< 历代志下 28 >

1 亚哈斯登基的时候年二十岁,在耶路撒冷作王十六年;不像他祖大卫行耶和华眼中看为正的事,
son: aged twenty year Ahaz in/on/with to reign he and six ten year to reign in/on/with Jerusalem and not to make: do [the] upright in/on/with eye: appearance LORD like/as David father his
2 却行以色列诸王的道,又铸造巴力的像,
and to go: walk in/on/with way: conduct king Israel and also liquid to make to/for Baal
3 并且在欣嫩子谷烧香,用火焚烧他的儿女,行耶和华在以色列人面前所驱逐的外邦人那可憎的事;
and he/she/it to offer: offer in/on/with Valley son: child (Topheth of son of) Hinnom and to burn: burn [obj] son: child his in/on/with fire like/as abomination [the] nation which to possess: take LORD from face: before son: descendant/people Israel
4 并在邱坛上、山冈上、各青翠树下献祭烧香。
and to sacrifice and to offer: offer in/on/with high place and upon [the] hill and underneath: under all tree luxuriant
5 所以,耶和华—他的 神将他交在亚兰王手里。亚兰王打败他,掳了他许多的民,带到大马士革去。 神又将他交在以色列王手里,以色列王向他大行杀戮。
and to give: give him LORD God his in/on/with hand: power king Syria and to smite in/on/with him and to take captive from him captive great: large and to come (in): bring Damascus and also in/on/with hand: power king Israel to give: give and to smite in/on/with him wound great: large
6 利玛利的儿子比加一日杀了犹大人十二万,都是勇士,因为他们离弃了耶和华—他们列祖的 神。
and to kill Pekah son: child Remaliah in/on/with Judah hundred and twenty thousand in/on/with day one [the] all son: descendant/people strength in/on/with to leave: forsake they [obj] LORD God father their
7 有一个以法莲中的勇士,名叫细基利,杀了王的儿子玛西雅和管理王宫的押斯利甘,并宰相以利加拿。
and to kill Zichri mighty man Ephraim [obj] Maaseiah son: child [the] king and [obj] Azrikam leader [the] house: home and [obj] Elkanah second [the] king
8 以色列人掳了他们的弟兄,连妇人带儿女共有二十万,又掠了许多的财物,带到撒马利亚去了。
and to take captive son: descendant/people Israel from brother: male-relative their hundred thousand woman son: child and daughter and also spoil many to plunder from them and to come (in): bring [obj] [the] spoil to/for Samaria
9 但那里有耶和华的一个先知,名叫俄德,出来迎接往撒马利亚去的军兵,对他们说:“因为耶和华—你们列祖的 神恼怒犹大人,所以将他们交在你们手里,你们竟怒气冲天,大行杀戮。
and there to be prophet to/for LORD Oded name his and to come out: come to/for face: before [the] army [the] to come (in): come to/for Samaria and to say to/for them behold in/on/with rage LORD God father your upon Judah to give: give them in/on/with hand: power your and to kill in/on/with them in/on/with rage till to/for heaven to touch
10 如今你们又有意强逼犹大人和耶路撒冷人作你们的奴婢,你们岂不也有得罪耶和华—你们 神的事吗?
