< 以西结书 12 >
And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,
2 “人子啊,你住在悖逆的家中。他们有眼睛看不见,有耳朵听不见,因为他们是悖逆之家。
'Son of man, in the midst of the rebellious house thou art dwelling, that have eyes to see, and they have not seen; ears they have to hear, and they have not heard; for a rebellious house [are] they.
3 所以人子啊,你要预备掳去使用的物件,在白日当他们眼前从你所住的地方移到别处去;他们虽是悖逆之家,或者可以揣摩思想。
And thou, son of man, make to thee vessels of removal, and remove by day before their eyes, and thou hast removed from thy place unto another place before their eyes, it may be they consider, for a rebellious house they [are].
4 你要在白日当他们眼前带出你的物件去,好像预备掳去使用的物件。到了晚上,你要在他们眼前亲自出去,像被掳的人出去一样。
And thou hast brought forth thy vessels as vessels of removal by day before their eyes, and thou, thou dost go forth at even before their eyes, as the goings forth of a removal.
Before their eyes dig for thee through the wall, and thou hast brought forth by it.
6 到天黑时,你要当他们眼前搭在肩头上带出去,并要蒙住脸看不见地,因为我立你作以色列家的预兆。”
Before their eyes on the shoulder thou dost bear, in the darkness thou dost bring forth, thy face thou dost cover, and thou dost not see the earth, for a type I have given thee to the house of Israel.'
7 我就照着所吩咐的去行,白日带出我的物件,好像预备掳去使用的物件。到了晚上,我用手挖通了墙。天黑的时候,就当他们眼前搭在肩头上带出去。
And I do so, as I have been commanded; my vessels I have brought forth as vessels of removal by day, and at even I have dug for me through the wall with the hand; in the darkness I have brought forth, on the shoulder I have borne away, before their eyes.
And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, in the morning, saying,
9 “人子啊,以色列家,就是那悖逆之家,岂不是问你说:‘你做什么呢?’
'Son of man, have they not said unto thee — the house of Israel — the rebellious house — What art thou doing?
10 你要对他们说:‘主耶和华如此说:这是关乎耶路撒冷的君王和他周围以色列全家的预表。’
say unto them, Thus said the Lord Jehovah: 'The prince [is] this burden in Jerusalem, and all the house of Israel who are in their midst.
11 你要说:‘我作你们的预兆:我怎样行,他们所遭遇的也必怎样,他们必被掳去。’
Say: I [am] your type; as I have done so it is done to them, into a removal, into a captivity, they do go.
12 他们中间的君王也必在天黑的时候将物件搭在肩头上带出去。他们要挖通了墙,从其中带出去。他必蒙住脸,眼看不见地。
As to the prince who [is] in their midst, on the shoulder he beareth in the darkness, and he goeth forth, through the wall they dig to bring forth by it, his face he covereth, that he may not look on the very surface of the land.
13 我必将我的网撒在他身上,他必在我的网罗中缠住。我必带他到迦勒底人之地的巴比伦;他虽死在那里,却看不见那地。
And I have spread My net for him, and he hath been caught in My snare, and I have brought him in to Babylon, the land of the Chaldeans, and it he doth not see — and there doth he die.
14 周围一切帮助他的和他所有的军队,我必分散四方,也要拔刀追赶他们。
'And all who are round about him to help him, and all his bands, I do scatter to every wind, and a sword I draw out after them.
15 我将他们四散在列国、分散在列邦的时候,他们就知道我是耶和华。
And they have known that I [am] Jehovah, in My scattering them among nations, and I have spread them through lands;
16 我却要留下他们几个人得免刀剑、饥荒、瘟疫,使他们在所到的各国中述说他们一切可憎的事,人就知道我是耶和华。”
and I have left of them, a few in number, from the sword, from the famine, and from the pestilence, so that they recount all their abominations among the nations whither they have come, and they have known that I [am] Jehovah.'
And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,
'Son of man, thy bread in haste thou dost eat, and thy water with trembling and with fear thou dost drink;
19 你要对这地的百姓说:主耶和华论耶路撒冷和以色列地的居民如此说,他们吃饭必忧虑,喝水必惊惶。因其中居住的众人所行强暴的事,这地必然荒废,一无所存。
and thou hast said unto the people of the land, Thus said the Lord Jehovah concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem, concerning the land of Israel: Their bread with fear they do eat, and their water with astonishment drink, because its land is desolate, because of its fulness, because of the violence of all who are dwelling in it.
20 有居民的城邑必变为荒场,地也必变为荒废;你们就知道我是耶和华。”
And the cities that are inhabited are laid waste, and the land is a desolation, and ye have known that I [am] Jehovah.'
And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,
22 “人子啊,在你们以色列地怎么有这俗语,说‘日子迟延,一切异象都落了空’呢?
'Son of man, what [is] this simile to you, concerning the land of Israel, saying, Prolonged are the days, and perished hath every vision?
23 你要告诉他们说:‘主耶和华如此说:我必使这俗语止息,以色列中不再用这俗语。’你却要对他们说:‘日子临近,一切的异象必都应验。’
therefore say unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: I have caused this simile to cease, And they use it not as a simile again in Israel, But speak to them: Drawn near have the days, And spoken hath every vision.
24 从此,在以色列家中必不再有虚假的异象和奉承的占卜。
For there is no more any vain vision, and flattering divination, In the midst of the house of Israel.
25 我—耶和华说话,所说的必定成就,不再耽延。你们这悖逆之家,我所说的话必趁你们在世的日子成就。这是主耶和华说的。”
For I [am] Jehovah, I speak, The word that I speak — it is done, It is not prolonged any more, For, in your days, O rebellious house, I speak a word, and I have done it, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah.'
And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying:
27 “人子啊,以色列家的人说:‘他所见的异象是关乎后来许多的日子,所说的预言是指着极远的时候。’
'Son of man, lo, the house of Israel are saying, The vision that he is seeing [is] for many days, and of times far off he is prophesying,
28 所以你要对他们说:‘主耶和华如此说:我的话没有一句再耽延的,我所说的必定成就。这是主耶和华说的。’”
therefore say unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: None of my words are prolonged any more, When I speak a word — it is done, An affirmation of the Lord Jehovah!'