< 申命记 31 >

1 摩西去告诉以色列众人
and to go: continue Moses and to speak: speak [obj] [the] word [the] these to(wards) all Israel
2 说:“我现在一百二十岁了,不能照常出入;耶和华也曾对我说:‘你必不得过这约旦河。’
and to say to(wards) them son: aged hundred and twenty year I [the] day not be able still to/for to come out: come and to/for to come (in): come and LORD to say to(wards) me not to pass [obj] [the] Jordan [the] this
3 耶和华—你们的 神必引导你们过去,将这些国民在你们面前灭绝,你们就得他们的地。约书亚必引导你们过去,正如耶和华所说的。
LORD God your he/she/it to pass to/for face: before your he/she/it to destroy [obj] [the] nation [the] these from to/for face: before your and to possess: take them Joshua he/she/it to pass to/for face: before your like/as as which to speak: speak LORD
4 耶和华必待他们,如同从前待他所灭绝的亚摩利二王西宏与噩以及他们的国一样。
and to make: do LORD to/for them like/as as which to make: do to/for Sihon and to/for Og king [the] Amorite and to/for land: country/planet their which to destroy [obj] them
5 耶和华必将他们交给你们;你们要照我所吩咐的一切命令待他们。
and to give: give them LORD to/for face: before your and to make: do to/for them like/as all [the] commandment which to command [obj] you
6 你们当刚强壮胆,不要害怕,也不要畏惧他们,因为耶和华—你的 神和你同去。他必不撇下你,也不丢弃你。”
to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen not to fear and not to tremble from face of their for LORD God your he/she/it [the] to go: went with you not to slacken you and not to leave: forsake you
7 摩西召了约书亚来,在以色列众人眼前对他说:“你当刚强壮胆!因为,你要和这百姓一同进入耶和华向他们列祖起誓应许所赐之地;你也要使他们承受那地为业。
and to call: call to Moses to/for Joshua and to say to(wards) him to/for eye: seeing all Israel to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen for you(m. s.) to come (in): come with [the] people [the] this to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to swear LORD to/for father their to/for to give: give to/for them and you(m. s.) to inherit her [obj] them
8 耶和华必在你前面行;他必与你同在,必不撇下你,也不丢弃你。不要惧怕,也不要惊惶。”
and LORD he/she/it [the] to go: went to/for face: before your he/she/it to be with you not to slacken you and not to leave: forsake you not to fear and not to to be dismayed
9 摩西将这律法写出来,交给抬耶和华约柜的祭司利未子孙和以色列的众长老。
and to write Moses [obj] [the] instruction [the] this and to give: give her to(wards) [the] priest son: child Levi [the] to lift: bear [obj] ark covenant LORD and to(wards) all old: elder Israel
10 摩西吩咐他们说:“每逢七年的末一年,就在豁免年的定期住棚节的时候,
and to command Moses [obj] them to/for to say from end seven year in/on/with meeting: time appointed year [the] remission in/on/with feast [the] booth
11 以色列众人来到耶和华—你 神所选择的地方朝见他。那时,你要在以色列众人面前将这律法念给他们听。
in/on/with to come (in): come all Israel to/for to see: see with face: before LORD God your in/on/with place which to choose to call: read out [obj] [the] instruction [the] this before all Israel in/on/with ear: hearing their
12 要招聚他们男、女、孩子,并城里寄居的,使他们听,使他们学习,好敬畏耶和华—你们的 神,谨守、遵行这律法的一切话,
to gather [obj] [the] people [the] human and [the] woman and [the] child and sojourner your which in/on/with gate your because to hear: hear and because to learn: learn and to fear: revere [obj] LORD God your and to keep: careful to/for to make: do [obj] all word [the] instruction [the] this
13 也使他们未曾晓得这律法的儿女得以听见,学习敬畏耶和华—你们的 神,在你们过约旦河要得为业之地,存活的日子,常常这样行。”
and son: child their which not to know to hear: hear and to learn: learn to/for to fear: revere [obj] LORD God your all [the] day: always which you(m. p.) alive upon [the] land: soil which you(m. p.) to pass [obj] [the] Jordan there [to] to/for to possess: take her
14 耶和华对摩西说:“你的死期临近了;要召约书亚来,你们二人站在会幕里,我好嘱咐他。”于是摩西和约书亚去站在会幕里。
and to say LORD to(wards) Moses look! to present: come day your to/for to die to call: call to [obj] Joshua and to stand in/on/with tent meeting and to command him and to go: went Moses and Joshua and to stand in/on/with tent meeting
15 耶和华在会幕里云柱中显现,云柱停在会幕门以上。
and to see: see LORD in/on/with tent in/on/with pillar cloud and to stand: stand pillar [the] cloud upon entrance [the] tent
16 耶和华又对摩西说:“你必和你列祖同睡。这百姓要起来,在他们所要去的地上,在那地的人中,随从外邦神行邪淫,离弃我,违背我与他们所立的约。
and to say LORD to(wards) Moses behold you to lie down: lay down with father your and to arise: rise [the] people [the] this and to fornicate after God foreign [the] land: country/planet which he/she/it to come (in): come there [to] in/on/with entrails: among his and to leave: forsake me and to break [obj] covenant my which to cut: make(covenant) with him
17 那时,我的怒气必向他们发作;我也必离弃他们,掩面不顾他们,以致他们被吞灭,并有许多的祸患灾难临到他们。那日他们必说:‘这些祸患临到我们,岂不是因我们的 神不在我们中间吗?’
