< 申命记 12 >
1 “你们存活于世的日子,在耶和华—你们列祖的 神所赐你们为业的地上,要谨守遵行的律例典章乃是这些:
These are the ordinances and the lawes, which ye shall obserue and doe in the lande (which the Lord God of thy fathers giueth thee to possesse it) as long as yee liue vpon the earth.
2 你们要将所赶出的国民事奉神的各地方,无论是在高山,在小山,在各青翠树下,都毁坏了;
Yee shall vtterly destroy all the places wherein the nations which ye shall possesse, serued their gods vpon the hie mountaines and vpon the hilles, and vnder euery greene tree.
3 也要拆毁他们的祭坛,打碎他们的柱像,用火焚烧他们的木偶,砍下他们雕刻的神像,并将其名从那地方除灭。
Also ye shall ouerthrowe their altars, and breake downe their pillars, and burne their groues with fire: and ye shall hew downe ye grauen images of their gods, and abolish their names out of that place.
Ye shall not do so vnto ye Lord your God,
5 但耶和华—你们的 神从你们各支派中选择何处为立他名的居所,你们就当往那里去求问,
But ye shall seeke the place which the Lord your God shall chose out of all your tribes, to put his Name there, and there to dwell, and thither thou shalt come,
6 将你们的燔祭、平安祭、十分取一之物,和手中的举祭,并还愿祭、甘心祭,以及牛群羊群中头生的,都奉到那里。
And ye shall bring thither your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and the offring of your hands, and your vowes, and your free offrings, and the first borne of your kine and of your sheepe.
7 在那里,耶和华—你们 神的面前,你们和你们的家属都可以吃,并且因你手所办的一切事蒙耶和华—你的 神赐福,就都欢乐。
And there ye shall eate before the Lord your God, and ye shall reioyce in all that yee put your hand vnto, both ye, and your housholdes, because the Lord thy God hath blessed thee.
8 我们今日在这里所行的是各人行自己眼中看为正的事,你们将来不可这样行;
Ye shall not doe after all these things that we doe here this day: that is, euery man whatsoeuer seemeth him good in his owne eyes.
9 因为你们还没有到耶和华—你 神所赐你的安息地,所给你的产业。
For ye are not yet come to rest, and to the inheritance which the Lord thy God giueth thee.
10 但你们过了约旦河,得以住在耶和华—你们 神使你们承受为业之地,又使你们太平,不被四围的一切仇敌扰乱,安然居住。
But when ye goe ouer Iorden, and dwell in ye land, which the Lord your God hath giuen you to inherit, and when he hath giue you rest from al your enemies round about, and yee dwel in safetie,
11 那时要将我所吩咐你们的燔祭、平安祭、十分取一之物,和手中的举祭,并向耶和华许愿献的一切美祭,都奉到耶和华—你们 神所选择要立为他名的居所。
When there shalbe a place which the Lord your God shall chose, to cause his name to dwell there, thither shall yee bring all that I commaund you: your burnt offrings, and your sacrifices, your tithes, and the offring of your hands, and all your speciall vowes which ye vowe vnto the Lord:
12 你们和儿女、仆婢,并住在你们城里无分无业的利未人,都要在耶和华—你们的 神面前欢乐。
And ye shall reioyce before the Lord your God, yee, and your sonnes and your daughters, and your seruaunts, and your maidens, and the Leuite that is within your gates: for hee hath no part nor inheritance with you.
Take heede that thou offer not thy burnt offrings in euery place that thou seest:
14 惟独耶和华从你那一支派中所选择的地方,你就要在那里献燔祭,行我一切所吩咐你的。
But in ye place which the Lord shall chose in one of thy tribes, there thou shalt offer thy burnt offrings, and there thou shalt doe all that I commaund thee.
15 “然而,在你各城里都可以照耶和华—你 神所赐你的福分,随心所欲宰牲吃肉;无论洁净人不洁净人都可以吃,就如吃羚羊与鹿一般。
Notwithstanding thou maiest kill and eate flesh in all thy gates, whatsoeuer thine heart desireth, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God which he hath giuen thee: both the vncleane and the cleane may eate thereof, as of the roe bucke, and of the hart.
Onely ye shall not eat the blood, but powre it vpon the earth as water.
