< 以西结书 14 >

1 有几个以色列长老到我这里来,坐在我面前。
and to come (in): come to(wards) me human from old: elder Israel and to dwell to/for face: before my
2 耶和华的话就临到我说:
and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
3 “人子啊,这些人已将他们的假神接到心里,把陷于罪的绊脚石放在面前,我岂能丝毫被他们求问吗?
son: child man [the] human [the] these to ascend: establish idol their upon heart their and stumbling iniquity: crime their to give: put before face their to seek to seek to/for them
4 所以你要告诉他们:‘主耶和华如此说:以色列家的人中,凡将他的假神接到心里,把陷于罪的绊脚石放在面前,又就了先知来的,我—耶和华在他所求的事上,必按他众多的假神回答他,
to/for so to speak: speak with them and to say to(wards) them thus to say Lord YHWH/God man man from house: household Israel which to ascend: establish [obj] idol his to(wards) heart his and stumbling iniquity: crime his to set: make before face his and to come (in): come to(wards) [the] prophet I LORD to answer to/for him (to come (in): come *Q(K)*) in/on/with abundance idol his
5 好在以色列家的心事上捉住他们,因为他们都借着假神与我生疏。’
because to capture [obj] house: household Israel in/on/with heart their which be a stranger from upon me in/on/with idol their all their
6 “所以你要告诉以色列家说:‘主耶和华如此说:回头吧!离开你们的偶像,转脸莫从你们一切可憎的事。’
to/for so to say to(wards) house: household Israel thus to say Lord YHWH/God to return: repent and to return: repent from upon idol your and from upon all abomination your to return: turn back face your
7 因为以色列家的人,或在以色列中寄居的外人,凡与我隔绝,将他的假神接到心里,把陷于罪的绊脚石放在面前,又就了先知来要为自己的事求问我的,我—耶和华必亲自回答他。
for man man from house: household Israel and from [the] sojourner which to sojourn in/on/with Israel and to dedicate from after me and to ascend: establish idol his to(wards) heart his and stumbling iniquity: crime his to set: put before face his and to come (in): come to(wards) [the] prophet to/for to seek to/for him in/on/with me I LORD to answer to/for him in/on/with me
8 我必向那人变脸,使他作了警戒,笑谈,令人惊骇,并且我要将他从我民中剪除;你们就知道我是耶和华。
and to give: put face my in/on/with man [the] he/she/it and to set: make him to/for sign: indicator and to/for proverb and to cut: eliminate him from midst people my and to know for I LORD
9 先知若被迷惑说一句预言,是我—耶和华任那先知受迷惑,我也必向他伸手,将他从我民以色列中除灭。
and [the] prophet for to entice and to speak: speak word I LORD to entice [obj] [the] prophet [the] he/she/it and to stretch [obj] hand: power my upon him and to destroy him from midst people my Israel
10 他们必担当自己的罪孽。先知的罪孽和求问之人的罪孽都是一样,
and to lift: guilt iniquity: punishment their like/as iniquity: punishment [the] to seek like/as iniquity: punishment [the] prophet to be
11 好使以色列家不再走迷离开我,不再因各样的罪过玷污自己,只要作我的子民,我作他们的 神。这是主耶和华说的。”
because not to go astray still house: household Israel from after me and not to defile still in/on/with all transgression their and to be to/for me to/for people and I to be to/for them to/for God utterance Lord YHWH/God
12 耶和华的话临到我说:
and to be word LORD to(wards) me to/for to say
13 “人子啊,若有一国犯罪干犯我,我也向他伸手折断他们的杖,就是断绝他们的粮,使饥荒临到那地,将人与牲畜从其中剪除;
son: child man land: country/planet for to sin to/for me to/for be unfaithful unfaithfulness and to stretch hand: power my upon her and to break to/for her tribe: supply food: bread and to send: depart in/on/with her famine and to cut: eliminate from her man and animal
14 其中虽有挪亚、但以理、约伯这三人,他们只能因他们的义救自己的性命。这是主耶和华说的。
and to be three [the] human [the] these in/on/with midst her Noah (Daniel *Q(K)*) and Job they(masc.) in/on/with righteousness their to rescue soul: life their utterance Lord YHWH/God
15 我若使恶兽经过糟践那地,使地荒凉,以致因这些兽,人都不得经过;
if living thing bad: harmful to pass in/on/with land: country/planet and be bereaved her and to be devastation from without to pass from face: because [the] living thing
16 虽有这三人在其中,主耶和华说:我指着我的永生起誓,他们连儿带女都不能得救,只能自己得救,那地仍然荒凉。
three [the] human [the] these in/on/with midst her alive I utterance Lord YHWH/God if: surely no son: child and if: surely no daughter to rescue they(masc.) to/for alone them to rescue and [the] land: country/planet to be devastation
17 或者我使刀剑临到那地,说:刀剑哪,要经过那地,以致我将人与牲畜从其中剪除;
or sword to come (in): bring upon [the] land: country/planet [the] he/she/it and to say sword to pass in/on/with land: country/planet and to cut: eliminate from her man and animal
18 虽有这三人在其中,主耶和华说:我指着我的永生起誓,他们连儿带女都不能得救,只能自己得救。
and three [the] human [the] these in/on/with midst her alive I utterance Lord YHWH/God not to rescue son: child and daughter for they(masc.) to/for alone them to rescue
19 或者我叫瘟疫流行那地,使我灭命的忿怒倾在其上,好将人与牲畜从其中剪除;
or pestilence to send: depart to(wards) [the] land: country/planet [the] he/she/it and to pour: pour rage my upon her in/on/with blood to/for to cut: eliminate from her man and animal
20 虽有挪亚、但以理、约伯在其中,主耶和华说:我指着我的永生起誓,他们连儿带女都不能救,只能因他们的义救自己的性命。”
and Noah (Daniel *Q(K)*) and Job in/on/with midst her alive I utterance Lord YHWH/God if: surely no son: child if: surely no daughter to rescue they(masc.) in/on/with righteousness their to rescue soul: life their
21 主耶和华如此说:“我将这四样大灾—就是刀剑、饥荒、恶兽、瘟疫降在耶路撒冷,将人与牲畜从其中剪除,岂不更重吗?
for thus to say Lord YHWH/God also for four judgment my [the] bad: harmful sword and famine and living thing bad: harmful and pestilence to send: depart to(wards) Jerusalem to/for to cut: eliminate from her man and animal
22 然而其中必有剩下的人,他们连儿带女必带到你们这里来,你们看见他们所行所为的,要因我降给耶路撒冷的一切灾祸,便得了安慰。
and behold to remain in/on/with her survivor [the] to come out: send son: child and daughter look! they to come out: come to(wards) you and to see: see [obj] way: conduct their and [obj] wantonness their and to be sorry: comfort upon [the] distress: harm which to come (in): bring upon Jerusalem [obj] all which to come (in): bring upon her
23 你们看见他们所行所为的,得了安慰,就知道我在耶路撒冷中所行的并非无故。这是主耶和华说的。”
and to be sorry: comfort [obj] you for to see: see [obj] way: conduct their and [obj] wantonness their and to know for not for nothing to make: do [obj] all which to make: do in/on/with her utterance Lord YHWH/God

< 以西结书 14 >