摩尼人、
That is the land where the Ken, the Keniz, the Kidmon,
20 赫人、比利洗人、利乏音人、
the Heth, the Periz, the Repha,
21 亚摩利人、迦南人、革迦撒人、耶布斯人之地。”
the Amor, the Canaan, the Girgash, and the Tebus people-groups live.”

< 创世记 15 >