< 以斯拉记 8 >

1 当亚达薛西王年间,同我从巴比伦上来的人,他们的族长和他们的家谱记在下面:
and these head: leader father their and to enroll they [the] to ascend: rise with me in/on/with royalty Artaxerxes [the] king from Babylon
2 属非尼哈的子孙有革顺;属以他玛的子孙有但以理;属大卫的子孙有哈突;
from son: descendant/people Phinehas Gershom from son: descendant/people Ithamar Daniel from son: descendant/people David Hattush
3 属巴录的后裔,就是示迦尼的子孙有撒迦利亚,同着他,按家谱计算,男丁一百五十人;
from son: descendant/people Shecaniah from son: descendant/people Parosh Zechariah and with him to enroll to/for male hundred and fifty
4 属巴哈·摩押的子孙有西拉希雅的儿子以利约乃,同着他有男丁二百;
from son: descendant/people Pahath-moab Pahath-moab Eliehoenai son: descendant/people Zerahiah and with him hundred [the] male
5 属示迦尼的子孙有雅哈悉的儿子,同着他有男丁三百;
from son: descendant/people (Zattu *X*) Shecaniah son: child Jahaziel and with him three hundred [the] male
6 属亚丁的子孙有约拿单的儿子以别,同着他有男丁五十;
and from son: descendant/people Adin Ebed son: child Jonathan and with him fifty [the] male
7 属以拦的子孙有亚他利雅的儿子耶筛亚,同着他有男丁七十;
and from son: descendant/people Elam Jeshaiah son: child Athaliah and with him seventy [the] male
8 属示法提雅的子孙有米迦勒的儿子西巴第雅,同着他有男丁八十;
and from son: descendant/people Shephatiah Zebadiah son: child Michael and with him eighty [the] male
9 属约押的子孙有耶歇的儿子俄巴底亚,同着他有男丁二百一十八;
from son: descendant/people Joab Obadiah son: child Jehiel and with him hundred and eight ten [the] male
10 属示罗密的子孙有约细斐的儿子,同着他有男丁一百六十;
and from son: descendant/people (Bani *X*) Shelomith son: descendant/people Josiphiah and with him hundred and sixty [the] male
11 属比拜的子孙有比拜的儿子撒迦利亚,同着他有男丁二十八;
and from son: descendant/people Bebai Zechariah son: descendant/people Bebai and with him twenty and eight [the] male
12 属押甲的子孙有哈加坦的儿子约哈难,同着他有男丁一百一十;
and from son: descendant/people Azgad Johanan son: descendant/people Hakkatan and with him hundred and ten [the] male
13 属亚多尼干的子孙,就是末尾的,他们的名字是以利法列、耶利、示玛雅,同着他们有男丁六十;
and from son: descendant/people Adonikam last and these name their Eliphelet Jeuel and Shemaiah and with them sixty [the] male
14 属比革瓦伊的子孙有乌太和撒布,同着他们有男丁七十。
and from son: descendant/people Bigvai Uthai (and Zaccur *Q(K)*) and with him seventy [the] male
15 我招聚这些人在流入亚哈瓦的河边,我们在那里住了三日。我查看百姓和祭司,见没有利未人在那里,
and to gather them to(wards) [the] river [the] to come (in): come to(wards) Ahava and to camp there day three and to understand [emph?] in/on/with people and in/on/with priest and from son: descendant/people Levi not to find there
16 就召首领以利以谢、亚列、示玛雅、以利拿单、雅立、以利拿单、拿单、撒迦利亚、米书兰,又召教习约雅立和以利拿单。
and to send: depart [emph?] to/for Eliezer to/for Ariel to/for Shemaiah and to/for Elnathan and to/for Jarib and to/for Elnathan and to/for Nathan and to/for Zechariah and to/for Meshullam head: leader and to/for Joiarib and to/for Elnathan to understand
17 我打发他们往迦西斐雅地方去见那里的首领易多,又告诉他们当向易多和他的弟兄尼提宁说什么话,叫他们为我们 神的殿带使用的人来。
(and to command *Q(K)*) [obj] them upon Iddo [the] head: leader in/on/with Casiphia [the] place and to set: put [emph?] in/on/with lip their word: speaking to/for to speak: speak to(wards) Iddo brother: male-sibling his ([the] temple servant *Q(K)*) in/on/with Casiphia [the] place to/for to come (in): bring to/for us to minister to/for house: temple God our
18 蒙我们 神施恩的手帮助我们,他们在以色列的曾孙、利未的孙子、抹利的后裔中带一个通达人来;还有示利比和他的众子与弟兄共一十八人。
and to come (in): bring to/for us like/as hand: power God our [the] pleasant upon us man understanding from son: descendant/people Mahli son: child Levi son: child Israel and Sherebiah and son: descendant/people his and brother: male-relative his eight ten
19 又有哈沙比雅,同着他有米拉利的子孙耶筛亚,并他的众子和弟兄共二十人。
and [obj] Hashabiah and with him Jeshaiah from son: descendant/people Merari brother: male-relative his and son: descendant/people their twenty
20 从前大卫和众首领派尼提宁服事利未人,现在从这尼提宁中也带了二百二十人来,都是按名指定的。
and from [the] temple servant which/that to give: put David and [the] ruler to/for service: ministry [the] Levi temple servant hundred and twenty all their to pierce in/on/with name
