< 使徒行传 14 >
1 二人在以哥念同进犹太人的会堂,在那里讲的,叫犹太人和希腊人信的很多。
In Iconium the same thing happened. Paul and Barnabas went to the Jewish synagogue and spoke so convincingly that many of both the Jewish and Greek-speaking worshipers trusted in Jesus.
2 但那不顺从的犹太人耸动外邦人,叫他们心里恼恨弟兄。
But the Jews that refused to believe in Jesus stirred up the feelings of the foreigners, and poisoned them against the believers.
3 二人在那里住了多日,倚靠主放胆讲道,主借他们的手施行神迹奇事,证明他的恩道。
Paul and Barnabas stayed there a long time, speaking to them boldly in the Lord, who confirmed their message of grace through the miraculous signs that they were enabled to perform.
4 城里的众人就分了党,有附从犹太人的,有附从使徒的。
The inhabitants of the town were divided, with some supporting the Jews and some the apostles.
5 那时,外邦人和犹太人,并他们的官长,一齐拥上来,要凌辱使徒,用石头打他们。
But then the foreigners and the Jews, together with their leaders, decided to attack and stone Paul and Barnabas.
6 使徒知道了,就逃往吕高尼的路司得、特庇两个城和周围地方去,
However, they found out about it and fled to the region of Lycaonia, to the towns of Lystra and Derbe,
where they continued to share the good news.
8 路司得城里坐着一个两脚无力的人,生来是瘸腿的,从来没有走过。
In the town of Lystra there was a disabled man who was lame in both feet. He had been crippled from birth and had never been able to walk.
9 他听保罗讲道,保罗定睛看他,见他有信心,可得痊愈,
He sat there listening to Paul speaking. When Paul looked directly at him, and realized that the man was trusting in God to heal him,
10 就大声说:“你起来,两脚站直!”那人就跳起来,而且行走。
Paul said in a loud voice, “Stand up on your feet!” The man jumped to his feet and started walking.
11 众人看见保罗所做的事,就用吕高尼的话大声说:“有神借着人形降临在我们中间了。”
When the crowds saw what Paul had done, they shouted out in the language of Lycaonia, “The gods have come down to us looking like men!”
12 于是称巴拿巴为宙斯,称保罗为希耳米,因为他说话领首。
They identified Barnabas as the Greek god Zeus, and Paul as the god Hermes because he was one who did most of the talking.
13 有城外宙斯庙的祭司牵着牛,拿着花圈,来到门前,要同众人向使徒献祭。
The priest of the temple of Zeus that lay just outside the town, brought oxen and wreaths to the town gates. He planned to carry out a sacrifice in front of the crowds.
14 巴拿巴、保罗二使徒听见,就撕开衣裳,跳进众人中间,喊着说:
But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul learned what was happening, they tore their clothes, and rushed into the crowds, shouting out,
15 “诸君,为什么做这事呢?我们也是人,性情和你们一样。我们传福音给你们,是叫你们离弃这些虚妄,归向那创造天、地、海,和其中万物的永生 神。
“People, what are you doing? We are human beings with the same kind of nature as you. We came to bring you good news, so you could turn from these pointless things to a God who is truly alive. He is the one who made heaven, earth, and sea, and everything in them.
In past times he allowed all the nations to follow their own ways.
17 然而为自己未尝不显出证据来,就如常施恩惠,从天降雨,赏赐丰年,叫你们饮食饱足,满心喜乐。”
Even so he still provided evidence of himself by doing good, sending you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons, providing all the food you need, and filling you with happiness.”
18 二人说了这些话,仅仅地拦住众人不献祭与他们。
With these words they barely managed to stop the crowds from offering sacrifices to them.
19 但有些犹太人从安提阿和以哥念来,挑唆众人,就用石头打保罗,以为他是死了,便拖到城外。
But then some Jews from Antioch and Iconium arrived and won over the crowds. They stoned Paul, and dragged him outside the town, thinking he was dead.
20 门徒正围着他,他就起来,走进城去。 第二天,同巴拿巴往特庇去,
But when the believers gathered around him, he got up, and went back into the city. The next day he and Barnabas left for Derbe.
21 对那城里的人传了福音,使好些人作门徒,就回路司得、以哥念、安提阿去,
After sharing the good news with the people in that town, and after many had become believers, they went back to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch.
22 坚固门徒的心,劝他们恒守所信的道;又说:“我们进入 神的国,必须经历许多艰难。”
They encouraged the believers to remain firm and to continue to trust in Jesus. “We have to go through many trials to enter God's kingdom,” they said.
23 二人在各教会中选立了长老,又禁食祷告,就把他们交托所信的主。
After they had appointed elders for every church, and had prayed and fasted with them, Paul and Barnabas left them in the Lord's care, the one that they trusted in.
They passed through Pisidia, and arrived in Pamphylia.
They spoke God's word in Perga, and then went on to Attalia.
26 从那里坐船,往安提阿去。当初,他们被众人所托、蒙 神之恩、要办现在所做之工,就是在这地方。
From there they sailed back to Antioch where they had started out, having been dedicated there in God's grace to the work they had now accomplished.
27 到了那里,聚集了会众,就述说 神借他们所行的一切事,并 神怎样为外邦人开了信道的门。
When they arrived, they called the church together. They reported everything God had done through them, and how he had opened a door for the foreigners to trust in him.
They stayed there with the believers for a long time.