< 使徒行传 3 >
And it occurred, as Simon Cephas and John went together up to the temple, at the time of prayer, being the ninth hour,
2 有一个人,生来是瘸腿的,天天被人抬来,放在殿的一个门口(那门名叫美门),要求进殿的人周济。
that, lo, those accustomed to bring a man lame from his mother's womb, brought him and laid him at the gate of the temple called Beautiful; that he might ask alms of those going into the temple.
This man, when he saw Simon and John going into the temple, asked them to give him alms.
And Simon and John looked on him, and said to him: Look on us.
And he looked on them, expecting to receive something from them.
6 彼得说:“金银我都没有,只把我所有的给你:我奉拿撒勒人耶稣基督的名,叫你起来行走!”
Simon said to him: Gold and silver, I have not; but what I have, I give to thee; in the name of our Lord Jesus Messiah, the Nazarean, rise up and walk.
7 于是拉着他的右手,扶他起来;他的脚和踝子骨立刻健壮了,
And he took him by the right hand, and raised him up: and forthwith, his feet and his heels recovered strength.
8 就跳起来,站着,又行走,同他们进了殿,走着,跳着,赞美 神。
And he sprang, stood up, and walked: and he entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.
And all the people saw him, as he walked and praised God.
10 认得他是那素常坐在殿的美门口求周济的,就因他所遇着的事满心希奇、惊讶。
And they knew that he was the beggar, who sat daily and asked alms, at the gate called Beautiful: and they were filled with wonder and admiration at what had occurred.
11 那人正在称为所罗门的廊下,拉着彼得、约翰;众百姓一齐跑到他们那里,很觉希奇。
And as he held fast to Simon and John, all the people admiring ran to them at the portico called Solomon's.
12 彼得看见,就对百姓说:“以色列人哪,为什么把这事当作希奇呢?为什么定睛看我们,以为我们凭自己的能力和虔诚使这人行走呢?
And when Simon saw it, he answered and said to them: Men, sons of Israel, why do ye wonder at this? or why do ye gaze on us, as if by our own power or authority we had made this man to walk?
13 亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各的 神,就是我们列祖的 神,已经荣耀了他的仆人耶稣;你们却把他交付彼拉多。彼拉多定意要释放他,你们竟在彼拉多面前弃绝了他。
The God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Son Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he would have justified him and set him free.
14 你们弃绝了那圣洁公义者,反求着释放一个凶手给你们。
But ye denied the holy and just One, and demanded that a murderer should be released to you.
15 你们杀了那生命的主, 神却叫他从死里复活了;我们都是为这事作见证。
And that Prince of life ye slew; and him, hath God raised from the dead, and all of us are witnesses of it.
16 我们因信他的名,他的名便叫你们所看见所认识的这人健壮了;正是他所赐的信心,叫这人在你们众人面前全然好了。
And, by the faith in his name, he hath strengthened and cured this man, whom ye see and know; and faith in him hath given the man this soundness before you all.
17 弟兄们,我晓得你们做这事是出于不知,你们的官长也是如此。
And now, my brethren, I know that through misapprehensions ye did this, as did also your chiefs:
18 但 神曾借众先知的口,预言基督将要受害,就这样应验了。
and God, according as he had previously announced by the mouth of all the prophets that the Messiah would suffer, hath in this manner fulfilled it.
Repent, therefore, and be converted; that so your sins may be blotted out,
20 这样,那安舒的日子就必从主面前来到;主也必差遣所预定给你们的基督(耶稣)降临。
and times of rest may come to you from before the face of the Lord; and he may send to you him, who was made ready for you, Jesus the Messiah:
21 天必留他,等到万物复兴的时候,就是 神从创世以来、借着圣先知的口所说的。 (aiōn )
whom the heavens must retain, until the completion of the times of those things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets of old. (aiōn )
22 摩西曾说:‘主— 神要从你们弟兄中间给你们兴起一位先知像我,凡他向你们所说的,你们都要听从。
For Moses said: A prophet, like me, will the Lord raise up to you, from among your brethren; to him hearken ye, in all that he shall say to you.
And it will be, that every soul who will not hearken to that prophet, that soul shall perish from his people.
24 从撒母耳以来的众先知,凡说预言的,也都说到这些日子。
And all the prophets that have been, from Samuel and those after him, have spoken and proclaimed of these days.
25 你们是先知的子孙,也承受 神与你们祖宗所立的约,就是对亚伯拉罕说:‘地上万族都要因你的后裔得福。’
Ye are the children of the prophets: and that covenant which God made with our fathers, when he said to Abraham, that in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed,
26 神既兴起他的仆人,就先差他到你们这里来,赐福给你们,叫你们各人回转,离开罪恶。”
he hath first established to you: and God hath sent his Son to bless you, if ye will be converted, and repent of your wickedness.