17 你的五谷、新酒,和油的十分之一,或是牛群羊群中头生的,或是你许愿献的,甘心献的,或是手中的举祭,都不可在你城里吃。
Thou maist nor eat within thy gates the tithe of thy corne, nor of thy wine, nor of thine oyle, nor the first borne of thy kine, nor of thy sheep, neither any of thy vowes which thou vowest, nor thy free offerings, nor the offering of thine hands,
18 但要在耶和华—你的 神面前吃,在耶和华—你 神所要选择的地方,你和儿女、仆婢,并住在你城里的利未人,都可以吃;也要因你手所办的,在耶和华—你 神面前欢乐。
But thou shalt eate it before the Lord thy God, in the place which the Lord thy God shall chuse, thou, and thy sonne, and thy daughter, and thy seruat, and thy maid, and the Leuite that is within thy gates: and thou shalt reioyce before the Lord thy God, in all that thou puttest thine hand to.
Beware, that thou forsake not the Leuite, as long as thou liuest vpon the earth.
20 “耶和华—你的 神照他所应许扩张你境界的时候,你心里想要吃肉,说:‘我要吃肉’,就可以随心所欲地吃肉。
When the Lord thy God shall enlarge thy border, as hee hath promised thee, and thou shalt say, I wil eate flesh, (because thine heart longeth to eate flesh) thou maiest eate flesh, whatsoeuer thine heart desireth.
21 耶和华—你 神所选择要立他名的地方若离你太远,就可以照我所吩咐的,将耶和华赐给你的牛羊取些宰了,可以随心所欲在你城里吃。
If the place which the Lord thy God hath chosen to put his Name there, be farre from thee, then thou shalt kill of thy bullockes, and of thy sheepe which the Lord hath giuen thee, as I haue commanded thee, and thou shalt eat in thy gates, whatsoeuer thine heart desireth.
22 你吃那肉,要像吃羚羊与鹿一般;无论洁净人不洁净人都可以吃。
Euen as the roe bucke, and the hart is eaten, so shalt thou eat them. both the vncleane and the cleane shall eate of them alike.
23 只是你要心意坚定,不可吃血,因为血是生命;不可将血与肉同吃。
Onely bee sure that thou eate not the blood: for the blood is the life, and thou maiest not eate the life with the flesh.
Therefore thou shalt not eat it, but powre it vpon the earth as water.
25 不可吃血。这样,你行耶和华眼中看为正的事,你和你的子孙就可以得福。
Thou shalt not eat it, that it may go well with thee; and with thy children after thee, when thou shalt doe that which is right in the sight of the Lord:
26 只是你分别为圣的物和你的还愿祭要奉到耶和华所选择的地方去。
But thine holy things which thou hast, and thy vowes thou shalt take vp, and come vnto the place which the Lord shall chuse.
27 你的燔祭,连肉带血,都要献在耶和华—你 神的坛上。平安祭的血要倒在耶和华—你 神的坛上;平安祭的肉,你自己可以吃。
And thou shalt make thy burnt offerings of the flesh, and of the blood vpon the altar of the Lord thy God, and the blood of thine offerings shall bee powred vpon the altar of the Lord thy God, and thou shalt eate the flesh.
28 你要谨守听从我所吩咐的一切话,行耶和华—你 神眼中看为善,看为正的事。这样,你和你的子孙就可以永远享福。”
Take heede, and heare all these woordes which I commaund thee, that it may goe well with thee, and with thy children after thee for euer, when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the Lord thy God.
29 “耶和华—你 神将你要去赶出的国民从你面前剪除,你得了他们的地居住,
When the Lord thy God shall destroy the nations before thee, whither thou goest to possesse them, and thou shalt possesse them and dwell in their lande,
30 那时就要谨慎,不可在他们除灭之后随从他们的恶俗,陷入网罗,也不可访问他们的神说:‘这些国民怎样事奉他们的神,我也要照样行。’
Beware, lest thou be taken in a snare after them, after that they be destroied before thee, and lest thou aske after their gods, saying, Howe did these nations serue their gods, that I may doe so likewise?
31 你不可向耶和华—你的 神这样行,因为他们向他们的神行了耶和华所憎嫌所恨恶的一切事,甚至将自己的儿女用火焚烧,献与他们的神。
Thou shalt not doe so vnto the Lord thy God: for al abomination, which the Lord hateth, haue they done vnto their gods: for they haue burned both their sonnes and their daughters with fire to their gods.
32 凡我所吩咐的,你们都要谨守遵行,不可加添,也不可删减。
Therefore whatsoeuer I command you, take heede you doe it: thou shalt put nothing thereto, nor take ought therefrom.