and to be incensed face: anger my in/on/with him in/on/with day [the] he/she/it and to leave: forsake them and to hide face my from them and to be to/for to eat and to find him distress: evil many and distress and to say in/on/with day [the] he/she/it not upon for nothing God my in/on/with entrails: among my to find me [the] distress: evil [the] these
18 那时,因他们偏向别神所行的一切恶,我必定掩面不顾他们。
and I to hide to hide face my in/on/with day [the] he/she/it upon all [the] distress: evil which to make: do for to turn to(wards) God another
19 现在你要写一篇歌,教导以色列人,传给他们,使这歌见证他们的不是;
and now to write to/for you [obj] [the] song [the] this and to learn: teach her [obj] son: descendant/people Israel to set: put her in/on/with lip their because to be to/for me [the] song [the] this to/for witness in/on/with son: descendant/people Israel
20 因为我将他们领进我向他们列祖起誓应许那流奶与蜜之地,他们在那里吃得饱足,身体肥胖,就必偏向别神,事奉他们,藐视我,背弃我的约。
for to come (in): bring him to(wards) [the] land: soil which to swear to/for father his to flow: flowing milk and honey and to eat and to satisfy and to prosper and to turn to(wards) God another and to serve: minister them and to spurn me and to break [obj] covenant my
21 那时,有许多祸患灾难临到他们,这歌必在他们面前作见证,他们后裔的口中必念诵不忘。我未领他们到我所起誓应许之地以先,他们所怀的意念我都知道了。”
and to be for to find [obj] him distress: evil many and distress and to answer [the] song [the] this to/for face: before his to/for witness for not to forget from lip seed: children his for to know [obj] intention his which he/she/it to make: do [the] day in/on/with before to come (in): bring him to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to swear
22 当日摩西就写了一篇歌,教导以色列人。
and to write Moses [obj] [the] song [the] this in/on/with day [the] he/she/it and to learn: teach her [obj] son: descendant/people Israel
23 耶和华嘱咐嫩的儿子约书亚说:“你当刚强壮胆,因为你必领以色列人进我所起誓应许他们的地;我必与你同在。”
and to command [obj] Joshua son: child Nun and to say to strengthen: strengthen and to strengthen for you(m. s.) to come (in): bring [obj] son: descendant/people Israel to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to swear to/for them and I to be with you
24 摩西将这律法的话写在书上,及至写完了,
and to be like/as to end: finish Moses to/for to write [obj] word [the] instruction [the] this upon scroll: book till to finish they
25 就吩咐抬耶和华约柜的利未人说:
and to command Moses [obj] [the] Levi to lift: bear ark covenant LORD to/for to say
26 “将这律法书放在耶和华—你们 神的约柜旁,可以在那里见证以色列人的不是;
to take: take [obj] scroll: book [the] instruction [the] this and to set: put [obj] him from side ark covenant LORD God your and to be there in/on/with you to/for witness
27 因为我知道你们是悖逆的,是硬着颈项的。我今日还活着与你们同在,你们尚且悖逆耶和华,何况我死后呢?
for I to know [obj] rebellion your and [obj] neck your [the] severe look! in/on/with still I alive with you [the] day to rebel to be with LORD and also for after death my
28 你们要将你们支派的众长老和官长都招聚了来,我好将这些话说与他们听,并呼天唤地见证他们的不是。
to gather to(wards) me [obj] all old: elder tribe your and official your and to speak: speak in/on/with ear: to ears their [obj] [the] word [the] these and to testify in/on/with them [obj] [the] heaven and [obj] [the] land: country/planet
29 我知道我死后,你们必全然败坏,偏离我所吩咐你们的道,行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,以手所做的惹他发怒;日后必有祸患临到你们。”
for to know after death my for to ruin to ruin [emph?] and to turn aside: turn aside from [the] way: conduct which to command [obj] you and to encounter: chanced [obj] you [the] distress: evil in/on/with end [the] day for to make: do [obj] [the] bad: evil in/on/with eye: seeing LORD to/for to provoke him in/on/with deed: work hand your
30 摩西将这一篇歌的话都说与以色列全会众听。
and to speak: speak Moses in/on/with ear: to ears all assembly Israel [obj] word [the] song [the] this till to finish they

< 申命记 31 >