< 历代志下 35 >

1 约西亚在耶路撒冷向耶和华守逾越节。正月十四日,就宰了逾越节的羊羔。
and to make: do Josiah in/on/with Jerusalem Passover to/for LORD and to slaughter [the] Passover in/on/with four ten to/for month [the] first
2 王分派祭司各尽其职,又勉励他们办耶和华殿中的事;
and to stand: appoint [the] priest upon charge their and to strengthen: strengthen them to/for service: ministry house: temple LORD
3 又对那归耶和华为圣、教训以色列人的利未人说:“你们将圣约柜安放在以色列王大卫儿子所罗门建造的殿里,不必再用肩扛抬。现在要事奉耶和华—你们的 神,服事他的民以色列。
and to say to/for Levi ([the] to understand *Q(K)*) to/for all Israel [the] holy to/for LORD to give: put [obj] ark [the] holiness in/on/with house: home which to build Solomon son: child David king Israel nothing to/for you burden in/on/with shoulder now to serve: minister [obj] LORD God your and [obj] people his Israel
4 你们应当按着宗族,照着班次,遵以色列王大卫和他儿子所罗门所写的,自己预备。
(and to establish: prepare *Q(K)*) to/for house: household father your like/as division your in/on/with writing David king Israel and in/on/with writing Solomon son: child his
5 要按着你们的弟兄,这民宗族的班次,站在圣所,每班中要利未宗族的几个人。
and to stand: stand in/on/with Holy Place to/for division house: household [the] father to/for brother: compatriot your son: descendant/people [the] people and division house: household father to/for Levi
6 要宰逾越节的羊羔,洁净自己,为你们的弟兄预备了,好遵守耶和华借摩西所吩咐的话。”
and to slaughter [the] Passover and to consecrate: consecate and to establish: prepare to/for brother: compatriot your to/for to make: do like/as word LORD in/on/with hand: by Moses
7 约西亚从群畜中赐给在那里所有的人民,绵羊羔和山羊羔三万只,牛三千只,作逾越节的祭物;这都是出自王的产业中。
and to exalt Josiah to/for son: descendant/people [the] people flock lamb and son: young animal goat [the] all to/for Passover to/for all [the] to find to/for number thirty thousand and cattle three thousand these from property [the] king
8 约西亚的众首领也乐意将牺牲给百姓和祭司利未人;又有管理 神殿的希勒家、撒迦利亚、耶歇将羊羔二千六百只,牛三百只,给祭司作逾越节的祭物。
and ruler his to/for voluntariness to/for people to/for priest and to/for Levi to exalt Hilkiah and Zechariah and Jehiel leader house: temple [the] God to/for priest to give: give to/for Passover thousand and six hundred and cattle three hundred
9 利未人的族长歌楠雅和他两个兄弟示玛雅、拿坦业,与哈沙比雅、耶利、约撒拔将羊羔五千只,牛五百只,给利未人作逾越节的祭物。
(and Conaniah *Q(k)*) and Shemaiah and Nethanel brother: male-sibling his and Hashabiah and Jeiel and Jozabad ruler [the] Levi to exalt to/for Levi to/for Passover five thousand and cattle five hundred
10 这样,供献的事齐备了。祭司站在自己的地方,利未人按着班次站立,都是照王所吩咐的。
and to establish: prepare [the] service and to stand: stand [the] priest upon post their and [the] Levi upon division their like/as commandment [the] king
11 利未人宰了逾越节的羊羔,祭司从他们手里接过血来洒在坛上;利未人剥皮,
and to slaughter [the] Passover and to scatter [the] priest from hand: themselves their and [the] Levi to strip
12 将燔祭搬来,按着宗族的班次分给众民,好照摩西书上所写的,献给耶和华;献牛也是这样。
and to turn aside: turn aside [the] burnt offering to/for to give: give them to/for division to/for house: household father to/for son: descendant/people [the] people to/for to present: bring to/for LORD like/as to write in/on/with scroll: book Moses and so to/for cattle
13 他们按着常例,用火烤逾越节的羊羔。别的圣物用锅,用釜,用罐煮了,速速地送给众民。
and to boil [the] Passover in/on/with fire like/as justice: judgement and [the] holiness to boil in/on/with pot and in/on/with pot and in/on/with pot and to run: run to/for all son: descendant/people [the] people
14 然后为自己和祭司预备祭物;因为祭司亚伦的子孙献燔祭和脂油,直到晚上。所以利未人为自己和祭司亚伦的子孙,预备祭物。