21 那时,我在亚哈瓦河边宣告禁食,为要在我们 神面前克苦己心,求他使我们和妇人孩子,并一切所有的,都得平坦的道路。
and to call: call out there fast upon [the] river Ahava to/for to afflict to/for face: before God our to/for to seek from him way: journey upright to/for us and to/for child our and to/for all property our
22 我求王拨步兵马兵帮助我们抵挡路上的仇敌,本以为羞耻;因我曾对王说:“我们 神施恩的手必帮助一切寻求他的;但他的能力和忿怒必攻击一切离弃他的。”
for be ashamed to/for to ask from [the] king strength: soldiers and horseman to/for to help us from enemy in/on/with way: journey for to say to/for king to/for to say hand: power God our upon all to seek him to/for welfare and strength his and face: anger his upon all to leave: forsake him
23 所以我们禁食祈求我们的 神,他就应允了我们。
and to fast [emph?] and to seek [emph?] from God our upon this and to pray to/for us
24 我分派祭司长十二人,就是示利比、哈沙比雅,和他们的弟兄十人,
and to separate [emph?] from ruler [the] priest two ten to/for Sherebiah Hashabiah and with them from brother: male-relative their ten
25 将王和谋士、军长,并在那里的以色列众人为我们 神殿所献的金银和器皿,都秤了交给他们。
(and to weigh [emph?] *Q(k)*) to/for them [obj] [the] silver: money and [obj] [the] gold and [obj] [the] article/utensil contribution house: temple God our [the] to exalt [the] king and to advise him and ruler his and all Israel [the] to find
26 我秤了交在他们手中的银子有六百五十他连得;银器重一百他连得;金子一百他连得;
and to weigh [emph?] upon hand their silver: money talent six hundred and fifty and article/utensil silver: money hundred to/for talent gold hundred talent
27 金碗二十个,重一千达利克;上等光铜的器皿两个,宝贵如金。
and bowl gold twenty to/for dram thousand and article/utensil bronze to gleam pleasant two precious thing like/as gold
28 我对他们说:“你们归耶和华为圣,器皿也为圣;金银是甘心献给耶和华—你们列祖之 神的。
and to say [emph?] to(wards) them you(m. p.) holiness to/for LORD and [the] article/utensil holiness and [the] silver: money and [the] gold voluntariness to/for LORD God father your
29 你们当警醒看守,直到你们在耶路撒冷耶和华殿的库内,在祭司长和利未族长,并以色列的各族长面前过了秤。”
to watch and to keep: guard till to weigh to/for face: before ruler [the] priest and [the] Levi and ruler [the] father to/for Israel in/on/with Jerusalem [the] chamber house: temple LORD
30 于是,祭司、利未人按着分量接受金银和器皿,要带到耶路撒冷我们 神的殿里。
and to receive [the] priest and [the] Levi weight [the] silver: money and [the] gold and [the] article/utensil to/for to come (in): bring to/for Jerusalem to/for house: temple God our
31 正月十二日,我们从亚哈瓦河边起行,要往耶路撒冷去。我们 神的手保佑我们,救我们脱离仇敌和路上埋伏之人的手。
and to set out [emph?] from river Ahava in/on/with two ten to/for month [the] first to/for to go: went Jerusalem and hand: power God our to be upon us and to rescue us from palm enemy and to ambush upon [the] way: journey
32 我们到了耶路撒冷,在那里住了三日。
and to come (in): come Jerusalem and to dwell there day three
33 第四日,在我们 神的殿里把金银和器皿都秤了,交在祭司乌利亚的儿子米利末的手中。同着他有非尼哈的儿子以利亚撒,还有利未人耶书亚的儿子约撒拔和宾内的儿子挪亚底。
and in/on/with day [the] fourth to weigh [the] silver: money and [the] gold and [the] article/utensil in/on/with house: temple God our upon hand: power Meremoth son: child Uriah [the] priest and with him Eleazar son: child Phinehas and with them Jozabad son: child Jeshua and Noadiah son: child Binnui [the] Levi
34 当时都点了数目,按着分量写在册上。
in/on/with number in/on/with weight to/for all and to write all [the] weight in/on/with time [the] he/she/it
35 从掳到之地归回的人向以色列的 神献燔祭,就是为以色列众人献公牛十二只,公绵羊九十六只,绵羊羔七十七只,又献公山羊十二只作赎罪祭,这都是向耶和华焚献的。
[the] to come (in): come from [the] captivity son: type of [the] captivity to present: bring burnt offering to/for God Israel bullock two ten upon all Israel ram ninety and six lamb seventy and seven male goat sin: sin offering two ten [the] all burnt offering to/for LORD
36 他们将王的谕旨交给王所派的总督与河西的省长,他们就帮助百姓,又供给 神殿里所需用的。
and to give: give [obj] law [the] king to/for satrap [the] king and governor side: beside [the] River and to lift: aid [obj] [the] people and [obj] house: temple [the] God

< 以斯拉记 8 >