< 哥林多后书 6 >
As co-workers with him, we beseech you, that you receive not the grace of God in vain:
2 因为他说:“在悦纳的时候,我应允了你;在拯救的日子,我搭救了你。”看哪,现在正是悦纳的时候!现在正是拯救的日子;
(for he says: I have heard thee in an acceptable time, and in the day of salvation I have helped thee. Behold, now is the acceptable time; behold, now is the day of salvation: )
for we put no stumbling-block in any man’s way, in order that this ministry may not be blamed;
4 反倒在各样的事上表明自己是 神的用人,就如在许多的忍耐、患难、穷乏、困苦、
but in all things we commend ourselves as the ministers of God, in much suffering, in afflictions, in distresses, in straits,
in stripes, in prisons, in commotions, in labors, in watchings, in fastings;
6 廉洁、知识、恒忍、恩慈、圣灵的感化、无伪的爱心、
by purity, by knowledge, by long forbearance, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by love unfeigned,
by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,
8 荣耀、羞辱,恶名、美名;似乎是诱惑人的,却是诚实的;
by honor and dishonor, by evil report, and good report; as impostors, yet truthful;
9 似乎不为人所知,却是人所共知的;似乎要死,却是活着的;似乎受责罚,却是不至丧命的;
as unknown, yet well-known; as dying, and behold, we live; as chastened, and yet not put to death;
10 似乎忧愁,却是常常快乐的;似乎贫穷,却是叫许多人富足的;似乎一无所有,却是样样都有的。
as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing all things.
11 哥林多人哪,我们向你们,口是张开的,心是宽宏的。
Corinthians, our mouth is opened to you, our heart is enlarged:
12 你们狭窄,原不在乎我们,是在乎自己的心肠狭窄。
you are not straitened in us, but you are straitened in your own affections.
13 你们也要照样用宽宏的心报答我。我这话正像对自己的孩子说的。
That you may repay me in like manner, (I speak as to children, ) be you also enlarged.
14 你们和不信的原不相配,不要同负一轭。义和不义有什么相交呢?光明和黑暗有什么相通呢?
Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? What communion has light with darkness?
15 基督和彼列有什么相和呢?信主的和不信主的有什么相干呢?
What agreement has Christ with Belial? What connection has a believer with an unbeliever?
16 神的殿和偶像有什么相同呢?因为我们是永生 神的殿,就如 神曾说: 我要在他们中间居住, 在他们中间来往; 我要作他们的 神; 他们要作我的子民。
What has a temple of God in common with one of idols? For you are the temple of the living God, as God has said: I will dwell in them, and walk among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 又说:你们务要从他们中间出来, 与他们分别; 不要沾不洁净的物,我就收纳你们。
For this reason, come out from among them, and separate yourselves, says the Lord, and touch not an unclean person, and I will receive you;
18 我要作你们的父; 你们要作我的儿女。 这是全能的主说的。
and I will be to you a father, and you shall be to me sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.