< 以西结书 24 >
On the tenth day of the tenth month of the ninth year, a message from the Lord came to me, saying,
2 “人子啊,今日正是巴比伦王就近耶路撒冷的日子,你要将这日记下,
“Son of man, write down today's date, because this is the day that the king of Babylon started his siege of Jerusalem.
3 要向这悖逆之家设比喻说,主耶和华如此说: 将锅放在火上, 放好了,就倒水在其中;
Then repeat the following parable to these rebellious people. Tell them that this is what the Lord God says: Get a pot and set it on the fire. Pour in some water.
4 将肉块,就是一切肥美的肉块、腿, 和肩都聚在其中, 拿美好的骨头把锅装满;
Fill it with some good cuts of meat from the thigh and the shoulder. Put in the best bones.
5 取羊群中最好的, 将柴堆在锅下, 使锅开滚, 好把骨头煮在其中。
Choose the best animal from the flock. Pile up the fuel underneath it. Get it boiling and cook the bones in it.
6 “主耶和华如此说:祸哉!这流人血的城,就是长锈的锅。其中的锈未曾除掉,须要将肉块从其中一一取出来,不必为它拈阄。
So this is what the Lord God says: Disaster is coming to the city of that has shed so much blood! It is symbolized by the rusted pot, whose rust can't be cleaned off. Take out the meat bit by bit as it comes—don't choose which piece.
7 城中所流的血倒在净光的磐石上,不倒在地上,用土掩盖。
For the blood she shed is still inside the city. She shed it openly on bare rock—she didn't even spill it on the ground and cover it up with dirt.
8 这城中所流的血倒在净光的磐石上,不得掩盖,乃是出于我,为要发忿怒施行报应。
In my anger and to punish, I have spilled her blood openly on bare rock, so it wouldn't be covered up.
9 所以主耶和华如此说:祸哉!这流人血的城,我也必大堆火柴,
So this is what the Lord God says: Disaster is coming to the city of that has shed so much blood. I will also pile up a large heap of firewood.
10 添上木柴,使火着旺,将肉煮烂,把汤熬浓,使骨头烤焦;
Put on plenty of wood and light the fire. Make sure the meat is well cooked and add spices. Burn the bones.
11 把锅倒空坐在炭火上,使锅烧热,使铜烧红,熔化其中的污秽,除净其上的锈。
Then put the empty pot back on the burning coals until it's hot and the copper metal glows. This will melt the dirt inside it and get rid of the rust.
12 这锅劳碌疲乏,所长的大锈仍未除掉;这锈就是用火也不能除掉。
So far it's been impossible to clean it —even fire couldn't burn out all its rust.
13 在你污秽中有淫行,我洁净你,你却不洁净。你的污秽再不能洁净,直等我向你发的忿怒止息。
Because of your immorality you had made yourself unclean and I tried to clean you, but you refused to let me clean away your filth. So now you won't be pure again until I've finished being angry with you.
14 我—耶和华说过的必定成就,必照话而行,必不返回,必不顾惜,也不后悔。人必照你的举动行为审判你。这是主耶和华说的。”
I, the Lord, have spoken. The time is soon coming when I will do what I say. I won't change my mind or show pity, I won't stop. I will judge you by your attitude and actions, declares the Lord God.”
A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
16 “人子啊,我要将你眼目所喜爱的忽然取去,你却不可悲哀哭泣,也不可流泪,
“Son of man, look, I'm about to take away the one you love the most. She will die. But you must not mourn or weep. Don't cry any tears.
17 只可叹息,不可出声,不可办理丧事;头上仍勒裹头巾,脚上仍穿鞋,不可蒙着嘴唇,也不可吃吊丧的食物。”
Mourn in silence. Don't have any rituals for the dead. Dress normally—have your turban on and put your sandals on your feet. Don't veil your face and don't eat the bread used by mourners.”
18 于是我将这事早晨告诉百姓,晚上我的妻就死了。次日早晨我便遵命而行。
I talked to the people in the morning, and my wife died in the evening. The next morning I did as I'd been told.
19 百姓问我说:“你这样行与我们有什么关系,你不告诉我们吗?”
The people asked me, “What are you doing? Aren't you going to explain to us what this means?”
So I told them, “A message from the Lord came to me, saying:
21 ‘你告诉以色列家,主耶和华如此说:我必使我的圣所,就是你们势力所夸耀、眼里所喜爱、心中所爱惜的被亵渎,并且你们所遗留的儿女必倒在刀下。
Tell the people of Israel that this is what the Lord God says: I am about to make my sanctuary unclean, this place you're so proud of that you think gives you power, the place you love so much, the place that makes you happy. Your sons and daughters that you left behind will be killed by the sword.
22 那时,你们必行我仆人所行的,不蒙着嘴唇,也不吃吊丧的食物。
Then you'll do what I did. You won't veil your face or eat the bread used by mourners.
23 你们仍要头上勒裹头巾,脚上穿鞋;不可悲哀哭泣。你们必因自己的罪孽相对叹息,渐渐消灭。
You will keep your turbans on your heads and your sandals on your feet. You won't mourn or weep, but you will die inside because of your sins, and you will groan to one another.
24 以西结必这样为你们作预兆;凡他所行的,你们也必照样行。那事来到,你们就知道我是主耶和华。’
In this way Ezekiel will be a sign for you; you will do everything that he did. When this happens, then you will know that I am the Lord God.
25 “人子啊,我除掉他们所倚靠、所欢喜的荣耀,并眼中所喜爱、心里所重看的儿女。
You, son of man, should know that when I destroy their fortress that is their pride and joy, the place they looked to for comfort and happiness —and their sons and daughters too—
26 那日逃脱的人岂不来到你这里,使你耳闻这事吗?
when that happens someone who managed to get away will come and give you the news.
27 你必向逃脱的人开口说话,不再哑口。你必这样为他们作预兆,他们就知道我是耶和华。”
On that day you will be able to speak; you won't be mute any longer. This is how you will be a sign to them, and they will know that I am the Lord.”