< 出埃及记 6 >

1 耶和华对摩西说:“现在你必看见我向法老所行的事,使他因我大能的手容以色列人去,且把他们赶出他的地。”
And the Lord said to Moses, Now you shall see what I will do to Pharao; for he shall send them forth with a mighty hand, and with a high arm shall he cast them out of his land.
2 神晓谕摩西说:“我是耶和华。
And God spoke to Moses and said to him, I [am] the Lord.
3 我从前向亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各显现为全能的 神;至于我名耶和华,他们未曾知道。
And I appeared to Abraam and Isaac and Jacob, being their God, but I did not manifest to them my name Lord.
4 我与他们坚定所立的约,要把他们寄居的迦南地赐给他们。
And I established my covenant with them, to give them the land of the Chananites, the land wherein they sojourned, in which also they lived as strangers.
5 我也听见以色列人被埃及人苦待的哀声,我也记念我的约。
And I listened to the groaning of the children of Israel (the affliction with which the Egyptians enslave them) and I remembered the covenant with you.
6 所以你要对以色列人说:‘我是耶和华;我要用伸出来的膀臂重重地刑罚埃及人,救赎你们脱离他们的重担,不做他们的苦工。
Go, speak to the children of Israel, saying, I [am] the Lord; and I will lead you forth from the tyranny of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from bondage, and I will ransom you with a high arm, and great judgment.
7 我要以你们为我的百姓,我也要作你们的 神。你们要知道我是耶和华—你们的 神,是救你们脱离埃及人之重担的。
And I will take you to me a people for myself, and will be your God; and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from the tyranny of the Egyptians.
8 我起誓应许给亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的那地,我要把你们领进去,将那地赐给你们为业。我是耶和华。’”
And I will bring you into the land concerning which I stretched out my hand to give it to Abraam and Isaac and Jacob, and I will give it you for an inheritance: I [am] the Lord.
9 摩西将这话告诉以色列人,只是他们因苦工愁烦,不肯听他的话。
And Moses spoke thus to the sons of Israel, and they listened not to Moses for faint-heartedness, and for their hard tasks.
10 耶和华晓谕摩西说:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
11 “你进去对埃及王法老说,要容以色列人出他的地。”
Go in, speak to Pharao king of Egypt, that he send forth the children of Israel out of his land.
12 摩西在耶和华面前说:“以色列人尚且不听我的话,法老怎肯听我这拙口笨舌的人呢?”
And Moses spoke before the Lord, saying, Behold, the children of Israel listened not to me, and how shall Pharao listen to me? and I am not eloquent.
13 耶和华吩咐摩西、亚伦往以色列人和埃及王法老那里去,把以色列人从埃及地领出来。
And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, and gave them a charge to Pharao king of Egypt, that he should send forth the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt.
14 以色列人家长的名字记在下面。以色列长子吕便的儿子是哈诺、法路、希斯伦、迦米;这是吕便的各家。
And these are the heads of the houses of their families: the sons of Ruben the firstborn of Israel; Enoch and Phallus, Asron, and Charmi, this is the kindred of Ruben.
15 西缅的儿子是耶母利、雅悯、阿辖、雅斤、琐辖,和迦南女子的儿子扫罗;这是西缅的各家。
And the sons of Symeon, Jemuel and Jamin, and Aod, and Jachin and Saar, and Saul the son of a Phoenician woman, these are the families of the sons of Symeon.
16 利未众子的名字按着他们的后代记在下面:就是革顺、哥辖、米拉利。利未一生的岁数是一百三十七岁。
And these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their kindred, Gedson, Caath, and Merari; and the years of the life of Levi were a hundred and thirty-seven.
17 革顺的儿子按着家室是立尼、示每。
And these are the sons of Gedson, Lobeni and Semei, the houses of their family. And the sons of Caath,
18 哥辖的儿子是暗兰、以斯哈、希伯伦、乌薛。哥辖一生的岁数是一百三十三岁。
Ambram and Issaar, Chebron, and Oziel; and the years of the life of Caath were a hundred and thirty-three years.
19 米拉利的儿子是抹利和母示;这是利未的家,都按着他们的后代。
And the sons of Merari, Mooli, and Omusi, these are the houses of the families of Levi, according to their kindred.
20 暗兰娶了他父亲的妹妹约基别为妻,她给他生了亚伦和摩西。暗兰一生的岁数是一百三十七岁。
And Ambram took as wife Jochabed the daughter of his father's brother, and she bore to him both Aaron and Moses, and Mariam their sister: and the years of the life of Ambram were a hundred and thirty-two years.
21 以斯哈的儿子是可拉、尼斐、细基利。
And the sons of Issaar, Core, and Naphec, and Zechri.
22 乌薛的儿子是米沙利、以利撒反、西提利。
And the sons of Oziel, Misael, and Elisaphan, and Segri.
23 亚伦娶了亚米拿达的女儿,拿顺的妹妹,以利沙巴为妻,她给他生了拿答、亚比户、以利亚撒、以他玛。
And Aaron took to himself to wife Elisabeth daughter of Aminadab sister of Naasson, and she bore to him both Nadab and Abiud, and Eleazar and Ithamar.
24 可拉的儿子是亚惜、以利加拿、亚比亚撒;这是可拉的各家。
And the sons of Core, Asir, and Elkana, and Abiasar, these are the generations of Core.
25 亚伦的儿子以利亚撒娶了普铁的一个女儿为妻,她给他生了非尼哈。这是利未人的家长,都按着他们的家。
And Eleazar the son of Aaron took to himself for a wife [one] of the daughters of Phutiel, and she bore to him Phinees. These are the heads of the family of the Levites, according to their generations.
26 耶和华说:“将以色列人按着他们的军队从埃及地领出来。”这是对那亚伦、摩西说的。
This is Aaron and Moses, whom God told to bring out the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt with their forces.
27 对埃及王法老说要将以色列人从埃及领出来的,就是这摩西、亚伦。
These are they that spoke with Pharao king of Egypt, and Aaron himself and Moses brought out the children of Israel from the land of Egypt,
28 当耶和华在埃及地对摩西说话的日子,
in the day in which the Lord spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt;
29 他向摩西说:“我是耶和华;我对你说的一切话,你都要告诉埃及王法老。”
then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, I am the Lord: speak to Pharao king of Egypt whatever I say to you.
30 摩西在耶和华面前说:“看哪,我是拙口笨舌的人,法老怎肯听我呢?”
And Moses said before the Lord, Behold, I am not able in speech, and how shall Pharao listen to me?

< 出埃及记 6 >