< 列王纪下 12 >

1 耶户第七年,约阿施登基,在耶路撒冷作王四十年。他母亲名叫西比亚,是别是巴人。
in/on/with year seven to/for Jehu to reign Jehoash and forty year to reign in/on/with Jerusalem and name mother his Zibiah from Beersheba Beersheba
2 约阿施在祭司耶何耶大教训他的时候,就行耶和华眼中看为正的事;
and to make: do Jehoash [the] upright in/on/with eye: appearance LORD all day his which to show him Jehoiada [the] priest
3 只是邱坛还没有废去,百姓仍在那里献祭烧香。
except [the] high place not to turn aside: remove still [the] people to sacrifice and to offer: offer in/on/with high place
4 约阿施对众祭司说:“凡奉到耶和华殿分别为圣之物所值通用的银子,或各人当纳的身价,或乐意奉到耶和华殿的银子,
and to say Jehoash to(wards) [the] priest all silver: money [the] holiness which to come (in): bring house: temple LORD silver: money to pass man: anyone silver: money soul: person valuation his all silver: money which to ascend: rise upon heart man to/for to come (in): bring house: temple LORD
5 你们当从所认识的人收了来,修理殿的一切破坏之处。”
to take: take to/for them [the] priest man: anyone from with acquaintance his and they(masc.) to strengthen: strengthen [obj] breach [the] house: home to/for all which to find there breach
6 无奈到了约阿施王二十三年,祭司仍未修理殿的破坏之处。
and to be in/on/with year twenty and three year to/for king Jehoash not to strengthen: strengthen [the] priest [obj] breach [the] house: home
7 所以约阿施王召了大祭司耶何耶大和众祭司来,对他们说:“你们怎么不修理殿的破坏之处呢?从今以后,你们不要从所认识的人再收银子,要将所收的交出来,修理殿的破坏之处。”
and to call: call to [the] king Jehoash to/for Jehoiada [the] priest and to/for priest and to say to(wards) them why? nothing you to strengthen: strengthen [obj] breach [the] house: home and now not to take: take silver: money from with acquaintance your for to/for breach [the] house: home to give: give him
8 众祭司答应不再收百姓的银子,也不修理殿的破坏之处。
and to consent [the] priest to/for lest to take: take silver: money from with [the] people and to/for lest to strengthen: strengthen [obj] breach [the] house: home
9 祭司耶何耶大取了一个柜子,在柜盖上钻了一个窟窿,放于坛旁,在进耶和华殿的右边;守门的祭司将奉到耶和华殿的一切银子投在柜里。
and to take: take Jehoiada [the] priest ark one and to pierce hole in/on/with door his and to give: put [obj] him beside [the] altar (from right *Q(K)*) in/on/with to come (in): come man: anyone house: temple LORD and to give: put there [to] [the] priest to keep: guard [the] threshold [obj] all [the] silver: money [the] to come (in): bring house: temple LORD
10 他们见柜里的银子多了,便叫王的书记和大祭司上来,将耶和华殿里的银子数算包起来。
and to be like/as to see: see they for many [the] silver: money in/on/with ark and to ascend: rise secretary [the] king and [the] priest [the] great: large and to confine and to count [obj] [the] silver: money [the] to find house: temple LORD
11 把所平的银子交给督工的,就是耶和华殿里办事的人;他们把银子转交修理耶和华殿的木匠和工人,
and to give: give [obj] [the] silver: money [the] to measure upon (hand *Q(K)*) to make: [do] [the] work ([the] to reckon: overseer *Q(K)*) house: temple LORD and to come out: send him to/for artificer [the] tree: carpenter and to/for to build [the] to make: do house: temple LORD
12 并瓦匠、石匠,又买木料和凿成的石头,修理耶和华殿的破坏之处,以及修理殿的各样使用。
and to/for to wall up/off and to/for to hew [the] stone and to/for to buy tree: wood and stone hewing to/for to strengthen: strengthen [obj] breach house: temple LORD and to/for all which to come out: issue upon [the] house: home to/for to strengthen: strengthen
13 但那奉到耶和华殿的银子,没有用以做耶和华殿里的银杯、蜡剪、碗、号,和别样的金银器皿,
surely not to make house: temple LORD basin silver: money snuffer bowl trumpet all article/utensil gold and article/utensil silver: money from [the] silver: money [the] to come (in): bring house: temple LORD
14 乃将那银子交给督工的人修理耶和华的殿;
for to/for to make: [do] [the] work to give: give him and to strengthen: strengthen in/on/with him [obj] house: temple LORD
15 且将银子交给办事的人转交做工的人,不与他们算账,因为他们办事诚实。
and not to devise: count with [the] human which to give: give [obj] [the] silver: money upon hand their to/for to give: pay to/for to make: do [the] work for in/on/with faithfulness they(masc.) to make: do
16 惟有赎愆祭、赎罪祭的银子没有奉到耶和华的殿,都归祭司。
silver: money guilt (offering) and silver: money sin: sin offering not to come (in): bring house: temple LORD to/for priest to be
17 那时,亚兰王哈薛上来攻打迦 特,攻取了,就定意上来攻打耶路撒冷。
then to ascend: rise Hazael king Syria and to fight upon Gath and to capture her and to set: make Hazael face his to/for to ascend: rise upon Jerusalem
18 犹大王约阿施将他列祖犹大王约沙法、约兰、亚哈谢所分别为圣的物和自己所分别为圣的物,并耶和华殿与王宫府库里所有的金子都送给亚兰王哈薛;哈薛就不上耶路撒冷来了。
and to take: take Jehoash king Judah [obj] all [the] holiness which to consecrate: dedicate Jehoshaphat and Jehoram and Ahaziah father his king Judah and [obj] holiness his and [obj] all [the] gold [the] to find in/on/with treasure house: temple LORD and house: home [the] king and to send: depart to/for Hazael king Syria and to ascend: rise from upon Jerusalem
19 约阿施其余的事,凡他所行的都写在犹大列王记上。
and remainder word: deed Joash and all which to make: do not they(masc.) to write upon scroll: book word: deed [the] day to/for king Judah
20 约阿施的臣仆起来背叛,在下悉拉的米罗宫那里将他杀了。
and to arise: rise servant/slave his and to conspire conspiracy and to smite [obj] Joash Beth-millo Beth-millo [the] to go down Silla
21 杀他的那臣仆就是示米押的儿子约撒甲和朔默的儿子约萨拔。众人将他葬在大卫城他列祖的坟地里。他儿子亚玛谢接续他作王。
and Jozacar son: child Shimeath and Jehozabad son: child Shomer servant/slave his to smite him and to die and to bury [obj] him with father his in/on/with city David and to reign Amaziah son: child his underneath: instead him

< 列王纪下 12 >