and now son: descendant/people Judah and Jerusalem you(m. p.) to say to/for to subdue to/for servant/slave and to/for maidservant to/for you not except you(m. p.) with you guiltiness to/for LORD God your
11 现在你们当听我说,要将掳来的弟兄释放回去,因为耶和华向你们已经大发烈怒。”
and now to hear: hear me and to return: return [the] captive which to take captive from brother: male-relative your for burning anger face: anger LORD upon you
12 于是,以法莲人的几个族长—就是约哈难的儿子亚撒利雅、米实利末的儿子比利家、沙龙的儿子耶希西家、哈得莱的儿子亚玛撒—起来拦挡出兵回来的人,
and to arise: attack human from head: leader son: descendant/people Ephraim Azariah son: child Johanan Berechiah son: child Meshillemoth and Jehizkiah son: child Shallum and Amasa son: child Hadlai upon [the] to come (in): come from [the] army: war
13 对他们说:“你们不可带进这被掳的人来!你们想要使我们得罪耶和华,加增我们的罪恶过犯?因为我们的罪过甚大,已经有烈怒临到以色列人了。”
and to say to/for them not to come (in): bring [obj] [the] captive here/thus for to/for guiltiness LORD upon us you(m. p.) to say to/for to add upon sin our and upon guiltiness our for many guiltiness to/for us and burning anger face: anger upon Israel
14 于是带兵器的人将掳来的人口和掠来的财物都留在众首领和会众的面前。
and to leave: forsake [the] to arm [obj] [the] captive and [obj] [the] plunder to/for face: before [the] ruler and all [the] assembly
15 以上提名的那些人就站起,使被掳的人前来;其中有赤身的,就从所掠的财物中拿出衣服和鞋来,给他们穿,又给他们吃喝,用膏抹他们;其中有软弱的,就使他们骑驴,送到棕树城耶利哥他们弟兄那里;随后就回撒马利亚去了。
and to arise: rise [the] human which to pierce in/on/with name and to strengthen: hold in/on/with captive and all naked their to clothe from [the] spoil and to clothe them and to shoe them and to eat them and to water: drink them and to anoint them and to guide them in/on/with donkey to/for all to stumble and to come (in): bring them Jericho Ir-hatmarim [the] Ir-hatmarim beside brother: male-relative their and to return: return Samaria
16 那时,亚哈斯王差遣人去见亚述诸王,求他们帮助;
in/on/with time [the] he/she/it to send: depart [the] king Ahaz upon king Assyria to/for to help to/for him
17 因为以东人又来攻击犹大,掳掠子民。
and still Edomite to come (in): come and to smite in/on/with Judah and to take captive captivity
18 非利士人也来侵占高原和犹大南方的城邑,取了伯·示麦、亚雅 、基低罗,梭哥和属梭哥的乡村,亭纳和属亭纳的乡村,瑾锁和属瑾锁的乡村,就住在那里。
and Philistine to strip in/on/with city [the] Shephelah and [the] Negeb to/for Judah and to capture [obj] Beth-shemesh Beth-shemesh and [obj] Aijalon and [obj] [the] Gederoth and [obj] Soco and daughter: village her and [obj] Timnah and daughter: village her and [obj] Gimzo and [obj] daughter: village her and to dwell there
19 因为以色列王亚哈斯在犹大放肆,大大干犯耶和华,所以耶和华使犹大卑微。
for be humble LORD [obj] Judah in/on/with for the sake of Ahaz king Israel for to neglect in/on/with Judah and be unfaithful be unfaithful in/on/with LORD
20 亚述王提革拉·毗列色上来,却没有帮助他,反倒欺凌他。
and to come (in): come upon him Tiglath-pileser Tiglath-pileser king Assyria and to constrain to/for him and not to strengthen: strengthen him
21 亚哈斯从耶和华殿里和王宫中,并首领家内所取的财宝给了亚述王,这也无济于事。
for to divide Ahaz [obj] house: temple LORD and [obj] house: home [the] king and [the] ruler and to give: give to/for king Assyria and not to/for help to/for him
22 这亚哈斯王在急难的时候,越发得罪耶和华。
and in/on/with time to constrain to/for him and to add to/for be unfaithful in/on/with LORD he/she/it [the] king Ahaz
23 他祭祀攻击他的大马士革之神,说:“因为亚兰王的神帮助他们,我也献祭与他,他好帮助我。”但那些神使他和以色列众人败亡了。
and to sacrifice to/for God Damascus [the] to smite in/on/with him and to say for God king Syria they(masc.) to help [obj] them to/for them to sacrifice and to help me and they(masc.) to be to/for him to/for to stumble him and to/for all Israel
24 亚哈斯将 神殿里的器皿都聚了来,毁坏了,且封锁耶和华殿的门;在耶路撒冷各处的拐角建筑祭坛,
and to gather Ahaz [obj] article/utensil house: temple [the] God and to cut [obj] article/utensil house: temple [the] God and to shut [obj] door house: temple LORD and to make to/for him altar in/on/with all corner in/on/with Jerusalem
25 又在犹大各城建立邱坛,与别神烧香,惹动耶和华—他列祖 神的怒气。
and in/on/with all city and city to/for Judah to make high place to/for to offer: offer to/for God another and to provoke [obj] LORD God father his
26 亚哈斯其余的事和他的行为,自始至终都写在犹大和以色列诸王记上。
and remainder word: deed his and all way: conduct his [the] first and [the] last look! they to write upon scroll: book king Judah and Israel
27 亚哈斯与他列祖同睡,葬在耶路撒冷城里,没有送入以色列诸王的坟墓中。他儿子希西家接续他作王。
and to lie down: be dead Ahaz with father his and to bury him in/on/with city in/on/with Jerusalem for not to come (in): bring him to/for grave king Israel and to reign Hezekiah son: child his underneath: instead him

< 历代志下 28 >