and after to establish: prepare to/for them and to/for priest for [the] priest son: descendant/people Aaron in/on/with to ascend: offer up [the] burnt offering and [the] fat till night and [the] Levi to establish: prepare to/for them and to/for priest son: descendant/people Aaron
15 歌唱的亚萨之子孙,照着大卫、亚萨、希幔,和王的先见耶杜顿所吩咐的,站在自己的地位上。守门的看守各门,不用离开他们的职事,因为他们的弟兄利未人给他们预备祭物。
and [the] to sing son: descendant/people Asaph upon office their like/as commandment David and Asaph and Heman and Jeduthun seer [the] king and [the] gatekeeper to/for gate and gate nothing to/for them to/for to turn aside: depart from upon service their for brother: male-relative their [the] Levi to establish: prepare to/for them
16 当日,供奉耶和华的事齐备了,就照约西亚王的吩咐守逾越节,献燔祭在耶和华的坛上。
and to establish: prepare all service: ministry LORD in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to/for to make: do [the] Passover and to ascend: offer up burnt offering upon altar LORD like/as commandment [the] king Josiah
17 当时在耶路撒冷的以色列人守逾越节,又守除酵节七日。
and to make: do son: descendant/people Israel [the] to find [obj] [the] Passover in/on/with time [the] he/she/it and [obj] feast [the] unleavened bread seven day
18 自从先知撒母耳以来,在以色列中没有守过这样的逾越节,以色列诸王也没有守过,像约西亚、祭司、利未人、在那里的犹大人,和以色列人,以及耶路撒冷居民所守的逾越节。
and not to make: do Passover like him in/on/with Israel from day Samuel [the] prophet and all king Israel not to make: do like/as Passover which to make: do Josiah and [the] priest and [the] Levi and all Judah and Israel [the] to find and to dwell Jerusalem
19 这逾越节是约西亚作王十八年守的。
in/on/with eight ten year to/for royalty Josiah to make: do [the] Passover [the] this
20 这事以后,约西亚修完了殿,有埃及王尼哥上来,要攻击靠近幼发拉底河的迦基米施;约西亚出去抵挡他。
after all this which to establish: prepare Josiah [obj] [the] house: home to ascend: rise Neco king Egypt to/for to fight in/on/with Carchemish upon Euphrates and to come out: come to/for to encounter: meet him Josiah
21 他差遣使者来见约西亚,说:“犹大王啊,我与你何干?我今日来不是要攻击你,乃是要攻击与我争战之家,并且 神吩咐我速行,你不要干预 神的事,免得他毁灭你,因为 神是与我同在。”
and to send: depart to(wards) him messenger to/for to say what? to/for me and to/for you king Judah not upon you you(m. s.) [the] day: today for to(wards) house: home battle my and God to say to/for to dismay me to cease to/for you from God which with me and not to ruin you
22 约西亚却不肯转去离开他,改装要与他打仗,不听从 神借尼哥之口所说的话,便来到米吉多平原争战。
and not to turn: turn Josiah face: before his from him for to/for to fight in/on/with him to search and not to hear: hear to(wards) word Neco from lip God and to come (in): come to/for to fight in/on/with valley Megiddo
23 弓箭手射中约西亚王。王对他的臣仆说:“我受了重伤,你拉我出阵吧!”
and to shoot [the] to shoot to/for king Josiah and to say [the] king to/for servant/slave his to pass: bring me for be weak: ill much
24 他的臣仆扶他下了战车,上了次车,送他到耶路撒冷,他就死了,葬在他列祖的坟墓里。犹大人和耶路撒冷人都为他悲哀。
and to pass: bring him servant/slave his from [the] chariot and to ride him upon chariot [the] second which to/for him and to go: take him Jerusalem and to die and to bury in/on/with grave father his and all Judah and Jerusalem to mourn upon Josiah
25 耶利米为约西亚作哀歌。所有歌唱的男女也唱哀歌,追悼约西亚,直到今日;而且在以色列中成了定例。这歌载在哀歌书上。
and to chant Jeremiah upon Josiah and to say all [the] to sing and [the] to sing in/on/with dirge their upon Josiah till [the] day: today and to give: make them to/for statute: decree upon Israel and look! they to write upon [the] dirge
26 约西亚其余的事和他遵着耶和华律法上所记而行的善事,
and remainder word: deed Josiah and kindness his like/as to write in/on/with instruction LORD
27 并他自始至终所行的,都写在以色列和犹大列王记上。
and word: deed his [the] first and [the] last look! they to write upon scroll: book king Israel and Judah

< 历代志下 35 >