< 申命记 3 >

1 “以后,我们转回,向巴珊去。巴珊王噩和他的众民都出来,在以得来与我们交战。
And we turned and went by the way leading to Basan; and Og the king of Basan came out to meet us, he and all his people, to battle at Edraim.
2 耶和华对我说:‘不要怕他!因我已将他和他的众民,并他的地,都交在你手中;你要待他像从前待住希实本的亚摩利王西宏一样。’
And the Lord said to me, Fear him not, for I have delivered him, and all his people, and all his land, into thy hands; and thou shalt do to him as thou didst to Seon king of the Amorites who dwelt in Esebon.
3 于是耶和华—我们的 神也将巴珊王噩和他的众民都交在我们手中;我们杀了他们,没有留下一个。
And the Lord our God delivered him into our hands, even Og the king of Basan, and all his people; and we smote him until we left none of his seed.
4 那时,我们夺了他所有的城,共有六十座,没有一座城不被我们所夺。这为亚珥歌伯的全境,就是巴珊地噩王的国。
And we mastered all his cities at that time; there was not a city which we took not from them; sixty cities, all the country round about Argob, belonging to king Og in Basan:
5 这些城都有坚固的高墙,有门有闩。此外还有许多无城墙的乡村。
all strong cities, lofty walls, gates and bars; besides the very many cities of the Pherezites.
6 我们将这些都毁灭了,像从前待希实本王西宏一样,把有人烟的各城,连女人带孩子,尽都毁灭;
We utterly destroyed [them] as we dealt with Seon the king of Esebon, so we utterly destroyed every city in order, and the women and the children,
7 惟有一切牲畜和城中的财物都取为自己的掠物。
and all the cattle; and we took for a prey to ourselves the spoil of the cities.
8 那时,我们从约旦河东两个亚摩利王的手将亚嫩谷直到黑门山之地夺过来(
And we took at that time the land out of the hands of the two kings of the Amorites, who were beyond Jordan, [extending] from the brook of Arnon even unto Aermon.
9 这黑门山,西顿人称为西连,亚摩利人称为示尼珥),
The Phoenicians call Aermon Sanior, but the Amorite has called it Sanir.
10 就是夺了平原的各城、基列全地、巴珊全地,直到撒迦和以得来,都是巴珊王噩国内的城邑。(
All the cities of Misor, and all Galaad, and all Basan as far as Elcha and Edraim, cities of the kingdom of Og in Basan.
11 利乏音人所剩下的只有巴珊王噩。他的床是铁的,长九肘,宽四肘,都是以人肘为度。现今岂不是在亚扪人的拉巴吗?)”
For only Og the king of Basan was left of the Raphain: behold, his bed [was] a bed of iron; behold, [it is] in the chief city of the children of Ammon; the length of it [is] nine cubits, and the breadth of it four cubits, according to the cubit of a man.
12 “那时,我们得了这地。从亚嫩谷边的亚罗珥起,我将基列山地的一半,并其中的城邑,都给了吕便人和迦得人。
And we inherited that land at that time from Aroer, which is by the border of the torrent Arnon, and half the mount of Galaad; and I gave his cities to Ruben and to Gad.
13 其余的基列地和巴珊全地,就是噩王的国,我给了玛拿西半支派。亚珥歌伯全地乃是巴珊全地;这叫做利乏音人之地。
And the rest of Galaad, and all Basan the kingdom of Og I gave to the half-tribe of Manasse, and all the country round about Argob, all that Basan; it shall be accounted the land of Raphain.
14 玛拿西的子孙睚珥占了亚珥歌伯全境,直到基述人和玛迦人的交界,就按自己的名称这巴珊地为哈倭特·睚珥,直到今日。
And Jair the son of Manasse took all the country round about Argob as far as the borders of Gargasi and Machathi: he called them by his name Basan Thavoth Jair until this day.
15 我又将基列给了玛吉。
And to Machir I gave Galaad.
16 从基列到亚嫩谷,以谷中为界,直到亚扪人交界的雅博河,我给了吕便人和迦得人,
And to Ruben and to Gad I gave [the land] under Galaad as far as the brook of Arnon, the border between the brook and as far as Jaboc; the brook [is] the border to the children Amman.
17 又将亚拉巴和靠近约旦河之地,从基尼烈直到亚拉巴海,就是盐海,并毗斯迦山根东边之地,都给了他们。
And Araba and Jordan [are] the boundary of Machanareth, even to the sea of Araba, the salt sea under Asedoth Phasga eastward.
18 “那时,我吩咐你们说:‘耶和华—你们的 神已将这地赐给你们为业;你们所有的勇士都要带着兵器,在你们的弟兄以色列人前面过去。
And I charged you at that time, saying, The Lord your God has given you this land by lot; arm yourselves, every one [that is] powerful, and go before your brethren the children of Israel.
19 但你们的妻子、孩子、牲畜(我知道你们有许多的牲畜)可以住在我所赐给你们的各城里。
Only your wives and your children and your cattle (I know that ye have much cattle), let them dwell in your cities which I have given you;
20 等到你们弟兄在约旦河那边,也得耶和华—你们 神所赐给他们的地,又使他们得享平安,与你们一样,你们才可以回到我所赐给你们为业之地。’
until the Lord your God give your brethren rest, as also he has given to you, and they also shall inherit the land, which the Lord our God gives them on the other side of Jordan; then ye shall return, each one to his inheritance which I have given you.
21 那时我吩咐约书亚说:‘你亲眼看见了耶和华—你 神向这二王所行的;耶和华也必向你所要去的各国照样行。
And I commanded Joshua at that time, saying, Your eyes have seen all things, which the Lord our God did to these two kings: so shall the Lord our God do to all the kingdoms against which thou crossest over thither.
22 你不要怕他们,因那为你争战的是耶和华—你的 神。’”
Ye shall not be afraid of them, because the Lord our God himself shall fight for you.
23 “那时,我恳求耶和华说:
And I besought the Lord at that time, saying,
24 ‘主耶和华啊,你已将你的大力大能显给仆人看。在天上,在地下,有什么神能像你行事、像你有大能的作为呢?
Lord God, thou hast begun to shew to thy servant thy strength, and thy power, and thy mighty hand, and thy high arm: for what God is there in heaven or on the earth, who will do as thou hast done, and according to thy might?
25 求你容我过去,看约旦河那边的美地,就是那佳美的山地和黎巴嫩。’
I will therefore go over and see this good land that is beyond Jordan, this good mountain and Antilibanus.
26 但耶和华因你们的缘故向我发怒,不应允我,对我说:‘罢了!你不要向我再提这事。
And the Lord because of you did not regard me, and hearkened not to me; and the Lord said to me, Let it suffice thee, speak not of this matter to me any more.
27 你且上毗斯迦山顶去,向东、西、南、北举目观望,因为你必不能过这约旦河。
Go up to the top of the quarried rock, and look with thine eyes westward, and northward, and southward, and eastward, and behold [it] with thine eyes, for thou shalt not go over this Jordan.
28 你却要嘱咐约书亚,勉励他,使他胆壮;因为他必在这百姓前面过去,使他们承受你所要观看之地。’
And charge Joshua, and strengthen him, and encourage him; for he shall go before the face of this people, and he shall give them the inheritance of all the land which thou hast seen.
29 于是我们住在伯·毗珥对面的谷中。”
And we abode in the valley near the house of Phogor.

< 申命记 3 >